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Die Messung von Tagesgängen der Kohlenstoffdioxid-Flüsse mit manuellen Hauben startet vor Sonnenaufgang (Großes Moor bei Gifhorn, 04:45 Uhr).
© Thünen-Institut/AK
Die Messung von Tagesgängen der Kohlenstoffdioxid-Flüsse mit manuellen Hauben startet vor Sonnenaufgang (Großes Moor bei Gifhorn, 04:45 Uhr).
Institut für

AK Agrarklimaschutz

Referierte Publikationen von René Dechow

  1. 0

    Aiteew K, Rouhiainen J, Nendel C, Dechow R (2024) Evaluation and optimisation of the soil carbon turnover routine in the MONICA model (version 3.3.1). Geosci Model Dev 172(3):1349-1385, DOI:10.5194/gmd-17-1349-2024


  2. 1

    Schlüter S, Lucas M, Grosz BP, Ippisch O, Zawallich J, He H, Dechow R, Kraus D, Blagodatsky SA, Senbayram M, Kravchenko A, Vogel H-J, Well R (2024) The anaerobic soil volume as a controlling factor of denitrification: a review. Biol Fertil Soils: Online First, Apr 2024, DOI:10.1007/s00374-024-01819-8


  3. 2

    Poeplau C, Dechow R, Begill N, Don A (2024) Towards an ecosystem capacity to stabilise organic carbon in soils. Global Change Biol 30(8):e17453, DOI:10.1111/gcb.17453


  4. 3

    Helfrich M, Dechow R, Merl S, Fuß R, Räbiger T, Kühling I, Schlathölter M, Kage H, Flessa H (2024) Winter cover crops decreased soil mineral N contents and increased soil organic C stocks and N2O emission. Agric Ecosyst Environ 367:108985, DOI:10.1016/j.agee.2024.108985


  5. 4

    Grosz BP, Matson A, Butterbach-Bahl K, Clough TJ, Davidson E, Dechow R, Del Grosso S, Diamantopoulos E, Dörsch P, Haas E, He H, Henri CV, Hui D, Kleineidam K, Kraus D, Kuhnert M, Léonard J, Müller C, Petersen SO, Well R, et al (2023) Modeling denitrification: Can we report what we don't know? AGU Advances 4(6):e2023AV000990, DOI:10.1029/2023AV000990


  6. 5

    Poeplau C, Dechow R (2023) The legacy of one hundred years of climate change for organic carbon stocks in global agricultural topsoils. Sci Rep 13:7483, DOI:10.1038/s41598-023-34753-0


  7. 6

    Seitz D, Fischer LM, Dechow R, Wiesmeier M, Don A (2023) The potential of cover crops to increase soil organic carbon storage in German croplands. Plant Soil 488(1-2):157-173, DOI:10.1007/s11104-022-05438-w


  8. 7

    Harbo LS, Schulz G, Heinemann H, Dechow R, Poeplau C (2022) Flower strips as a carbon sequestration measure in temperate croplands. Plant Soil 482(1-2):647-663, DOI:10.1007/s11104-022-05718-5


  9. 8

    Grosz BP, Well R, Dechow R, Köster JR, Khalil MI, Merl S, Rode A, Ziehmer B, Matson A, He H (2021) Evaluation of denitrification and decomposition from three biogeochemical models using laboratory measurements of N2, N2O and CO2. Biogeosciences 18(20):5681-5697, DOI:10.5194/bg-18-5681-2021


  10. 9

    Riggers C, Poeplau C, Don A, Frühauf C, Dechow R (2021) How much carbon input is required to preserve or increase projected soil organic carbon stocks in German croplands under climate change? Plant Soil 460:417-433, DOI:10.1007/s11104-020-04806-8


  11. 10

    Helfrich M, Nicolay G, Well R, Buchen-Tschiskale C, Dechow R, Fuß R, Gensior A, Paulsen HM, Berendonk C, Flessa H (2020) Effect of chemical and mechanical grassland conversion to cropland on soil mineral N dynamics and N2O emission. Agric Ecosyst Environ 298:106975, DOI:10.1016/j.agee.2020.106975


  12. 11

    Maharjan GR, Hoffmann H, Webber H, Srivastava AK, Weihermüller L, Villa A, Coucheney E, Lewan E, Trombi G, Moriondo M, Bindi M, Grosz BP, Dechow R, Kuhnert M, Doro L, Kersebaum KC, Stella T, Specka X, Nendel C, Constantin J, et al (2019) Effects of input data aggregation on simulated crop yields in temperate and Mediterranean climates. Eur J Agron 103:32-46, DOI:10.1016/j.eja.2018.11.001

  13. 12

    Dechow R, Franko U, Kätterer T, Kolbe H (2019) Evaluation of the RothC model as a prognostic tool for the prediction of SOC trends in response to management practices on arable land. Geoderma 337:463-478, DOI:10.1016/j.geoderma.2018.10.001

  14. 13

    Poeplau C, Helfrich M, Dechow R, Szoboszlay M, Tebbe CC, Don A, Greiner B, Zopf D, Thumm U, Korevaar H, Geerts R (2019) Increased microbial anabolism contributes to soil carbon sequestration by mineral fertilization in temperate grasslands. Soil Biol Biochem 130:167-176, DOI:10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.12.019

  15. 14

    Riggers C, Poeplau C, Don A, Bamminger C, Höper H, Dechow R (2019) Multi-model ensemble improved the prediction of trends in soil organic carbon stocks in German croplands. Geoderma 345:17-30, DOI:10.1016/j.geoderma.2019.03.014

  16. 15

    Kuhnert M, Yeluripati JB, Smith P, Hoffmann H, Oijen M van, Constantin J, Coucheney E, Dechow R, Eckersten H, Gaiser T, Grosz BP, Haas E, Kersebaum KC, Kiese R, Klatt S, Lewan E, Nendel C, Raynal H, Sosa C, Specka X, et al (2017) Impact analysis of climate data aggregation at different spatial scales on simulated net primary productivity for croplands. Eur J Agron 88:41-52, DOI:10.1016/j.eja.2016.06.005

  17. 16

    Grosz BP, Dechow R, Gebbert S, Hoffmann H, Zhao G, Constantin J, Raynal H, Wallach D, Coucheney E, Lewan E, Eckersten H, Specka X, Kersebaum KC, Nendel C, Kuhnert M, Yeluripati JB, Haas E, Teixeira E, Bindi M, Trombi G, et al (2017) The implication of input data aggregation on up-scaling soil organic carbon changes. Environ Modelling Software 96:361-377, DOI:10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.06.046

  18. 17

    Hoffmann H, Zhao G, Asseng S, Bindi M, Biernath C, Constantin J, Coucheney E, Dechow R, Doro L, Eckersteen H, Gaiser T, Grosz BP, Heinlein F, Kassie BT, Kersebaum KC, Klein C, Kuhnert M, Lewan E, Moriondo M, Nendel C, et al (2016) Impact of spatial soil and climate input data aggregation on regional yield simulations. PLoS One 11(4):e0151782, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0151782


  19. 18

    Liebig MA, Franzluebbers A, Alvarez C, Chiesa TD, Lewczuk N, Piñeiro G, Posse G, Yahdjian L, Grace P, Machado Rodrigues Cabral O, Martin-Neto L, Aragão Ribeiro Rodrigues Rde, Amiro BD, Angers D, Hao X, Oelbermann M, Tenuta M, Munkholm LJ, Regina K, Dechow R, et al (2016) MAGGnet: An international network to foster mitigation of agricultural greenhouse gases. Carbon Manag 7(3-4):243-248, DOI:10.1080/17583004.2016.1180586


  20. 19

    Wiesmeier M, Hübner R, Dechow R, Maier H, Spörlein P, Geuß U, Hangen E, Reischl A, Schilling B, Lützow M von, Kögel-Knabner I (2014) Estimation of past and recent carbon input by crops into agricultural soils of southeast Germany. Eur J Agron 61:10-23, DOI:10.1016/j.eja.2014.08.001

  21. 20

    Leppelt T, Dechow R, Gebbert S, Freibauer A, Lohila A, Augustin J, Drösler M, Fiedler S, Glatzel S, Höper H, Järsveoja J, Laerke PE, Maljanen M, Mander Ü, Mäkiranta P, Minkkinen K, Ojanen P, Regina K, Strömgren M (2014) Nitrous oxide emission budgets and land-use-driven hotspots for organic soils in Europe. Biogeosciences 11:6595-6612, DOI:10.5194/bg-11-6595-2014


  22. 21

    Henseler M, Dechow R (2014) Simulation of regional nitrous oxide emissions from German agricultural mineral soils: A linkage between an agro-economic model and an empirical emission model. Agric Syst 124:70-82, DOI:10.1016/j.agsy.2013.10.005

  23. 22

    Saathoff W, Haaren C von, Dechow R, Lovett AA (2013) Farm-level assessment of CO2 and N2O emissions in Lower Saxony and comparison of implementation potentials for mitigation measures in Germany and England. Reg Environ Change 13(4):825-841, DOI:10.1007/s10113-012-0364-8

  24. 23

    Siemens J, Pacholski AS, Heiduk K, Giesemann A, Schulte U, Dechow R, Kaupenjohann M, Weigel H-J (2012) Elevated air carbon dioxide concentrations increase dissolved carbon leaching from a cropland soil. Biogeochemistry 108(1-3):135-148, DOI:10.1007/s10533-011-9584-0

  25. 24

    Luyssaert S, Abril G, Andres RJ, Bastviken D, Bellassen V, Bergamaschi P, Bousquet P, Cevallier F, Ciais P, Corazza M, Dechow R, Erb K-H, Etiope G, Fertems-Cheiney A, Grassi G, Hartmann J, Jung M, Lathiere J, Lohila A, Mayorga E, et al (2012) The European land and inland water CO2, CO, CH4 and N2O balance between 2001 and 2005. Biogeosciences 9:3357-3380, DOI:10.5194/bg-9-3357-2012


  26. 25

    Dechow R, Freibauer A (2011) Assessment of German nitrous oxide emissions using empirical modelling approaches. Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst 91(3):235-254, DOI:10.1007/s10705-011-9458-9

  27. 26

    Leip A, Busto M, Corazza M, Bergamaschi P, Koeble R, Dechow R, Monni S, de Vries W (2011) Estimation of N2O fluxes at the regional scale: data, models, challenges. Curr Opinion Environ Sust 3(5):328-338, doi:10.1016/j.cosust.2011.07.002

  28. 27

    Ciais P, Wattenbach M, Vuichard N, Smith P, Piao SL, Don A, Luyssaert S, Janssens IA, Bondeau A, Dechow R, Leip A, Smith PC, Beer C, Werff GR van der, Gervois S, van Oost K, Tomelleri E, Freibauer A, Schulze E-D (2010) The European carbon balance. Part 2: croplands. Global Change Biol 16(5):1409-1428, DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.02055.x

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