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© Kay Panten
Institut für

SF Seefischerei

Publikationen, referiert

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    Schaber M, Gastauer S, Cisewski B, Hielscher NN, Janke M, Pena M, Sakinan S, Thorburn J (2022) Extensive oceanic mesopelagic habitat use of a migratory continental shark species. Sci Rep 12:2047, DOI:10.1038/s41598-022-05989-z


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    Clapham PJ, Almeida R, Arguedas E, Baker SC, Bell E, Brownell RL, Burkhardt E, Cholewiak D, Cooke J, Cosentino M, Double M, Fruet PF, Gallego P, González AM, Hielscher NN, et al (2017) Supplementary information to: Japan disregards whaling review again. Nature 547(32), DOI:10.1038/547032b

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    Hielscher NN, Malzahn AM, Diekmann R, Aberle-Malzahn N (2015) Trophic niche partitioning of littoral fish species from the rocky intertidal of Helgoland, Germany. Helgol Mar Res 69(4):385-399, DOI:10.1007/s10152-015-0444-5

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