Dr. Sarah B.M. Kraak

Institut für Ostseefischerei
Verstorben im Januar 2022
In memoriam
Projekte und Aufgaben
- Forschung zu alternativen Managementansätzen wie RTI (Real-Time Incentives)
- Erforschung der menschlichen Dimension der Beifangsminderung in der kleinen Kiemennetzfischerei
- Forschung im Bereich Governance im Rahmen der Gemeinsamen Fischereipolitik
- Forschung über menschliche Reaktionen auf alternative Managementansätze
- Simulationsstudien über die Konsequenzen alternativer Fischereimuster
- Mitarbeit in ICES-Arbeitsgruppen (WGMARS, WKAPSIHD, verschiedene "Advice Drafting Groups") und STECF Experten Arbeitsgruppen
- Redaktionsmitglied der Fachzeitschrift ICES Journal of Marine Science
- Ombudsperson für gute wissenschaftliche Praxis
- Anwendung von Verhaltenswissenschaften, wie Verhaltensökonomie und Verhaltensbiologie, um das Fischereimanagement zu verbessern und die Interessen des Individuums (z.B. der Fischer) mit den Interessen der Gruppe (z.B. alle Fischer, die Gesellschaft, usw.) abzugleichen
- Innovatives Fischereimanagement; RTI (Real-Time Incentive) Fischereimanagementsystem
- Management von gemischten Fischereien
- Management Strategie Auswertung (Management Strategy Evaluation, MSE)
- Fischereiinduzierte Evolution (Evolution von “Life History” Merkmalen in befischten Fisch-Populationen)
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
2015-2022: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Thünen-Institut für Ostseefischerei, Rostock
2013-2016: Ehrenamtliche Lehrbeauftragte (Fischereiwissenschaften und Ökologie) an der School of Biological Sciences, Queen’s University Belfast (QUB), Nordirland, UK
2008-2015: “Research fellow” (Fischereiwissenschaften) an der University College Cork, stationiert am Marine Institute, Irland
2007-2016 und seit 2019: Mitglied des STECF
2002-2008: Fischereiwissenschaftlerin in Wageningen IMARES, Niederlande
2001-2002: Lehrbeauftragte in “Behaviour, Ecology, and Evolution” an der School of Life and Environmental Sciences of the University of Nottingham, UK
1998-2001: Postdoktorandin (Verhaltensökologie) am Department of Biology, University of Leicester, UK
1995-1998: Postdoktorandin in der Abteilung Verhaltensökologie, Universität Bern, Schweiz
1989-1994: Promotion Verhaltensökologie, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Niederlande
1980-1988: Studium der Biologie (Diplomstudiengang), Spezialgebiet Ethologie; Nebenfach Meeresbiologie (Botanik und Zoologie), Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Niederlande
Publikationen (peer reviewed, Thünen)
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Kraak SBM (2023) Evolution of EU technical measures for the avoidance of unwanted catch in the light of scientific evaluation and advice from the STECF; the good, the bad, and the ugly. ICES J Mar Sci 80(3):635-646, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsac037
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Johannesen E, Barz F, Dankel DJ, Kraak SBM (2023) Gender and early career status: variables of participation at an international marine science conference. ICES J Mar Sci 80(4):1016-1027, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsad028
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De Castro F, Kraak SBM, Shephard S, Sadykov A, Reid DG, Farnsworth KD (2022) Move and you're dead: commercial trawl fisheries select for fish that don't move far. ICES J Mar Sci 79(6):1742-1752, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsac104
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Wieczorek AM, Schadeberg A, Krogh Hallin J, van Putten I, Kraak SBM, Richter A, Clay PM, Goti-Aralucea L, Pedreschi D, Hamon KG, Dankel DJ, Mackay M (2021) Behavioural economics in fisheries: A systematic review protocol. PLoS One 16(8):e0255333, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0255333
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Pedreschi D, Vigier A, Höffle H, Kraak SBM, Reid DG (2021) Innovation through consultation: Stakeholder perceptions of a novel fisheries management system reveal flexible approach to solving fisheries challenges. Mar Policy 124:104337, DOI:10.1016/j.marpol.2020.104337
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Barz F, Eckardt J, Meyer S, Kraak SBM, Strehlow HV (2020) "Boats don't fish, people do"- how fishers' agency can inform fisheries-management on bycatch mitigation of marine mammals and sea birds. Mar Policy 122:104268, DOI:10.1016/j.marpol.2020.104268
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Barkai A, Kraak SBM, Reid D (2020) OlracRTI : A novel spatiotemporal, ecosystem-based, fisheries management system. J Ocean Technol 15(2):13-21
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Santos J, Herrmann B, Stepputtis D, Kraak SBM, Gökce G, Mieske B (2020) Quantifying the performance of selective devices by combining analysis of catch data and fish behaviour observations: methodology and case study on a flatfish excluder. ICES J Mar Sci 77(7-8):2840-2856, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsaa155
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Kraak SBM, Hart PJB (2019) Creating a breeding ground for compliance and honest reporting under the Landing Obligation: insights from behavioural science. In: Uhlmann SS, Ulrich C, Kennelly SJ (eds) The European Landing Obligation : reducing discards in complex multi-species and multi-jurisdictional fisheries. Cham: Springer Open, pp 219-236, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-03308-8_11
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Belschner T, Ferretti J, Strehlow HV, Kraak SBM, Döring R, Kraus G, Kempf A, Zimmermann C (2019) Evaluating fisheries systems: A comprehensive analytical framework and its application to the EU’s common fisheries policy. Fish Fisheries 20(1):97-109, DOI:10.1111/faf.12325
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Zablotski Y, Kraak SBM (2019) Marine litter on the Baltic seafloor collected by the international fish-trawl survey. Mar Pollut Bull 141:448-461, DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2019.02.014
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Kraak SBM, Velasco A, Fröse U, Krumme U (2019) Prediction of delayed mortality using vitality scores and reflexes, as well as catch, processing, and post-release conditions: evidence from discarded flatfish in the Western Baltic trawl fishery. ICES J Mar Sci 76(1):330-341, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsy129
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Kraak SBM, Haase S, Minto C, Santos J (2019) The Rosa Lee phenomenon and its consequences for fisheries advice on changes in fishing mortality or gear selectivity. ICES J Mar Sci 76(7):2179-2192, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsz107
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Trenkel VM, Kraak SBM, Rice JC, Rochet M-J, Smith AD (2016) Introduction to some alternative methods for providing scientific information for management. In: Edwards CT, Dankel DJ (eds) Management science in fisheries : an introduction to simulation-based methods. London; New York: Routledge
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De Castro F, Shephard S, Kraak SBM, Reid DG, Farnsworth KD (2015) Footprints in the sand: a persistent spatial impression of fishing in a mobile groundfish assemblage. Mar Biol 162(6):1239-1249, DOI:10.1007/s00227-015-2665-1
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Kraak SBM, Reid DG, Bal G, Barkai A, Codling EA, Kelly CJ, Rogan E (2015) RTI ("Real-Time-Incentives") outperforms traditional management in a simulated mixed fishery and cases incorporating protection of vulnerable species and areas. Fish Res 172:209-224, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2015.07.014
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Kraak SBM, Bailey N, Cardinale M, Darby C, De Oliveira J, Eero M, Graham N, Holmes SJ, Jakobsen T, Kempf A, Kirkegaard E, Powell J, Scott RD, Simmonds EJ, Ulrich C, Vanhee W, Vinther M (2013) Lessons for fisheries management from the EU cod recovery plan. Mar Policy 37:200-213, DOI:10.1016/j.marpol.2012.05.002
Publikationen (vorherige)
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Duggan DE, Farnsworth KD, Kraak SBM, Reid DG (2015) Integration of indicator alarm signals for ecosystem-based fishery management. Conserv Lett 8(6):414-423, DOI:10.1111/conl.12177
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Kraak SBM, Reid DG, Codling EA (2014) Exploring the RTI (real-time incentive) tariff-based approach to single-species fisheries management. Fish Res 155:90-102, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2014.02.014
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Spencer PD, Kraak SBM, Trippel EA (2014) The influence of maternal effects in larval survival on fishery harvest reference points for two life-history patterns. Can J Fish Aquat Sci 71(1):151-161, DOI:10.1139/cjfas-2013-0253
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Kraak SBM, Reid DG, Codling EA (2013) Explorations of tactical fisher behaviour under the RTI (Real-Time Incentive) tariff-based fisheries management system using simple simulations. Copenhagen: ICES, 22 p
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Duggan DE, Farnsworth KD, Kraak SBM (2013) Identifying functional stakeholder clusters to maximise communication for the ecosystem approach to fisheries management. Mar Policy 42:56-67, DOI:10.1016/j.marpol.2013.01.023
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Kraak SBM, Reid DG, Barkai A, Meredith G, Felaar F (2013) Olrac-RTI: a new and operational apprach to holistic management of fisheries for multiple commericial species and ecosystem objectives : Part 1. Copenhagen: ICES, 21 p
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Kraak SBM, Reid DG, Gerritsen HD, Kelly CJ, Fitzpatrick M, Codling EA, Rogan E (2012) 21st century fisheries management: a spatio-temporally explicit tariff-based approach combining multiple drivers and incentivising responsible fishing. ICES J Mar Sci 69(4):590-601, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fss033
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Gerritsen HD, Lordan C, Minto C, Kraak SBM (2012) Spatial patterns in the retained catch composition of Irish demersal otter trawlers: high-resolution fisheries data as a management tool. Fish Res 129-130:127-136, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2012.06.019
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Kraak SBM, Reid DG, Gerritsen HD, Kelly CJ, Fitzpatrick M, Codling EA, Rogan E (2011) 21st century fisheries management: a spatio-temporally explicit tariff-based approach combining multiple drivers and incentivising responsible fishing. Copenhagen: ICES, 18 p
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Kraak SBM (2011) Exploring the 'public goods game' model to overcome the tragedy of the commons in fisheries management. Fish Fisheries 12(1):18-33, DOI:10.1111/j.1467-2979.2010.00372.x
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Kraak SBM (2011) Exploring the 'public goods game' model to overcome the Tragedy of the Commons in fisheries management. Fish Fisheries 12(1):18-33, DOI:10.1111/j.1467-2979.2010.00372.x
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Kraak SBM, Hart PJB (2011) Modelling sympatric speciation by means of biologically plausible mechanistic processes as exemplified by threespine stickleback species pairs. Organism Diversity Evol 11(4):287-306, DOI:10.1007/s13127-011-0051-5
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Kraak SBM (2011) Overcoming the "tragedy of the commons" in fishery management. ICES Insight:50-55
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Kraak SBM, Kelly CJ, Codling EA, Rogan E (2010) On scientists' discomfort in fisheries advisory science: the example of simulation-based fisheries management-strategy evaluation. Fish Fisheries 11(2010):2, DOI:10.1111/j.1467-2979.2009.00352.x
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Bogaards JA, Kraak SBM, Rijnsdorp AD (2009) Bayesian survey-based assessment of North Sea plaice (Pleuronectes platessa): extracting integrated signals from multiple surveys. ICES J Mar Sci 66(4):665-679, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsp038
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Kraak SBM, Daan N, Pastoors MA (2009) Biased stock assessment when using multiple, hardly overlapping, tuning series if fishing trends vary spatially. ICES J Mar Sci 66(10):2272-2277
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Machiels M, Kraak SBM, Poos JJ (2008) Biological evaluation of the first stage of the management plan for fisheries exploiting the stocks of plaice and sole in the North Sea according to Council EC(EC) no 676/2007. Wageningen: IMARES, 39 p
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Oostenbrugge HJ van, Powell JP, Smit JPG, Poos JJ, Kraak SBM, Buisman EF (2008) Linking catchability and fisher behaviour under effort management. Aquatic Liv Res 21(3):265-273, DOI:10.1051/alr:2008035
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Ulrich C, Reeves S, Kraak SBM (2008) Mixed fisheries and the ecosystem approach. ICES Insight 45:36-39
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Kraak SBM, Buisman EF, Dickey-Collas M, Poos JJ, Pastoors MA, Smit JPG, Oostenbrugge HJ van, Daan N (2008) The effect of management choices on the sustainability and economic performance of a mixed fishery: a simulation study. ICES J Mar Sci 65(4):697-712, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsn045
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Kraak SBM, Daan N, Pastoors MA (2008) The use of multiple tuning series, each covering part of a stock's distribution area, yields biased stock assessment estimates if fishing trends vary spatially. Copenhagen: ICES, 11 p
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Borges L, Kraak SBM, Bogaards JA, Machiels M (2007) 2006 stock assessment of North Sea plaice using a Bayesian catch-at-age model. Wageningen: IMARES, 20 p
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Bogaards JA, Borges L, Machiels M, Kraak SBM (2007) Bayesian analysis of research vessel surveys: trends in North Sea plaice abundance [online]. Wageningen: IMARES, 25 p, zu finden in <http://edepot.wur.nl/27567> [zitiert am 20.08.2015]
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Kraak SBM (2007) Does the probabilistic maturation reaction norm approach disentangle phenotypic plasticity from genetic change? Mar Ecol Progr Ser 335:295-300
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Machiels M, Kraak SBM, Oostenbrugge HJ van, Rijnsdorp AD (2007) Effort management in a mixed North Sea flatfish fishery [online]. Wageningen: IMARES, 27 p, zu finden in <http://edepot.wur.nl/146624> [zitiert am 23.04.2015]
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Bogaards JA, Borges L, Machiels M, Kraak SBM, Rijnsdorp AD (2007) Fisheries-independent estimates of trends in North Sea plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) abundance: a Bayesian analysis of research vessel survey data. Copenhagen: ICES, 18 p
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Mollet FM, Kraak SBM, Rijnsdorp AD (2007) Fisheries-induced evolutionary changes in maturation reaction norms in North Sea sole Solea solea. Mar Ecol Progr Ser 351:189-199, DOI:10.3354/meps07138
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Kraak SBM (2007) Het verband tussen visserij-inspanning en visserijsterfte [online]. Wageningen: IMARES, zu finden in <http://edepot.wur.nl/43120> [zitiert am 20.08.2015]
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Kraak SBM, Bogaards JA, Borges L, Machiels M, Keeken OA van (2007) Integration of three structurally different stock assessment models in a Bayesian framework [online]. Wageningen: IMARES, 7 p, zu finden in <http://edepot.wur.nl/25655> [zitiert am 20.08.2015]
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Machiels M, Kraak SBM, Bogaards JA (2007) Stock assessment of North Sea plaice using surplus production models [online]. Wageningen: IMARES, 33 p, zu finden in <http://edepot.wur.nl/30086> [zitiert am 21.08.2015]
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Grift RE, Heino M, Rijnsdorp AD, Kraak SBM, Dieckmann U (2007) Three-dimensial maturation reaction norms for North Sea plaice. Mar Ecol Progr Ser 334:213-224
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Grift RE, Heino M, Rijnsdorp AD, Kraak SBM, Dieckmann U (2007) Three-dimensional maturation reaction norms for North Sea plaice. Mar Ecol Progr Ser 334:213–224
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Pastoors MA, Poos JJ, Kraak SBM, Machiels M (2007) Validating management simulation models and implications for communicating results for stakeholders. ICES J Mar Sci 64(4):818-824, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsm051
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Bakker TCM, Mazzi D, Kraak SBM (2006) Broods of attractive three-spined stickleback males require greater paternal care. J Fish Biol 69(4):1164-1177, DOI:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2006.01194.x
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Mollet FM, Kraak SBM, Rijnsdorp AD (2006) Fisheries-induced evolutionary changes in maturation reaction norms in North Sea sole (Solea Solea). Copenhagen: ICES, 22 p
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Rijnsdorp AD, Grift RE, Kraak SBM (2005) Fisheries-induced adaptive change in reproductive investment in North Sea plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)? Can J Fish Aquat Sci 62(4):833-843, DOI:10.1139/F05-039
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Kraak SBM, Bolle LJ, Rijnsdorp AD (2005) The determination of biomass reference points for North Sea plaice: the influence of assumptions about discards, weight, maturity and stock- recruitment relationships. Copenhagen: ICES, 22 p
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Kraak SBM, Daan N (2005) Werkt XSA bij exploitatieniveaus die verschillen in verschillende deelgebieden? : Product A9 van het F-project [online]. Ijmuiden: Nederlands Instituut voor Visserij Onderzoek (RIVO), 12 p, zu finden in <http://edepot.wur.nl/148313> [zitiert am 23.04.2015]
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Dickey-Collas M, Grift RE, Bolle LJ, Kraak SBM (2004) Evaluation of stock assessment models. Ijmuiden: Nederlands Instituut voor Visserij Onderzoek (RIVO), 84 p, RIVO Rapport 23
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Kraak SBM, Buisman EF, Dickey-Collas M, Poos JJ, Pastoors MA, Smit JPG, Daan N, Kell LT (2004) How can we manage mixed fisheries? : a simulation study of the effect of management choices on the sustainability and economic performance of a mixed fishery. Copenhagen: ICES, 26 p
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Kraak SBM, Daan N, Buisman EF, Dickey-Collas M, Grift RE, Bolle LJ, Keeken OA van, Poos JJ, Pastoors MA, Smit JPG, Wilde JW (2004) Samenvatting en evaluatie van het onderzoeksprogramma Bestek 6c, Verbetering rekenmodel voor visquota : Rapport Nummer C072/04. Ijmuiden: Nederlands Instituut voor Visserij Onderzoek (RIVO)
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Quirijns F, Densen WLT van, Jagtman E, Keeken OA van, Pastoors MA, Kraak SBM (2004) Voortgangsverslag F-project : 1 maart 2003 - 31 augustus 2003. Ijmuiden: Nederlands Instituut voor Visserij Onderzoek (RIVO), 16 p, RIVO Rapport 2004
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Oostenbrugge HJ van, Quirijns F, Poos JJ, Kraak SBM, van Hoof L, Pastoors MA (2003) Integraal Economisch en Ecologisch toetsingkader voor de Nederlandse boomkorvisserij (ECOTOETS). Fase 2: relaties tussen visbestanden, CPUE en winst. Ijmuiden: Nederlands Instituut voor Visserij Onderzoek (RIVO), RIVO Rapport 74
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Keeken OA van, Dickey-Collas M, Kraak SBM, Poos JJ, Pastoors MA (2003) The use of simulations of discarding to investigate the potential impact of bias, due to growth, on the stock assessment of North Sea plaice (Pleuronectes platessa). Copenhagen: ICES, 17 p
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Kraak SBM, Pen I (2002) Sex-determining mechanisms in vertebrates. In: Hardy ICW (ed) Sex ratios : concepts and research methods. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 158-177
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Kraak SBM, Mundwiler B, Hart PJB (2001) Increased number of hybrids between benthic and limnetic three-spined sticklebacks in Enos Lake, Canada; the collapse of a species pair? J Fish Biol 58(5):1458-1464, DOI:10.1006/jfbi.2000.1534
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Kraak SBM, Bakker TCM, Hocevar S (2000) Stickleback males, especially large and red ones, are more likely to nest concealed in macrophytes. Behaviour 137(7):907-919, DOI:10.1163/156853900502529
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Kraak SBM, Bakker TCM, Mundwiler B (1999) Correlates of the duration of the egg collecting phase in the three-spined stickleback. J Fish Biol 54(5):1038-1049, DOI:10.1111/j.1095-8649.1999.tb00856.x
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Kraak SBM, Bakker TCM, Mundwiler B (1999) Sexual selection in sticklebacks in the field: correlates of reproductive, mating, and paternal success. Behav Ecol 10(6):696-706
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Bakker TCM, Mazzi D, Kraak SBM (1998) Embryo survival after experimental deprivation of paternal care in a field population of three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus. In: Tagungsbericht 1997 der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL) und der deutschen und österreichischen Sektion der Societas Internationlis Limnologieae (SIL) : Frankfurt am Main, 22. - 26. September 1997 . Krefeld: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie, pp 130-133
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Kraak SBM, Bakker TCM (1998) Mutual mate choice in sticklebacks: attractive males choose big females, which lay big eggs. Anim Behav 66(6):859-866
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Kraak SBM (1997) Fluctuating around directional asymmetry. Trends Ecol Evol 12(6):230
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Bakker TCM, Mazzi D, Kraak SBM (1997) How important is paternal care for the development of stickleback embryos? Verhandl Dt Zool Gesellsch 90:227
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Kraak SBM, Bakker TCM, Mundwiler B (1997) How to quantify embryo survival in nest-building fishes exemplified with tree-spined sticklebacks. J Fish Biol 51(6):1262-1264
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Kraak SBM (1996) 'Copying mate choice': Which phenomena deserve this term? Behav Proc 36(1):99-102
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Kraak SBM (1996) A quantitative description of the reproductive biology of the Mediterranean blenna Aidablennius sphynx (Teleostei, Benniidae) in the natural habitat. Environ Biol Fishes 46(4):329-342
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Kraak SBM (1996) Female preference and filial cannibalism in Aidablennius sphynx (Teleostei, Blenniidae) ; a combined field and laboratory study. Behav Proc 36(1):85-98
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Kraak SBM, Weissing FJ (1996) Female preference for nests with many eggs: a cost-benefit analysis of female choice in fish with paternal care. Behav Ecol 7(3):353-361
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Kraak SBM, Mundwiler B (1996) Field data ion the duration of egg collecting phase of the nesting cycle of the Three-spined Stickleback. Revue Suisse Zool 103:787
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Kraak SBM, Groothuis TGG (1994) Female preference preferenced for nests with eggs is based on the presence of the eggs themselves. Behaviour 131(3-4):189-206
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Kraak SBM, Looze EMA de (1992) A new hypothesis on the evolution of sex determination in vertebrates; big females Zw, big males Yy. Netherl J Zool 43(3):260-273, DOI:10.1163/156854293X00034
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Kraak SBM, Berghe EP van den (1992) Do female fish assess paternal quality by means of test eggs? Anim Behav 43(5):865-867
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Kraak SBM, Videler JJ (1991) Mate choice in Aidablennius sphynx (Teleostei, Blenniidae); females prefer nests containing more eggs. Behaviour 119(3-4):243-266
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Kraak SBM (1991) The answer: the Aquatic Ape Theory and the Savannah Theory combined. In: Roede M (ed) The aquatic ape : fact or fiction? ; The first scientific evaluation of a controversial theory of human evolution. London: Souvenir Pr, pp 293-296
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Cambridge ML, Breeman AM, Kraak SBM, Hoek C van den (1987) Temperature responses of tropical to warm temperate Cladophora species in relation to their distribution in the North Atlantic Ocean. Helgoländer Meeresunters 41(3):329-354
Weitere Publikationen (Thünen)
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Johannesen E, Barz F, Dankel DJ, Kraak SBM (2022) CM 309: Gender and early career scientist status and differences in participation at an international marine science conference. In: ICES 2022 Theme session R - Scientific advances under ICES Science Plan. ICES Annual Science Conference 2022, Dublin, Ireland [book of abstracts]. Copenhagen: ICES, p 41, DOI:10.17895/ices.pub.21666584
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Casey J, Virtanen J, Bernreuther M, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Ligas A, Martin P, Motova A, et al (2022) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Assessment of balance indicators for key fleet segments and review of national reports on Member States efforts to achieve balance between fleet capacity and fishing opportunities (STECF-21-16). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 253 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/565659
- 2
Krumme U, Meyer S, Kratzer I, Chladek J-C, Barz F, Stepputtis D, Strehlow HV, Kraak SBM, Zimmermann C (2022) STELLA - Stellnetzfischerei-Lösungsansätze : Projekt-Abschlussbericht. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 220 p, Thünen Rep 97, DOI:10.3220/REP1662104969000
- 3
Rihan D, Grati F, Doerner H, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Gascuel D, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Ligas A, Martin P, Motova A, et al (2021) Evaluation of Joint Recommendations on the Landing Obligation and on the Technical Measures Regulation (STECF-21-05). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 369 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/83668
- 4
Hekim Z, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Ulleweit J, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Ligas A, et al (2021) Evaluation of the 2020 Annual Reports for data collection and Data Transmission issues (STECF-21-09). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 100 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/288263
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Ulrich C, Doerner H, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Ligas A, Martin P, Motova A, et al (2021) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - 66th Plenary Report (PLEN-21-01). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 239 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/437609
- 6
Gascuel D, Druon J-N, Barz K, Döring R, Goti L, Kreiß C, Dorrien C von, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Borges L, Jung A, Villasante S, Absil C, Afonso O, Cozzolino M, Dewals J-F, Di Natale A, Gieseler JS, Grati F, Gomez S, et al (2021) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Criteria and indicators that could contribute to incorporating sustainability aspects in the marketing standards under the Common Market Organisation (STECF-20-05). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 123 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/211065
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Stransky C, Hekim Z, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Adamidou A, Armesto A, Bolognini L, Canha A, Currie D, Davidjuka I, Dentes de Carvalho N, Gambino M, Grati F, Ioannou M, Jackson E, Jakovleva I, Kazlauskas E, Koutrakis E, et al (2021) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Evaluation of work plans for data collection (STECF-21-17). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 64 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/744849
- 8
Vanhee W, Motova A, Zanzi A, Hekim Z, Kempf A, Wischnewski J, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Ulrich C, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, et al (2021) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Fisheries Dependent Information - FDI (STECF-21-12). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 230 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep
- 9
Kraak SBM, Winker H, Hekim Z, Haase S, Döring R, Stransky C, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Ligas A, Martin P, et al (2021) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Review of the Technical Measures Regulation (STECF-21-07). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 109 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/790781
- 10
Stransky C, Sabatella E, Hekim Z, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Adamidou A, Armesto A, Cervantes Bolanos A, Currie D, Davidjuka I, de Boois IJ, Grati F, Jackson E, Liontakis A, Mugerza E, Nicheva S, Nord J, Reis DCC, et al (2021) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Revision of DCF Work Plan and Annual Report templates and guidelines (STECF-20-18). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 32 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/748868
- 11
Nielsen R, Guillen J, Virtanen J, Lasner T, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Araujo R, Lamprakis A, Avdic Mravlje E, Borges Marques AC, Brogaard M, Cozzolino M, Danatskos C, Davidjuka I, De Peuter S, Delorme A, Dennis J, Ellis T, Fernandez Polanco JM, et al (2021) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - The EU Aquaculture Sector - Economic report 2020 (STECF-20-12). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 387 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/441510
- 12
Prellezo R, Carvalho N, Virtanen J, Guillen J, Berkenhagen J, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Andersen JL, Avdic Mravlje E, Cano S, Carpenter G, Davidjuka I, Fontaneda-López I, Garcia Caballero E, Guyader O, Hoekstra G, Ioannou M, Jackson E, Kazlauskas E, et al (2021) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) : The 2021 Annual Economic Report on the EU Fishing Fleet (STECF 21-08). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 537 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/60996
- 13
Ulrich C, Doerner H, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Ligas A, Martin P, Motova A, et al (2021) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) – 67th Plenary Report (PLEN-21-02). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 97 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/559965
- 14
Ulrich C, Doerner H, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Ligas A, Martin P, Motova A, et al (2021) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries - 68th Plenary Report (PLEN-21-03). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 167 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/622806
- 15
Moore C, Bertignac M, Bouch P, Brunel T, Dolder PJ, Ezquibela MA, Fallon N, Garcia D, Kelly R, Kokkalis A, Kraak SBM, Lundy M, Mendes H, Orio A, Pawlowski L, Perez Rodriguez A, Sanchez-Marono S, Silva C, Sys K, Taylor MH, et al (2021) Working Group on Mixed Fisheries Advice Methodology (WGMIXFISH-METHODS). Copenhagen: ICES, 53 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(100), DOI:10.17895/ices.pub.6007
- 16
Moore C, Aristegui Ezquibela M, Bertignac M, Bouch P, Britton F, Brunel T, Carlshamre S, Cole H, Dolder PJ, Fallon N, Garcia D, Kalinina O, Kelly R, Kokkalis A, Kraak SBM, Lundy M, Lövgren J, Marcher C, Mendes H, Taylor MH, et al (2021) Working Group on Mixed Fisheries Methodology (WGMIXFISH-METHODS ; outputs from 2020 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, 232 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(39), DOI:10.17895/ices.pub.8040
- 17
Casey J, Carvalho N, Bernreuther M, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Avdic Mravlje E, Bastardie F, Beukhof E, Davidjuka I, Curtin R, Grati F, Guitton J, Ioannou M, Iriondo A, Jakovleva I, Jung A, Le Grand C, Mihanovic M, O’Hea B, et al (2020) Assessment of balance indicators for key fleet segments and review of national reports on Member States efforts to achieve balance between fleet capacity and fishing opportunities (STECF-20-11). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 275 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/414107
- 18
Ulrich C, Doerner H, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Ligas A, Martin P, Motova A, et al (2020) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - 63rd Plenary Report - Written Procedure (PLEN-20-01). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 93 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/465398
- 19
Stransky C, Hekim Z, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Ulleweit J, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Adamidou A, Armesto A, Avdic Mravlje E, Davidjuka I, Grati F, Ioannou M, Jakovleva I, Kazlauskas E, Koutrakis E, Liontakis A, McCormick H, Nermer T, Nicheva S, et al (2020) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Evaluation of DCF Work Plans 2021 and WP/AR templates & guidance (STECF-20-16). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 43 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/623199
- 20
Nord J, Stransky C, Doerner H, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Goti L, Ulleweit J, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Adamidou A, Armesto A, Bell M, Davidjuka I, Degel H, Hekim Z, Ioannou M, Isajlovic I, Jakovleva I, Kazlauskas E, Koutrakis E, et al (2020) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Evaluation of the 2019 Annual Reports for data collection and Data Transmission issues (STECF-20-08). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 95 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/661005
- 21
Polet H, Rindorf A, Konrad C, Vasilakopoulos P, Kraak SBM, Stepputtis D, Döring R, Stransky C, Bastardie F, Basterretxea M, De Carlo F, Feekings JP, Glemarec G, Königson S, Miehault S, Moutopoulos D, Reid D, Rihan D, Sala A, Valeiras J, et al (2020) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Review of technical measures (part 1) (STECF-20-02). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 201 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/734593
- 22
Döring R, Fitzpatrick M, Guillen J, Goti L, Lasner T, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Ballesteros M, Brigaudeau C, Carpenter G, Delany AE, Frangoudes K, Jackson E, Jung A, Kinds A, Kraan M, Malvarosa L, Nicheva S, Pascual-Fernandez JJ, Ribes Moreno I, et al (2020) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Social dimension of the CFP (STECF-20-14). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 101 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/255978
- 23
Ulrich C, Doerner H, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Ligas A, Paloma M, Motova A, et al (2020) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries - 64th Plenary Report (PLEN-20-02). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 127 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/325560
- 24
Ulrich C, Dörner H, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Ligas A, Martin P, Motova A, et al (2020) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries - 65th Plenary Report (PLEN-20-03). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 151 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/148684
- 25
Prellezo R, Carvalho N, Guillen J, Berkenhagen J, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Avdic Mravlje E, Burke B, Carpenter G, Da Rocha JM, Davidjuka I, Fernandez-Martinez M, Gambino M, Hoekstra G, Ioannou M, Jackson E, Jeppe H, Jung A, Kazlauskas E, et al (2020) The 2020 Annual Economic Report on the EU Fishing Fleet (STECF 20-06). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 430 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/500525
- 26
Reid D, Voss R, Wall Andersen M, Asmussen B, Bergenius M, Cesiuliene J, Clink S, Feldthaus S, Eero M, Gutkowska J, Höglund N, Horbowy J, Keenan L, Kopp A, Köpsel V, Kraak SBM, Margonski P, Neuenfeldt S, Päädam U, Plikshs M, et al (2020) Workshop on the ecosystem based management of the Baltic Sea (WKBALTIC). Copenhagen: ICES, 14 p, ICES Sci Rep 2(54), DOI:10.17895/ices.pub.6084
- 27
Ulrich C, Doerner H, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Döring R, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Kraak SBM, Ligas A, Martin P, Moutopoulos D, Stransky C, et al (2019) 61st Plenary meeting report (PLEN-19-02). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 139 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/31279
- 28
Ulrich C, Doerner H, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Ligas A, Martin P, Motova A, et al (2019) 62nd Plenary meeting report (PLEN-19-03). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 154 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/1597
- 29
Scarcella G, Carvalho N, Bernreuther M, Döring R, Stransky C, Kraak SBM, Accadia PR, Avdic Mravlje E, Bastardie F, Casey J, Colloca F, Daures F, Davidjuka I, Elliott M, Grati F, Guitton J, Ioannou M, Iriondo A, Jakovleva I, Jung A, et al (2019) Assessment of balance indicators for key fleet segments and review of national reports on Member States efforts to achieve balance between fleet capacity and fishing opportunities (STECF-19-13). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 398 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/300448
- 30
Stransky C, Sala A, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Döring R, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Kraak SBM, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Lasner T, Marohn L, Ulleweit J, et al (2019) Evaluation of DCF work plans 2020-2021 and data transmission issues (STECF-19-18). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 52 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/049734
- 31
Sampson DB, Doerner H, Armesto A, Casey J, Ligas A, Lloret J, Mannini A, Panayotova M, Raid T, Ringdahl K, Somarakis S, Stransky C, Vanhee W, Verver S, Worsoe Clausen L, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Döring R, Kraak SBM, et al (2019) Evaluation of mandatory surveys under the DCF (STECF-19-05). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 81 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/2860
- 32
Nord J, Doerner H, Adamidou A, Avdic Mravlje E, Armesto A, Bell M, Berkenhagen J, Davidjuka I, Degel H, Hekim Z, Kazlauskas E, Koutrakis E, Liontakis A, Nermer T, Ni Chonchuir G, Panayotova M, Ulleweit J, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, et al (2019) Evaluation of the 2018 Annual reports for data collection and data transmission issues (STECF-19-09). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 61 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/434566
- 33
Vanhee W, Motova A, Zanzi A, Kempf A, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Adamowicz M, Cano S, Carlshamre S, Casey J, Demaneche S, Dixon S, Egekvist J, Gonzalez Herraiz I, Gomez Suarez F, Gibin M, Jakovleva I, Kavadas S, Kovsars M, et al (2019) Fisheries Dependent Information - FDI (STECF-19-11). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 296 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/230618
- 34
Stransky C, Sala A, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Döring R, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Kraak SBM, Ligas A, Martin P, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, et al (2019) Revision of the EU-MAP and work plan template (STECF-19-12). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 60 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/7457
- 35
Fitzpatrick M, Guillen J, Brigaudeau C, Cozzolino M, Delaney A, Frangoudes K, Gomez S, Lasner T, Liontakis A, Milliken K, Nicheva S, Pascual-Fernandez JJ, Visnic S, Svab J, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, et al (2019) Social data in the EU fisheries sector (STECF-19-03). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 212 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/638363
- 36
Carvalho N, Keatinge M, Guillen J, Accadia PR, Avdic Mravlje E, Berkenhagen J, Blomqvist G, Burke B, Cano S, Carpenter G, Davidjuka I, Döring R, Fitzpatrick M, Gambino M, Guillen J, Hoekstra G, Ioannou M, Jackson E, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, et al (2019) The 2019 Annual economic report on the EU fishing fleet (STECF-19-06). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 494 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/911768
- 37
Malvarosa L, Carvalho N, Guillen J, Goti L, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Avdelas L, Avdic Mravlje E, Brigaudeau C, Cozzolino M, Danatskos C, Davidjuka I, Dennis J, Fernandez Polanco JM, Hoekstra G, Jackson E, Kazlauskas E, Kieliszewska M, Krupska J, et al (2019) The EU fish processing sector. Economic Report (STECF-19-15). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 236 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/30373
- 38
Fernandez C, Bertignac M, Björnsson H, Brooks ME, Brunel T, Butterworth D, Campbell A, Cerviño S, Deroba J, Elvarsson BT, Fischer S, Garcia D, Goto D, Gras M, Hintzen NT, Holmgren N, Howell D, Huynh Q, Kraak SBM, Taylor MH, et al (2019) Workshop on guidelines for management strategy evaluations (WKGMSE2). Copenhagen: ICES, 162 p, ICES Sci Rep 1(33), DOI:10.17895/ices.pub.5331
- 39
Bastardie F, Depestele J, Berkenhagen J, Bitetto I, Callery O, Coleman P, D'Andrea L, Frost H, Goldsborough D, Hamon KG, Hoff A, Holah H, Jørgensen LL, Kraak SBM, Malvarosa L, Martinez R, Norton D, Örey S, Schulze T, Sulanke E, et al (2019) Workshop on tradeoffs scenarios between the impact on seafloor habitats and provisions of catch/value (WKTRADE2). Copenhagen: ICES, 67 p, ICES Sci Rep 1(63), DOI:10.17895/ices.pub.5598
- 40
Stransky C, Natale F, Graham N, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Berkenhagen J, Goti L, Ulleweit J, et al (2016) Evaluation of proposals to revise DCF National Programmes for 2016 (STECF-16-01). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 71 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2788/41585
- 41
Bailey N, Rihan D, Doerner H, Kraak SBM, et al (2016) Methodology and data requirements for reporting on the Landing Obligation (STECF-16-13). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 95 p, DOI:10.2788/984496
- 42
Prellezo R, Kraak SBM, Ulrich C (2016) Overarching report. In: Research for PECH Committee - The discard ban and its impact on the maximum sustainable yield objective on fisheries : workshop. Brussels: European Union, pp 5-8
- 43
Kraak SBM, Dorrien C von, Krumme U, Nordheim L von, Oeberst R, Strehlow HV, Zimmermann C (2016) The discard ban and its impact on the MSY objective - The Baltic Sea. In: Research for PECH Committee - The discard ban and its impact on the maximum sustainable yield objective on fisheries : workshop. Brussels: European Union, pp 137-194
- 44
Graham N, Dörner H, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Abella JA, Andersen J, Bailey N, Bertignac M, Cardinale M, et al (2015) 49th Plenary meeting report (PLEN-15-02) : plenary meeting, 6-10 July 2015, Varese. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 129 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2788/878866
- 45
Knittweis L, Carvalho N, Casey J, Goti L, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, et al (2015) Assessment of balance indicators for key fleet segments and review of national reports on Member States efforts to achieve balance between fleet capacity and fishing opportunities (STECF-15-02). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 149 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2788/92692
- 46
Knittweis L, Carvalho N, Berkenhagen J, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Goti L, Kempf A, et al (2015) Assessment of balance indicators for key fleet segments and review of national reports on Member States efforts to achieve balance between fleet capacity and fishing opportunities (STECF-15-15). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 160 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2788/99070
- 47
Castro Ribeiro C, Motova A, Berkenhagen J, Ebeling MW, Stransky C, Ulleweit J, Adamidou A, Armesto A, Döring R, Kraak SBM, et al (2015) Evaluation of 2014 MS DCF Annual Reports & Data Transmission (STECF-15-13). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 291 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2788/069049
- 48
Holmes SJ, Kempf A, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, et al (2015) Evaluation of fisheries dependent information (STECF-15-12). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 801 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2788/13683
- 49
Jardim E, Motova A, Finlay S, Brunel T, Casey J, Simons SL, Döring R, Stransky C, Kraak SBM, et al (2015) Evaluation of management plans : Evaluation of the multi-annual plan for the North Sea demersal stocks (STECF-15-04). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 152 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2788/547608
- 50
Graham N, Doerner H, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, et al (2015) Landing obligation - part 5 (demersal species for NWW, SWW and North Sea) (STECF-15-10). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 65 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2788/692447
- 51
Zimmermann C, Kraak SBM, Krumme U, Santos J, Stötera S, Nordheim L von (2015) Research for PECH Committee - Options of handling choke species in the view of the EU Landing Obligation – The Baltic plaice example : study. Brussels: European Union, 100 p, DOI:10.2861/808965
- 52
Castro Ribeiro C, Motova A, Armesto A, Berkenhagen J, Carpentieri P, Davidjuka I, Degel H, Dias M, Ebeling MW, Elliott M, Guillen J, Koutrakis E, Motova M, Moura C, Ringdahl K, Ruiz J, Sabatella E, Stransky C, Kraak SBM, Döring R, et al (2015) Review of DCF National programme amendments for 2015 (the 2013 Annual Report for Bulgaria) & development of the revised DCF Multiannual Programme (STECF-15-01). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2788/191719
- 53
Paulrud A, Carvalho N, Borrello A, Motova A, Berkenhagen J, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, et al (2015) The 2015 Annual economic report on the EU fishing fleet (STECF 15-07). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 438 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2788/307845
- 54
Nielsen R, Motova A, Graham N, Abella JA, Andersen J, Bailey N, Bertignac M, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daskalov G, Delaney A, Döring R, Garcia Rodriguez M, Gustavsson T, Jennings S, Kenny A, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Stransky C, Ebeling MW, et al (2014) The Economic performance of the EU aquaculture sector (STECF-14-18). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 451 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, doi:10.2788/15501
- 55
Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen J, Bailey N, Bertignac M, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daskalov G, Delaney A, Döring R, Garcia Rodriguez M, Gascuel D, Graham N, Gustavsson T, Jennings S, Kenny A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Doerner H, Rätz H-J (2013) 43rd Plenary Meeting report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (PLEN-13-02) : plenary meeting, 8-12 July 2013, Copenhagen. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 123 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep, DOI:10.2788/96228
- 56
Casey J, Doerner H, Abella JA, Andersen J, Bailey N, Bertignac M, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daskalov G, Delaney A, Garcia Rodriguez M, Gascuel D, Graham N, Gustavson T, Jennings S, Kenny A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Rätz H-J, et al (2012) 41st Plenary Meeting Report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (PLEN-12-03). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 112 p, EUR Sci Techn Res Ser
- 57
Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Bertignac M, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daskalov G, Delaney A, Döring R, Garcia Rodriguez M, Gascuel D, Graham N, Gustavsson T, Jennings S, Kenny A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Stransky C, et al (2011) Evaluation of fishing effort regimes deep sea and Western waters (STECF-11-12). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 147 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
- 58
Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Bertignac M, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daskalov G, Delaney A, Döring R, Garcia Rodriguez M, Gascuel D, Graham N, Gustavsson T, Jennings S, Kenny A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kempf A, Stransky C, et al (2011) Evaluation of fishing effort regimes in the Baltic Sea (STECF-11-11). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 110 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
- 59
Simmonds J, Kraak SBM, Berkenhagen J, Cardinale M, Cerviño S, Da Rocha Alvarez JM, Curtis H, Döring R, Eero M, Kempf A, Holmes SJ, Gascuel D, Graham N, Gustavsson T, Jennings S, Kenny A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Stransky C, et al (2011) Evaluation of multi-annual plans for cod in Irish Sea, Kattegat, North Sea, and West of Scotland (STECF-11-07) : This report was reviewed by the STECF during its 37th plenary meeting held from 11 to 25 July, 2011 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 358 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
- 60
Simmonds EJ, Bailey N, Bastardie F, Berkenhagen J, Cardinale M, Cervino S, Da Rocha Alvarez JM, Darby C, Döring R, Eero M, Graham N, Holmes SJ, Jakobsen T, Jantzen K, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kempf A, Maguire S, Nielsen R, Zimmermann C, et al (2011) Impact Assessment of Baltic cod multi-annual plans (STECF 11-05). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 231 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
- 61
Simmonds EJ, Kraak SBM, Bailey N, Bastardie F, Berkenhagen J, Cardinale M, Cervino S, Da Rocha Alvarez JM, Darby C, Döring R, Eero M, Graham N, Holmes SJ, Jakobsen T, Jantzen K, Kirkegaard E, Kempf A, Maguire S, Nielsen R, Plikshs M, et al (2011) Impact Assessment of Baltic cod multi-annual plans (STECF 11-07). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 358 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
- 62
Casey J, Dörner H, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Casey J, Curtis H, Daures F, Di Natale A, Döring R, Figueiredo I, Gascuel D, Graham N, Gustavsson T, Hatcher A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Martin P, Stransky C, et al (2010) 33rd Plenary meeting report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (PLEN-10-01) : Plenary meeting, 26-30 April 2010, Norwich. Luxembourg: European Commission, 109 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
- 63
Casey J, Dörner H, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Balguerias E, Cardinale M, Casey J, Curtis H, Di Natale A, Dobby H, Gascuel D, Gustavsson T, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Martin P, Somarakis S, Stransky C, Vanhee W (2010) 34th Plenary Meeting Report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (PLEN-10-02) : Plenary Meeting, 12-16 July 2010, Copenhagen. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 175 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
- 64
Casey J, Dörner H, Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Balguerias E, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daures F, Di Natale A, Dobby H, Döring R, Figueiredo I, Graham N, Gascuel D, Gustavsson T, Hatcher A, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, et al (2010) Evaluation of revised national programs for 2010 under the data collection framework and review of surveys. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 31 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
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Casey J, Dörner H, Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Balguerias E, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daures F, Di Natale A, Dobby H, Döring R, Figueiredo I, Graham N, Gascuel D, Gustavsson T, Hatcher A, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, et al (2010) Opinion by written procedure : Request for in-year management advice for sandeel in the North Sea. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 16 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
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Kirkegaard E, Doerner H, Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Daures F, Di Natale A, Dobby H, Döring R, Figueiredo I, Graham N, Gascuel D, Gustafsson G, Hatcher A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Parkes G, Stransky C, et al (2010) Opinion by written procedure : Review of scientific advice for 2011 - Advice on stocks in the Baltic Sea. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 29 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
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Simmonds J, Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Daures F, Di Natale A, Dobby H, Döring R, Figueiredo I, Graham N, Gascuel D, Gustavsson T, Hatcher A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Martin P, Parkes G, Stransky C, et al (2010) Report of the STECF development of protocols for multi-annual plan impact assessments. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 50 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
- 68
Casey J, Abella JA, Bailey N, Daures F, Di Natale A, Dobby H, Döring R, Figueiredo I, Graham N, Gascuel D, Gustavsson T, Hatcher A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Martin P, Parkes G, Sabatella E, Somarakis S, Stransky C, et al (2010) Review of scientific advice for 2011 : part 2. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 230 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
- 69
Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey NH, Bertignac M, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daskalov G, Delaney A, Di Natale A, Döring R, Garcia Rodriguez M, Gascuel D, Graham N, Gustavsson T, Jennings S, Kenny A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, et al (2010) Review of scientific advice for 2011 : part 3 ; prepared in draft by the STECF-SG- RST-10-03, Cádiz, Spain 11 - 15 October 2010. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 285 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
- 70
Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Daures F, Di Natale A, Dobby H, Döring R, Figueiredo I, Graham N, Gascuel D, Gustavsson T, Hatcher A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Martin P, Parkes G, Sabatella E, Stransky C, et al (2009) 30th plenary meeting report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (PLEN-09-01) : plenary meeting, 24 -24 April 2009, Galway. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 114 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
- 71
Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey NH, Daues F, Di Natale A, Dobby H, Döring R, Figueiredo I, Graham N, Gascuel D, Gustavsson T, Hatcher A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Martin P, Parkes G, Sabatella E, Stransky C, et al (2009) 31st Plenary Meeting report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (PLEN-09-02) : plenary meeting, 13-17 JULY 2009, Copenhagen. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 127 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
- 72
Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey NH, Daures F, Di Natale A, Dobby H, Döring R, Figueiredo I, Graham N, Gascuel D, Gustavsson T, Hatcher A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Martin P, Parkes G, Sabatella E, Stransky C, et al (2009) 32nd Plenary Meeting report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (PLEN-09-03) : plenary meeting, 9-13 November 2009, Brussels. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 209 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
- 73
Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Balguerias E, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daures F, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Martin P, Parkes G, Polet H, Prellezo R, Sabatella E, Somarakis S, Stransky C, Vanhee W, van Hoof L, et al (2009) Opinion by written procedure - Response to a request from the European Commission on the use of trammel nets in waters less than 600 m depth by way of derogation from Regulation (EC) No 43/2009. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 22 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
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Casey J, Doerner H, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Balguerias E, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daures F, Di Natale A, Dobby H, Döring R, Graham N, Figueiredo I, Gascuel D, Gustavsson T, Hatcher A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Martin P, Stransky C, et al (2009) Opinion by written procedure : advice on Harvest control rules for the long term management of Baltic salmon ; response to a request from the European Commission for complementary information to the opinion delivered by the STECF plenary (STECF/PLEN-09-03). Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 42 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
- 75
Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Balguerias E, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daures F, Di Natale A, Dobby H, Döring R, Figueiredo I, Graham N, Gascuel D, Gustavsson T, Hatcher A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Stransky C, et al (2009) Opinion by written procedure : Evaluation of requests from member states to exclude certain groups of vessels from the effort regime under provision of article 11(2) of Council Regulation 1342/2008 of 18 December 2008. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 25 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
- 76
Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Balguerias E, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daures F, Di Natale A, Dobby H, Döring R, Figueiredo I, Graham N, Gascuel D, Gustavsson T, Hatcher A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Stransky C, et al (2009) Opinion by written procedure : Evaluation of the 'Management Plans for certain fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea' : written procedure. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 78 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
- 77
Casey J, Dörner H, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Balguerias E, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daures F, Di Natale A, Dobby H, Figueiredo I, Döring R, Gascuel D, Graham N, Gustavsson T, Hatcher A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, et al (2009) Opinion by written procedure : STECF advice on sampling strategies in fisheries for blue ling. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 8 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
- 78
Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Balguerias E, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daures F, Di Natale A, Dobby H, Döring R, Figueiredo I, Graham N, Gascuel D, Gustavsson T, Hatcher A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Stransky C, et al (2009) Review for Scientific advice for 2010 : consolidated advice on stocks of interest for the European Community. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 358 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep
- 79
Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen JL, Bailey N, Balguerias E, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daures F, Di Natale A, Dobby H, Döring R, Figueiredo I, Graham N, Gascuel D, Gustavsson T, Hatcher A, Kirkegaard E, Kraak SBM, Kuikka S, Stransky C, et al (2008) Opinion by written procedure - Evaluation of cod catches in ICES subdivision 27 and 28 of the Baltic Sea. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 8 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep