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Ein Holztransporter voll beladen mit Baumstämmen fährt in einem Wald über eine sehr einfache Holzbrücke.
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Ein Holztransporter voll beladen mit Baumstämmen fährt in einem Wald über eine sehr einfache Holzbrücke.
Institut für

WF Waldwirtschaft

Alle Veröffentlichungen von PD Dr. Sven Günter von 2014 bis heute

  1. 0

    Fischer R, Schier F, Zhunusova E, Günter S, Iost S, Schweinle J, Weimar H, Dieter M (2024) Ausweitung von Waldschutzgebieten in Europa gefährdet die Biodiversität global. Hamburg: Thünen-Institut für Waldwirtschaft, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2024/07, DOI:10.3220/PB1708672364000


  2. 1

    Fischer R, Schier F, Zhunusova E, Günter S, Iost S, Schweinle J, Weimar H, Dieter M (2024) Expansion of forest protection areas in Europe endangers biodiversity globally. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of Forestry, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2024/07a, DOI:10.3220/PB1708672725000


  3. 2

    Aleeje A, Ahimbisibwe V, Bolte A, Wellbrock N, Ehbrecht M, Günter S, Dieter M, Mitlöhner R, Stanturf J, Höhl M (2024) Forest restoration strategies, ecosystem service delivery and trade-offs at site and landscape level in Ethiopia. In: Forests & society towards 2050 : 26th IUFRO World Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 June 2024 ; Book of abstracts. p 573


  4. 3

    Kübler D, Günter S (2024) Influence of silvicultural scenarios on potential forest use, carbon storage and biodiversity in tropical forest landscapes. In: Forests & society towards 2050 : 26th IUFRO World Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 June 2024 ; Book of abstracts. p 790


  5. 4

    Günter S, Ribeiro N, Kamoto J (2024) Introduction to the session poverty alleviation and forest integrity in tropical dry forests. In: Forests & society towards 2050 : 26th IUFRO World Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 June 2024 ; Book of abstracts. p 2949


  6. 5

    Gordillo Vera F, Elsasser P, Günter S (2024) LaForeT-PES survey data [Datenpublikation] [online]. 1 SAV file, 3XLSX files, 5 DOCX files. Göttingen: OpenAgrar, zu finden in <https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00098397> [zitiert am 11.09.2024], DOI:10.3220/DATA20240813141517-0

  7. 6

    Günter S (2024) Landscape forestry in the tropics: moderating between close-to-nature and close-to-people-paradigms? In: Forests & society towards 2050 : 26th IUFRO World Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 June 2024 ; Book of abstracts. p 318


  8. 7

    Fischer R, Zhunusova E, Günter S, Iost S, Schier F, Schweinle J, Weimar H, Dieter M (2024) Leakage of biodiversity risks under the European Union Biodiversity Strategy 2030. Conserv Biol 38(3):e14235, DOI:10.1111/cobi.14235


  9. 8

    Fischer R, Ferrer Velasco R, Kabwe G, Kanungwe-Kalaba F, Günter S, Gumbo DJ, Jany C, Lajonez DA, Lippe M, Mangabat C, Mfuni T, Moombe K, Peters F, Sales-Come R, Tamayo-Cordero F, Torres B, Zhunusova E (2024) Open geodata of the LaForeT project landscapes in Ecuador, the Philippines and Zambia. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 18 p, Thünen Working Paper 236, DOI:10.3220/WP1711611740000


  10. 9

    Schier F, Fischer R, Zhunusova E, Günter S, Iost S, Schweinle J, Weimar H, Dieter M (2024) Potential leakage of biodiversity risks under the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030. In: Forests & society towards 2050 : 26th IUFRO World Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 June 2024 ; Book of abstracts. p 639


  11. 10

    Holler S, Kübler D, Conrad O, Schmitz O, Bonannella C, Hengl T, Böhner J, Günter S, Lippe M (2024) Quo vadis, smallholder forest landscape? An introduction to the LPB-RAP model. PLoS One 19(2):e0297439, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0297439


  12. 11

    Ahimbisibwe V, Zhunusova E, Kassa H, Günter S (2024) Technical efficiency drivers of farmer-led restoration strategies, and how substantial is the unrealised potential for farm output? Agric Syst 213:103799, DOI:10.1016/j.agsy.2023.103799

  13. 12

    Peters F, Lippe M, Eguiguren P, Günter S (2023) Forest ecosystem services at landscape level - Why forest transition matters? [online] Forest Ecol Manag 534:120782, zu finden in <https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378112723000154> [zitiert am 28.02.2023], DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2023.120782


  14. 13

    Peters F, Lippe M, Eguiguren P, Günter S (2023) From intact forests to agricultural-forest mosaics: implications of a landscape gradient for ecosystem services in the tropics. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of Forestry, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2023/32a, DOI:10.3220/PB1689666084000


  15. 14

    Cabrera O, Ramón P, Stimm B, Günter S, Mosandl R (2023) Functional traits and local environmental conditions determine tropical rain forest types at microscale level in Southern Ecuador. Diversity 15(3):420, DOI:10.3390/d15030420


  16. 15

    Sadeghi A, Zhunusova E, Günter S, Dieter M (2023) Households' livelihood in restricted forest landscapes: What is the impact of contextual factors? Forest Pol Econ 154:103008, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2023.103008

  17. 16

    Fischer R, Caraan R, Gayagay, R, Günter S, Kabwe G, Mangabat C, Nansikombi H, Tamayo F (2023) LaForeT Governance assessments : Geospatial governance data of the LaForeT project [Datenpublikation] [online]. 1 GeoPackage file, 1 CSV file. Göttingen: OpenAgrar, zu finden in <https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00092841> [zitiert am 10.04.2024], DOI:10.3220/DATA20240213131340-0

  18. 17

    Ferrer Velasco R, Lippe M, Günter S, Jany C, Mfuni T, Rebuyas RS, Tamayo F, Fischer R, Eguiguren P, Kazungu M, Nansikombi H, Ojeda Luna T, Wiebe P (2023) LaForeT Ground control points and Landscape borders [Datenpublikation] [online]. 2 GeoPackage files, 2 CSV files. Göttingen: OpenAgrar, zu finden in <https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00092843> [zitiert am 10.04.2024], DOI:10.3220/DATA20240213131557-0

  19. 18

    Peters F, Fischer R, Günter S, Eguiguren P, Jany C, Mfuni T, Schröder J-M, Veridiano RKA (2023) LaForeT Inventories : Forest inventory data of the LaForeT project [Datenpublikation] [online]. 1 GeoPackage file, 1 CSV file. Göttingen: OpenAgrar, zu finden in <https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00092849> [zitiert am 10.04.2024], DOI:10.3220/DATA20240213131425-0

  20. 19

    Lippe M, Ferrer Velasco R, Yang AL, Caraan R, Gayagay, R, Günter S, Kabwe G, Mangabat C, Nansikombi H, Sales-Come R, Tamayo F, Fischer R (2023) LaForeT Land cover and land use polygons from participatory mapping [Datenpublikation] [online]. 2 GeoPackage files, 2 CSV files. Göttingen: OpenAgrar, zu finden in <https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00092852> [zitiert am 10.04.2024], DOI:10.3220/DATA20240213131637-0

  21. 20

    Zhunusova E, Kazungu M, Ojeda Luna T, Wiebe P, Sadeghi A, Ferrer Velasco R, Günter S, Kabwe G, Jany C, Lippe M, Mangabat C, Sales-Come R, Torres B, Fischer R (2023) LaForeT Livelihoods : Livelihood data based on a transnational household survey of the LaForeT project [Datenpublikation] [online]. 1 GeoPackage file, 1 CSV file. Göttingen: OpenAgrar, zu finden in <https://www.openagrar.de/receive/openagrar_mods_00092842> [zitiert am 10.04.2024], DOI:10.3220/DATA20240213131502-0

  22. 21

    Ferrer Velasco R, Lippe M, Fischer R, Torres B, Tamayo F, Kanungwe Kalaba F, Kaoma H, Bugayong L, Günter S (2023) Reconciling policy instruments with drivers of deforestation and forest degradation : cross-scale analysis of stakeholder perceptions in tropical countries. Sci Rep 13:2180, DOI:10.1038/s41598-023-29417-y


  23. 22

    Peters F, Lippe M, Eguiguren P, Günter S (2023) Von Naturwäldern zu Agrar-Wald-Mosaiken: Auswirkungen eines Landschaftsgradienten auf Ökosystemleistungen in tropischen Wäldern. Hamburg: Thünen-Institut für Waldwirtschaft, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2023/32, DOI:10.3220/PB1689665217000


  24. 23

    Sarker PK, Fischer R, Tamayo F, Torres Navarrete B, Günter S (2022) Analyzing forest policy mixes based on the coherence of policies and the consistency of legislative policy instruments: A case study from Ecuador. Forest Pol Econ 144:102838, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2022.102838

  25. 24

    Fischer R, Zhunusova E, Günter S (2022) Auswirkungen auf die Ökosysteme und deren globale Wirkungen in den mutmaßlichen Exportländern. Mat LWF 17:54-60

  26. 25

    Toledo-Aceves T, Günter S, Guariguata MR, Garcia-Diaz M, Zhunusova E (2022) Financial revenues from timber harvesting in secondary cloud forests: a case study from Mexico. Forests 13(9):1496, DOI:10.3390/f13091496


  27. 26

    Weber R, Lippe M, Tamayo F, Mfuni T, Come R, Mangabat C, Schneider T, Günter S (2022) How "good" are forest maps in the tropics? Hamburg: Thünen Institute of Forestry, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2022/19a, DOI:10.3220/PB1652856131000


  28. 27

    Weber R, Lippe M, Günter S (2022) Mapping tropical forests: implications and challenges for deforested landscapes and forest restoration. Examples from Zambia, Ecuador and Philippines : [paper for] XV World Forestry Congress, Coex, Soul, Republic of Korea, 2-6 May 2022. 9 p

  29. 28

    Zhunusova E, Ahimbisibwe V, Sen LTH, Sadeghi A, Toledo-Aceves T, Kabwe G, Günter S (2022) Potential impacts of the proposed EU regulation on deforestation-free supply chains on smallholders, indigenous peoples, and local communities in producer countries outside the EU. Forest Pol Econ 143:102817, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2022.102817

  30. 29

    Toledo-Aceves T, López-Barrera F, Vásquez-Reyes V, Günter S (2022) Restoration of tropical montane cloud forest in bracken dominated pastures: The role of nurse shrubs. Forest Ecol Manag 508:120055, DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2022.120055

  31. 30

    Lippe M, Rummel L, Günter S (2022) Simulating land use and land cover change under contrasting levels of policy enforcement and its spatially-explicit impact on tropical forest landscapes in Ecuador. Land Use Pol 119(Aug. 2022):106207, DOI:10.1016/j.landusepol.2022.106207

  32. 31

    Zhunusova E, Lippe M, Yang AL, Günter S (2022) The implications of remittances for agricultural land use and fuelwood collection: Evidence from the remaining forested landscapes in the Philippines. Environ Res Lett 17(2):024041, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/ac44c4


  33. 32

    Ferrer Velasco R, Lippe M, Tamayo F, Mfuni T, Sales-Come R, Mangabat C, Schneider T, Günter S (2022) Towards accurate mapping of forest in tropical landscapes: A comparison of datasets on how forest transition matters. Remote Sens Environ 274:112997, DOI:10.1016/j.rse.2022.112997


  34. 33

    Wiebe P, Zhunusova E, Lippe M, Ferrer Velasco R, Günter S (2022) What is the contribution of forest-related income to rural livelihood strategies in the Philippines' remaining forested landscapes? Forest Pol Econ 135:102658, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2021.102658


  35. 34

    Weber R, Lippe M, Tamayo F, Mfuni T, Come R, Mangabat C, Schneider T, Günter S (2022) Wie "gut" sind Waldkarten in den Tropen? Hamburg: Thünen-Institut für Waldwirtschaft, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2022/19, DOI:10.3220/PB1652855579000


  36. 35

    Kazungu M, Ferrer Velasco R, Zhunusova E, Lippe M, Kabwe G, Gumbo DJ, Günter S (2021) Can regional land use management policies reduce deforestation in Zambia? Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2021/25a, DOI:10.3220/PB1631609911000


  37. 36

    Kazungu M, Ferrer Velasco R, Zhunusova E, Lippe M, Kabwe G, Gumbo DJ, Günter S (2021) Effects of household-level attributes and agricultural land-use on deforestation patterns along a forest transition gradient in the Miombo landscapes, Zambia. Ecol Econ 186:107070, DOI:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2021.107070

  38. 37

    Eguiguren P, Ojeda Luna T, Lozano P, Günter S (2021) Estimating carbon stocks across forest types in the Ecuadorian lowland forest. Forstl Forschungsber München 219:163-178

  39. 38

    Kazungu M, Zhunusova E, Kabwe G, Günter S (2021) Household-level determinants of participation in forest support programmes in the Miombo landscapes, Zambia. Sustainability 13(5):2713, DOI:10.3390/su13052713


  40. 39

    Fischer R, Tamayo Cordero F, Ojeda Luna T, Ferrer Velasco R, DeDecker M, Torres B, Giessen L, Günter S (2021) Interplay of governance elements and their effects on deforestation in tropical landscapes: Quantitative insights from Ecuador. World Dev 148:105665, DOI:10.1016/j.worlddev.2021.105665


  41. 40

    Kazungu M, Zhunusova E, Kabwe G, Günter S (2021) Is participation in forest programs in Zambia’s Miombo skewed towards poorer households? Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2021/14, DOI:10.3220/PB1620197330000


  42. 41

    Kazungu M, Ferrer Velasco R, Zhunusova E, Lippe M, Kabwe G, Gumbo DJ, Günter S (2021) Können regionale Landnutzungspolitiken die Entwaldung in Sambia reduzieren? Hamburg: Thünen-Institut für Internationale Waldwirtschaft und Forstökonomie, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2021/25, DOI:10.3220/PB1631609121000


  43. 42

    Dieter M, Weimar H, Iost S, Englert H, Fischer R, Günter S, Morland C, Roering H-W, Schier F, Seintsch B, Schweinle J, Zhunusova E (2021) Naturschutz hier - Naturgefährdung woanders? : Zu erwartende Auswirkungen der Umsetzung der EU-Biodiversitätsstrategie auf die Wälder in Ländern außerhalb der EU. Holz Zentralbl 147(20):353-354


  44. 43

    Toledo-Aceves T, Guariguata MR, Günter S, Porter-Bolland L, Merino L (2021) Overcoming key barriers for secondary cloud forest management in Mexico. Land 10(10):1078, DOI:10.3390/land10101078


  45. 44

    Schröder J-M, Avila Rodriguez LP, Günter S (2021) Research trends: Tropical dry forests: The neglected research agenda? Forest Pol Econ 122:102333, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2020.102333

  46. 45

    Trujillo-Miranda AL, Toledo-Aceves T, López-Barrera F, Günter S (2021) Tree diversity and timber productivity in planted forests: Pinus patula versus mixed cloud forest species. New Forests 52:177-195, DOI:10.1007/s11056-020-09787-1

  47. 46

    Toledo-Aceves T, Günter S (2021) Tropical montane cloud forests. FAO For Paper 185:120-125


  48. 47

    Dieter M, Weimar H, Iost S, Englert H, Fischer R, Günter S, Morland C, Roering H-W, Schier F, Seintsch B, Schweinle J, Zhunusova E (2020) Abschätzung möglicher Verlagerungseffekte durch Umsetzung der EU-KOM-Vorschläge zur EU-Biodiversitätsstrategie auf Forstwirtschaft und Wälder in Drittstaaten. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 85 p, Thünen Working Paper 159a, DOI:10.3220/WP1604417204000


  49. 48

    Veridiano RKA, Schröder J-M, Come R, Baldos A, Günter S (2020) Ang magkakahalong plantasyon bilang pangmaramihang tugon sa pagpapanumbalik ng kalikasan. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/13b, DOI:10.3220/PB1588061278000


  50. 49

    Dieter M, Weimar H, Iost S, Englert H, Fischer R, Günter S, Morland C, Roering H-W, Schier F, Seintsch B, Schweinle J, Zhunusova E (2020) Assessment of possible leakage effects of implementing EU COM proposals for the EU Biodiversity Strategy on forests and forest management in non-EU countries. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 80 p, Thünen Working Paper 159, DOI:10.3220/WP1604416717000


  51. 50

    Nansikombi H, Fischer R, Ferrer Velasco R, Lippe M, Kanungwe Kalaba F, Kabwe G, Günter S (2020) Can de facto governance influence deforestation drivers in the Zambian Miombo? Forest Pol Econ 120:102309, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2020.102309

  52. 51

    Tamayo F, Torres B, Fischer R, Lajones A, Cervantes R, Corozo C, Ferrer Velasco R, Günter S (2020) Caracterización de paisajes forestales en el Noroccidente Ecuatoriano: Deforestación y aspectos socioculturales. Serie de publicaciones misceláneas del INABIO 15:70-92

  53. 52

    Palomeque X, Stimm B, Günter S (2020) Case study 3: Facilitating biodiversity through the shelter effects of Pinus patula and Alnus acuminata in montane ecosystems in southern Ecuador. ITTO Pol Dev Ser 24:89-91

  54. 53

    Ahimbisibwe V, Schröder J-M, Günter S (2020) Case study 6: The restoration of degraded tropical forests - a performance-based payments approach. ITTO Pol Dev Ser 24:97-99

  55. 54

    Zhunusova E, Le Thi Hoa S, Schröder J-M, Ziegler S, Dieter M, Günter S (2020) Challenges related to smallholder participation in the production of sawlogs: The case of acacia plantations in Vietnam. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/01, DOI:10.3220/PB1581515391000


  56. 55

    Kazungu M, Zhunusova E, Yang AL, Kabwe G, Gumbo DJ, Günter S (2020) Charcoal use in Zambia’s Miombo: balancing livelihoods and forest preservation. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/12, DOI:10.3220/PB1586850994000


  57. 56

    Eguiguren P, Ojeda Luna T, Lozano P, Günter S (2020) Contenidos de carbono en paisajes forestales de la Amazonia Central y el Noroccidente del Ecuador. Serie de publicaciones misceláneas del INABIO 15:94-108

  58. 57

    Marian F, Ramirez Castillo P, Iniguez Armijos C, Günter S, Maraun M, Scheu S (2020) Conversion of Andean montane forests into plantations: Effects on soil characteristics, microorganisms, and microarthropods. Biotropica 52(6):1143-1154, DOI:10.1111/btp.12813


  59. 58

    Torres B, Fischer R, Vargas JC, Lajones A, Günter S (2020) Cooperación científica para enfrentar la deforestación tropical: perspectivas políticas del proyecto LaForeT en Ecuador. Serie de publicaciones misceláneas del INABIO 15:14-22

  60. 59

    Ojeda Luna T, Eguiguren P, Günter S, Torres B, Dieter M (2020) Decisiones de deforestación a nivel de hogar en los bosques húmedos de tierras bajas de Ecuador. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/21a, DOI:10.3220/PB1605513227000


  61. 60

    Torres B, Fischer R, Vargas JC, Günter S (eds) (2020) Deforestación en paisajes forestales tropicales del Ecuador: bases científicas para perspectivas políticas. Puyo: Universidad Estatal Amazónica ; Instituto Johann Heinrich von Thünen, 172 p, Serie de publicaciones misceláneas del INABIO 15

  62. 61

    Tamayo F, Torres B, Fischer R, Vargas JC, Torres A, Samaniego E, Torres CT, Ferrer Velasco R, Günter S (2020) Deforestación y aspectos socioculturales a nivel de paisajes en bosques tropicales de la Amazonía Ecuatoriana. Serie de publicaciones misceláneas del INABIO 15:24-68

  63. 62

    Ojeda Luna T, Zhunusova E, Fischer R, Günter S, Dieter M (2020) Deforestación y estrategias de conservación: efectos en el ingreso agrícola y forestal en Ecuador. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/05, DOI:10.3220/PB1581587120000


  64. 63

    Ojeda Luna T, Zhunusova E, Fischer R, Günter S, Dieter M (2020) Deforestation and forest conservation: effects on farm income in Ecuador. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/05a, DOI:10.3220/PB1581587154000


  65. 64

    Ferrer Velasco R, Köthke M, Lippe M, Günter S (2020) Deforestation drivers in the tropics, do jurisdictional scale and context matter? Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/08, DOI:10.3220/PB1581587318000


  66. 65

    Nansikombi H, Fischer R, Ferrer Velasco R, Lippe M, Kanungwe Kalaba F, Kabwe G, Günter S (2020) Deforestation in Zambia’s Miombo: Does governance play a notable role? Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/19, DOI:10.3220/PB1603793282000


  67. 66

    Eguiguren P, Ojeda Luna T, Torres B, Lippe M, Günter S (2020) Ecosystem service multifunctionality: Decline and recovery pathways in the Amazon and Chocó Lowland rainforests. Sustainability 12(18):7786, DOI:10.3390/su12187786


  68. 67

    Kübler D, Hildebrandt P, Günter S, Stimm B, Weber M, Muñoz J, Cabrera O, Zeiliger J, Silva B, Mosandl R (2020) Effects of silvicultural treatments and topography on individual tree growth in a tropical mountain forest in Ecuador. Forest Ecol Manag 457:117726, DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2019.117726

  69. 68

    Nansikombi H, Fischer R, Kabwe G, Günter S (2020) Exploring patterns of forest governance quality: Insights from forest frontier communities in Zambia´s Miombo ecoregion. Land Use Pol 99:104866, DOI:10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104866

  70. 69

    Eguiguren P, Fischer R, Günter S (2020) Financial incentives show effects beyond forest conservation areas in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/06a, DOI:10.3220/PB1581587209000


  71. 70

    Kazungu M, Zhunusova E, Yang AL, Kabwe G, Gumbo DJ, Günter S (2020) Forest use strategies and their determinants among rural households in the Miombo woodlands of the Copperbelt Province, Zambia. Forest Pol Econ 111:102078, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2019.102078

  72. 71

    Veridiano RKA, Schröder J-M, Come R, Baldos A, Günter S (2020) Forstliche Mischplantagen als multifunktionales Mittel zur Wiederherstellung von Waldlandschaften. Hamburg: Thünen-Institut für Internationale Waldwirtschaft und Forstökonomie, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/13a, DOI:10.3220/PB1588060815000


  73. 72

    Cabrera O, Hildebrandt P, Stimm B, Günter S, Fries A, Mosandl R (2020) Functional diversity changes after selective thinning in a tropical mountain forest in Southern Ecuador. Diversity 12(6):256, DOI:10.3390/d12060256


  74. 73

    Fischer R, Giessen L, Günter S (2020) Governance effects on deforestation in the tropics: A review of the evidence. Environ Sci Pol 105:84-101, DOI:10.1016/j.envsci.2019.12.007

  75. 74

    Ojeda Luna T, Eguiguren P, Günter S, Torres B, Dieter M (2020) Household deforestation decisions in the Ecuadorian tropical lowland rainforests. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/21, DOI:10.3220/PB1605512446000


  76. 75

    Gordillo Vera F, Elsasser P, Günter S (2020) How much are Ecuadorian households willing to pay for forest conservation? Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/04, DOI:10.3220/PB1581587083000


  77. 76

    Fischer R, Giessen L, Günter S (2020) Improved governance helps reducing tropical deforestation. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/02, DOI:10.3220/PB1581515467000


  78. 77

    Eguiguren P, Fischer R, Günter S (2020) Los incentivos financieros muestran efectos más allá de las áreas de conservación en la Amazonía ecuatoriana. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/06, DOI:10.3220/PB1581608003000


  79. 78

    Ojeda Luna T, Zhunusova E, Günter S, Dieter M (2020) Measuring forest and agricultural income in the Ecuadorian lowland rainforest frontiers: Do deforestation and conservation strategies matter? Forest Pol Econ 111:102034, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2019.102034

  80. 79

    Veridiano RKA, Schröder J-M, Come R, Baldos A, Günter S (2020) Mixed-species plantations as a multi-functionality-tool for landscape restoration. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/13, DOI:10.3220/PB1586939200000


  81. 80

    Quichimbo P, Jimenez L, Veintimilla D, Potthast K, Tischer A, Günter S, Mosandl R, Hamer U (2020) Nutrient dynamics in an Andean forest region: a case study of exotic and native species plantations in southern Ecuador. New Forests 51:313-334, DOI:10.1007/s11056-019-09734-9

  82. 81

    Hargita Y, Giessen L, Günter S (2020) Primärwaldverlust bis 2030 stoppen: UNFCCC REDD+ und Entwaldungsfreie Lieferketten. Hamburg: Thünen-Institut für Internationale Waldwirtschaft und Forstökonomie, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/14, DOI:10.3220/PB1587381727000


  83. 82

    Rummel L, Lippe M, Günter S (2020) Prospecting future deforestation hotspots in the Ecuadorian Amazonas region under alternative scenarios of governance enforcement. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/03, DOI:10.3220/PB1581587041000


  84. 83

    Eguiguren P, Ojeda Luna T, Torres B, Lippe M, Günter S (2020) Provisión de múltiples servicios ecosistémicos en los bosques de tierras bajas de Ecuador. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/20a, DOI:10.3220/PB1604584861000


  85. 84

    Eguiguren P, Ojeda Luna T, Torres B, Lippe M, Günter S (2020) Provision of multiple ecosystem services in the tropical lowland forests of Ecuador. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/20, DOI:10.3220/PB1604584199000


  86. 85

    Palomeque X, Günter S, Hildebrandt P, Stimm B, Aguirre N, Weber M (2020) Reforestación con especies nativas y exóticas: caso del valle de San Francisco, Zamora Chinchipe. In: De la parcela al paisaje: restauración forestal en los Andes ecuatorianos. Quito: FLACSO, pp 16-36

  87. 86

    Ferrer Velasco R, Köthke M, Lippe M, Günter S (2020) Scale and context dependency of deforestation drivers: Insights from spatial econometrics in the tropics. PLoS One 15(1):e0226830, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0226830


  88. 87

    Hargita Y, Giessen L, Günter S (2020) Similarities and differences between international REDD+ and transnational deforestation-free supply chain initiatives - a review. Sustainability 12(3):896, DOI:10.3390/su12030896


  89. 88

    Hargita Y, Giessen L, Günter S (2020) Towards ending natural forest loss by 2030: UNFCCC REDD+ and deforestation-free supply chains. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/14a, DOI:10.3220/PB1587381393000


  90. 89

    Veridiano RKA, Schröder J-M, Come R, Baldos A, Günter S (2020) Towards forest landscape restoration programs in the Philippines: Evidence from logged forests and mixed-species plantations. Environments 7(3):20, DOI:10.3390/environments7030020


  91. 90

    Fischer R, Tamayo F, Decker Mde, Ojeda Luna T, Zhunusova E, Eguiguren P, Ferrer Velasco R, Torres B, Giessen L, Günter S (2020) Uso de la tierra y gobernanza en paisajes forestales tropicales del Ecuador. Serie de publicaciones misceláneas del INABIO 15:152-172

  92. 91

    Ojeda Luna T, Eguiguren P, Günter S, Torres B, Dieter M (2020) What drives household deforestation decisions? Insights from the Ecuadorian lowland rainforests. Forests 11(11):1131, DOI:10.3390/f11111131


  93. 92

    Nansikombi H, Fischer R, Kabwe G, Günter S (2020) Zambian Miombo ecoregion: No international forestry agenda without the chiefs? Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2020/17, DOI:10.3220/PB1598271144000


  94. 93

    Eguiguren P, Fischer R, Günter S (2019) Degradation of ecosystem services and deforestation in landscapes with and without incentive-based forest conservation in the ecuadorian amazon. Forests 10:442, DOI:10.3390/f10050442


  95. 94

    Cabrera O, Fries A, Hildebrandt P, Günter S, Mosandl R (2019) Early growth response of nine timber species to release in a tropical mountain forest of southern Ecuador. Forests 10:254, DOI:10.3390/f10030254


  96. 95

    Nansikombi H, Fischer R, Kabwe G, Günter S (2019) Examining relationships in forest governance quality: insights from forest frontier communities in Zambia's Miombo ecoregion : Paper prepared for presentation at the "2019 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty" ; The World Bank - Washington DC, March 25-29, 2019. 19 p

  97. 96

    Osterburg B, Heidecke C, Bolte A, Braun J, Dieter M, Dunger K, Elsasser P, Fischer R, Flessa H, Fuß R, Günter S, Jacobs A, Offermann F, Rock J, Rösemann C, Rüter S, Schmidt TG, Schröder J-M, Schweinle J, Tiemeyer B, Weimar H, Welling J, Witte T de (2019) Folgenabschätzung für Maßnahmenoptionen im Bereich Landwirtschaft und landwirtschaftliche Landnutzung, Forstwirtschaft und Holznutzung zur Umsetzung des Klimaschutzplans 2050. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 150 p, Thünen Working Paper 137, DOI:10.3220/WP1576590038000


  98. 97

    Zhunusova E, Le Thi Hoa S, Schröder J-M, Ziegler S, Dieter M, Günter S (2019) Smallholder decision-making on sawlog production: The case of acacia plantation owners in Central Vietnam. Forests 10(11):969, DOI:10.3390/f10110969


  99. 98

    Gordillo Vera F, Elsasser P, Günter S (2019) Willingness to pay for forest conservation in Ecuador: Results from a nationwide contingent valuation survey in a combined "referendum" - "Consequential open-ended" design. Forest Pol Econ 105:28-39, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2019.05.002

  100. 99

    Lippe M, Ferrer M, Günter S (2018) Assessing the coherence of forest-related governance instruments across various spatial scales in the Philippines : oral presentation [online]. , zu finden in <http://www.forestlivelihoods.org/annual-meeting-2018/> [zitiert am 04.03.2019]

  101. 100

    Torres B, Vasco C, Günter S, Knoke T (2018) Determinants of agricultural diversification in a hotspot area: Evidence from colonist and indigenous communities in the Sumaco Biosphere Reserve, Ecuadorian Amazon. Sustainability 10:1432, DOI:10.3390/su10051432


  102. 101

    Torres B, Günter S, Acevedo-Cabra R, Knoke T (2018) Livelihood strategies, ethnicity and rural income: the case of migrant settlers and indigenous populations in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Forest Pol Econ 86(1):22-34, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2017.10.011

  103. 102

    Ramirez Castillo P, Marian L, Marian F, Günter S, Espinosa CI, Maraun M, Scheu S (2018) Response of oribatid mites to reforestation of degraded tropical montane pastureland. Eur J Soil Biol 84:35-41, DOI:10.1016/j.ejsobi.2017.09.009

  104. 103

    Manchego C, Hildebrandt P, Cueva J, Espinosa CI, Stimm B, Günter S (2017) Climate change versus deforestation: Implications for tree species distribution in the dry forests of southern Ecuador. PLoS One 12(12):e0190092, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0190092


  105. 104

    Alonso-Fernandez AM, Finegan B, Brenes C, Günter S, Palomeque X (2017) Evaluación de la conectividad estructural y funcional en el corredor de conservación Podocarpus-Yacuambi, Ecuador. Caldasia 39(1):140-156, DOI:10.15446/caldasia.v39n1.64324


  106. 105

    Quichimbo P, Jimenez L, Veintimilla D, Tischer A, Günter S, Mosandl R, Hamer U (2017) Forest site classification in the Southern Andean Region of Ecuador: a case study of pine plantations to collect a base of soil attributes. Forests 8:473, DOI:10.3390/f8120473


  107. 106

    Hildebrandt P, Günter S, Aguirre N, Calvas B, Manchego C, Veintimilla D, Mosandl R, Stimm B, Weber M (2017) Improvement of forest management key strategies: a contribution to conservation and sustainable land use. In: Beck E, Knoke T, Farwig N, Breuer L, Siddons D, Bendix J (eds) Landscape Restoration, Sustainable Use and Cross-scale Monitoring of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions - A Science-directed Approach for South Ecuador. PAK823-825 Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Monitoring and Research in South Ecuador, pp 27-40, DOI:10.5678/LCRS/PAK823-825.CIT.1644

  108. 107

    Palomeque X, Günter S, Siddons D, Hildebrandt P, Stimm B, Aguirre N, Arias R, Weber M (2017) Natural or assisted succession as approach of forest recovery on abandoned lands with different land use history in the Andes of Southern Ecuador. New Forests 48(5):643-662, DOI:10.1007/s11056-017-9590-8

  109. 108

    Ospina V, Torres B, Köthke M, Kapp G, Fischer R, Günter S (2017) Sistema socio-productivo y modela de gobernanza en la comunidad kichwa "Shiwakucha", Pastaza, Ecuador. Rev Amazon 6(2):126-149

  110. 109

    Lippe M, Ferrer Velasco R, Köthke M, Günter S (2017) Sub-national Forest Transitions: A matter of scale and regional drivers? In: International Union of Forest Research Organizations (ed) IUFRO 125th anniversary congress 2017 : 18-22 September 2017, Freiburg, Germany.

  111. 110

    Palomeque X, Maza A, Iñamagua JP, Günter S, Hildebrandt P, Weber M, Stimm B (2017) Variabilidad intraexpecifica en la calidad de semillas de especies forestales nativas en bosques montanos en el sur del Ecuador: Implicaciones para la restauracion de bosques. Rev Ciencias Ambient 51(2):52-72, DOI:10.15359/rca.51-2.3


  112. 111

    Kübler D, Hildebrandt P, Günter S, Stimm B, Weber M, Mosandl R, Muñoz J, Cabrera Cisneros O, Aguirre N, Zeiliger J, Brenner S (2016) Assessing the importance of topographic variables for the spatial distribution of tree species in a tropical mountain forest. Erdkunde 70(1):19-47, DOI:10.3112/erdkunde.2016.01.03

  113. 112

    Hargita Y, Günter S, Köthke M (2016) Brazil submitted the first REDD+ reference level to the UNFCCC-Implications regarding climate effectiveness and cost-efficiency. Land Use Pol 55:340-347, DOI:10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.08.027

  114. 113

    Jadan O, Torres B, Selesi D, Peña D, Rosales C, Günter S (2016) Diversidad florística y estructura et cacaotales tradicionales y bosque natural (Sumaco, Ecuador). Colombia Forestal 19(2):5-18


  115. 114

    Fischer R, Hargita Y, Günter S (2016) Groundbreaking news? : Analytical insights and lessons learned from a review of multinational REDD+ studies. Unasylva 67(2-3):52-60

  116. 115

    Fischer R, Hargita Y, Günter S (2016) Insights from the ground level? A content analysis review of multi-national REDD+ studies since 2010. Forest Pol Econ 66(1):47-56, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2015.11.003

  117. 116

    Abelleira Martinez OJ, Fremier AK, Günter S, Ramos Bedana Z, Vierling L, Galbraith SM, Bosque-Perez NA, Ordonez JC (2016) Scaling up functional traits for ecosystem services with remote sensing: concepts and methods. Ecol Evol 6(13):4359-4371, DOI:10.1002/ece3.2201


  118. 117

    Fischer R, Hargita Y, Günter S (2015) Groundbreaking news? - analytical insights and lessons learned based on a review of multi-national REDD+ studies : [paper for] XIV World Forestry Congress, Durban, South Africa, 7-11 September 2015. 10 p

  119. 118

    Jadan O, Cifuentes M, Torres B, Selesi D, Veintimilla Ramos DA, Günter S (2015) Influence of tree cover on diversity, carbon sequestration and productivity of cocoa systems in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Bois & Forêts des Tropiques 325(3):36-47


  120. 119

    Armijos Ojeda C, Sigcha F, Fischer R, Günter S (2015) Manejo sustentable de recursos genéticos forestales : El rol de las organizaciones e instituciones en el Ecuador. 1 p


  121. 120

    Jadan O, Günter S, Torres B, Selesi D (2015) Riqueza y potencial maderable en sistemas agroforestales tradicionales como alternativa al uso del bosque nativo, Amazonia del Ecuador . Rev For Mesoamericana Kuru 12(28):13-22

  122. 121

    Knoke T, Bendix J, Pohle P, Hamer U, Hildebrandt P, Roos K, Gerique A, Sandoval ML, Breuer L, Tischer A, Brenner S, Calvas B, Aguirre N, Castro LM, Windhorst D, Weber M, Stimm B, Günter S, Palomeque X, Mora J, et al (2014) Afforestation or intense pasturing improve the ecological and economic value of abandoned tropical farmlands. Nature Comm:12 S., DOI:10.1038/ncomms6612

  123. 122

    Torres B, Maza OJ, Aguirre P, Hinojosa L, Günter S (2014) Contribution of traditional agroforestry to climate change adaptation in the Ecuadorian Amazon: the Chakra system. In: Leal Filho W (ed) Handbook of climate change adaptation. Berlin: Springer, pp 1-19, DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-40455-9_102-1

  124. 123

    Habel JC, Eggermont H, Günter S, Mulwa RK, Rieckmann M, Koh LP, Niassy S, Ferguson JWH, Gebremichael G, Githiru M, Weisser WW, Lens L (2014) Towards more equal footing in north-south biodiversity research: European and sub-Saharan viewpoints. Biodiv Conserv 23(12):3143-3148, DOI:10.1007/s10531-014-0761-z

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