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Aktuelle Stellenangebote der Einrichtungen und Institute des Thünen-Instituts:

Job offer

research associate (f/m/d) PostDoc Biology, Bioinformatics

Beteiligte Institute
Institut für Forstgenetik


The Thünen Institute of Forest Genetics, one of the 15 Federal Research Institutes for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries in Germany, is offering a 1,5-year position (100 %) starting as soon as possible for a

research associate (f/m/d)

(PostDoc Biology, Bioinformatics)

to study genomic patterns of local adaptation in European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and their relevance under climate change. To this end, we use a population genomics dataset consisting of more than 1.000 beech individuals from 100 different populations across Europe growing together in a common garden. Additionally, we will generate MinION long read de novo assemblies of diverse individuals to characterize structural variation and generate a beech pangenome. Finally, we want to use genotype-phenotype and genotype-environment associations to train models predicting the risk of future maladaptation.

Your tasks:

  • Generation of de novo genome assemblies and a beech pangenome
  • Analysis of DNA-seq data and characterization of natural genetic variation including structural variants
  • Comparative genomics, data integration and visualization
  • Publication and presentation of results
  • Further development of ideas and active advancement of the project

Your profile:

  • University degree (M.Sc./Univ.-Diploma) in biology, bioinformatics or related disciplines
  • Experience with genome assembly and annotation
  • Experience with Linux computer systems
  • Experience with DNA-seq data
  • Profound data analysis skills with R
  • Enthusiasm for open science and high motivation to push forward the boundaries of current knowledge

We support the compatibility of family life and work by offering flexible working hours and home office solutions. Working part-time is generally possible. The Thühnen Institute is certified by audit berufundfamilie.

The employment is governed by the Wage Agreement for Public Services (TVöD-Bund). The payment of remuneration is carried out according to tariff-category 13 TVöD. A part time position is also possible.

The Thünen Institute promotes the professional equality of women and men and is thus especially interested in applications from women.

Severely disabled applicants with equal qualification will be given particular consideration. Only a minimum physical aptitude is expected from them.

Additional information is available from Dr. Niels Müller (niels.mueller@thuenen.de ; 0049-4102-696108).

Interested candidates should send their applications (including motivation letter, CV, list of publications, copies of relevant certificates, names and addresses of personal references) preferably via e-mail in one PDF file referring to “2023-010-FG-1000BuchenGenome” before 28th of February 2023 to the


Thünen-Institut für Forstgenetik

Sieker Landstrasse 2

22927 Großhansdorf

Informations about Artikel 13 DSGVO: www.thuenen.de/datenschutzhinweis-bewerbungen.


Für fachliche Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an

Dr. Müller

+49 4102 696108


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