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Weitere Publikationen von Julio Fournier Gabela

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    Fournier Gabela JG, Sarmiento L (2020) Kurzarbeit and natural disasters : how effective are short-time working allowances in avoiding unemployment? Berlin: DIW, 51 p, Discussion Papers 1909, DOI:10.2139/ssrn.3726005

  2. 1

    Fournier Gabela JG (2020) On the accuracy of gravity-RAS approaches used for inter-regional trade estimation: evidence using the 2005 inter-regional input-output table of Japan. Econ Syst Res 32(4):521-539, DOI:10.1080/09535314.2020.1753662


  3. 2

    Fournier Gabela JG, Sarmiento L (2020) The effects of the 2013 floods on Germany’s freight traffic. Transportation Res 82:102274, DOI:10.1016/j.trd.2020.102274

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