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Ein Holztransporter voll beladen mit Baumstämmen fährt in einem Wald über eine sehr einfache Holzbrücke.
© Thünen-Institut
Ein Holztransporter voll beladen mit Baumstämmen fährt in einem Wald über eine sehr einfache Holzbrücke.
Institut für

WF Waldwirtschaft

Alle Veröffentlichungen von PD Dr. Sven Günter vor 2014

  1. 0

    Weber M, Stimm B, Lopez MF, Gerique A, Pohle P, Hildebrandt P, Knoke T, Palomeque X, Calvas B, Günter S, Aguirre N, Kübler D (2013) Conservation, management of natural forests and reforestation of pastures to retain and restore current provisioning services. Ecol Stud 221:171-185

  2. 1

    Weber M, Stimm B, Lopez MF, Gerique A, Pohle P, Hildebrandt P, Knoke T, Palomeque X, Calvas B, Günter S, Aguirre N, Kübler D (2013) Current provisioning services: conservation forest management and reforestation. Ecol Stud 221:171-186

  3. 2

    Günter S, Calvas B, Lotz T, Bendix J, Mosandl R (2013) Knowledge transfer for conservation and sustainable management of natural resources: a case study from Southern Equador. Ecol Stud 221:395-409

  4. 3

    Calvas B, Knoke T, Castro LM, Hildebrandt P, Weber M, Stimm B, Mosandl R, Günter S, Aguirre N (2013) Sustainable agriculture and conservation payments are keyfactors in mitigating tropical forest loss. Ecol Stud 221:235-246

  5. 4

    Knoke T, Calvas B, Hildebrandt P, Weber M, Stimm B, Günter S, Aguirre N, Mosandl R (2013) Sustainable use of tropical forests : a plea for a landscape view. Ecol Stud 221:343-354

  6. 5

    Günter S, Louman B, Oyarzun V (2012) Criteria and indicators to improve the ability to monitor forests and promote sustainable forest management: interchange of ideason the processes of Montral and Latin America. Turrialba, C R: CATIE, 60 p, Techn Ser Techn Bull CATIE 54

  7. 6

    Jadan O, Torres B, Günter S (2012) Influencia del uso de la tierra sobre almacenamiento de carbono en sistemas productivos y bosque primario en Napo, Reserva de Biosfera Sumaco, Ecuador. Rev Amazon 1(3):173-186

  8. 7

    Günter S, Weber M, Stimm B, Mosandl R (2012) Linking tropical silviculture to sustainable forest management. Bois & Forêts des Tropiques 314(4):25-39

  9. 8

    Spannl S, Günter S, Peters T, VollandF, Bräuning A (2012) Which factors control tree growth in a tropical mountain forest? The case of Cedrela montana in Southern Equador. In: TRACE - Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology : Vol. 10, Proceedings of the Dendrosymposium 2011, May 11th - 14th, 2011 in Orleans, France. Potsdam: Deutsches Geoforschungszentrum

  10. 9

    Günter S, Weber M, Stimm B, Mosandl R (2011) Five recommendations to improve tropical silviculture. In: Günter S, Weber M, Stimm B, Mosandl R (eds) Silviculture in the tropics. Berlin; Heidelberg; New York: Springer, pp 527-546

  11. 10

    Roman-Cuesta RM, Salinas N, Asbjornsen H, Oliveras I, Huaman V, Gutierrez Y, Puelles L, Kala J, Yabar D, Rojas M, Astete R, Jordan DY, Silman M, Mosandl R, Weber M, Stimm B, Günter S, Knoke T, Malhi Y (2011) Implications of fires on carbon budgets in Andean cloud montane forest: the importance of peat soils and tree resprouting. Forest Ecol Manag 261(1):1987-1997, DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2011.02.025

  12. 11

    Günter S (2011) Introduction to silviculture in the tropics. In: Günter S, Weber M, Stimm B, Mosandl R (eds) Silviculture in the tropics. Berlin; Heidelberg; New York: Springer, pp 3-12

  13. 12

    Urgiles N, Lojan P, Aguirre Mendoza NA, Blaschke H, Günter S, Stimm B, Kottke I (2011) La aplicacion de raíces micorrizadas mejora el crecimiento de plántulas de árboles tropicales en vivero: un paso hacia la reforestación con especies nativas en los Andes del Ecuador. Estud Univ 33(3):130-142

  14. 13

    Grogan J, Peña-Claros M, Günter S (2011) Managing natural populations of big-leaf mahogany. In: Günter S, Weber M, Stimm B, Mosandl R (eds) Silviculture in the tropics. Berlin; Heidelberg; New York: Springer, pp 227-238

  15. 14

    Günter S (2011) Mangroves and Mountains: Silviculture at Ecological Margins (Review). In: Günter S, Weber M, Stimm B, Mosandl R (eds) Silviculture in the tropics. Berlin; Heidelberg; New York: Springer, pp 299-324

  16. 15

    Aguirre N, Palomeque X, Weber M, Stimm B, Günter S (2011) Reforestation and Natural Succession as Tools for Restoration on Abandoned Pastures in the Andes of South Equador. In: Günter S, Weber M, Stimm B, Mosandl R (eds) Silviculture in the tropics. Berlin; Heidelberg; New York: Springer, pp 513-526

  17. 16

    Günter S, Weber M, Stimm B, Mosandl R (eds) (2011) Silviculture in the tropics. Berlin; Heidelberg; New York: Springer, XVI, 569 p

  18. 17

    Kuptz D, Grams TEE, Günter S (2010) Light acclimation of four native tree species in felling gaps within a tropical mountain rainforest. Trees 24(1):117-127, DOI:10.1007/s00468-009-0385-1

  19. 18

    Haug I, Wubet T, Weiß M, Aguirre N, Weber M, Günter S, Kottke I (2010) Species-rich but distinct arbuscular mycorrhizal communities in reforestation plots on degraded pastures and in neighboring pristine tropical mountain rain forest. Trop Ecol 51(2):125-148

  20. 19

    Homeier J, Beckle SW, Günter S, Rollenbeck R, Leuschner C (2010) Tree diversity, forest structure and productivity along altitudinal ajnd topographical gradients in a species-rich Ecuadorian Montane Rain Forest. Biotropica 42(2):140-148, DOI:10.1111/j.1744-7429.2009.00547.x

  21. 20

    Urgiles N, Lojan P, Aguirre N, Blaschke H, Günter S, Stimm B, Kottke I (2009) Application of mycorrhizal roots improves growth of tropical tree seedlings in the nursery: a step towards reforestation with native species in the Andes of Ecuador. New Forests 38(3):229-239, DOI:10.1007/s11056-009-9143-x

  22. 21

    Knoke T, Calvas B, Aguirre N, Roman-Cuesta RM, Günter S, Stimm B, Weber M, Mosandl R (2009) Can tropical farmers reconcile subsistence needs with forest conservation? Front Ecol Environ 7(10):548-554

  23. 22

    Günter S, Gonzalez P, Alvarez G, Aguirre N, Palomeque X, Haubrich F, Weber M (2009) Determinants for successful reforestation of abandoned pastures in the Andes: Soil conditions and vegetation cover. Forest Ecol Manag 258(2):81-91, DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2009.03.042

  24. 23

    Knoke T, Weber M, Barkmann J, Pohle P, Calvas B, Medina C, Aguirre N, Günter S, Stimm B, Mosandl R, Walter F von, Maza B, Gerique A (2009) Effectiveness and distributional impacts of payments for reduced carbon emissions from deforestation. Erdkunde 63(4):365-384, DOI:10.3112/erdkunde.2009.04.06

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    Wilcke W, Günter S, Alt F, Geißler C, Boy J, Knuth J, Oelmann Y, Weber M, Valarezo C, Mosandl R (2009) Response of water and nutrient fluxes to improvement fellings in a tropical montane forest in Ecuador . Forest Ecol Manag 257(4):1292-1304, DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2008.11.036

  26. 25

    Dislich C, Günter S, Homeier J, Schröder B, Huth A (2009) Simulating forest dynamics of a tropical montane forest in South Equador. Erdkunde 63(4):347-364, DOI:10.3112/erdkunde.2009.04.05

  27. 26

    Mosandl R, Günter S, Stimm B, Weber M (2008) Equador suffers the highest deforestation rate in South America. Ecol Stud 198:37-40

  28. 27

    Bräuning A, Homeier J, Cueva Ortiz E, Beck E, Günter S (2008) Growth dynamics of trees in tropical mountain ecosystems. Ecol Stud 198:291-302

  29. 28

    Aguirre N, Günter S, Stimm B (2008) Mejoramiento de la propagacion de especies forestales nativas del bosque montano en el Sur del Ecuador. Estudios Univ Nacional Loja 8:57-66

  30. 29

    Günter S, Cabrera O, Weber M, Stimm B, Zimmermann M, Fiedler K, Knuth J, Boy J, Wilcke W, Iost S, Makeschin F, Werner FA, GradsteinSR, Mosandl R (2008) Natural forest management in neotropical Mountain Rain Forests - an ecological experiment. Ecol Stud 198:347-360

  31. 30

    Stimm B, Beck E, Günter S, Aguirre N, Cueva Ortiz E, Mosandl R, Weber M (2008) Reforestation of abandoned pastures: seed ecology of native species and production of indigenous plant material. Ecol Stud 198:417-529

  32. 31

    Weber M, Günter S, Aguirre N, Stimm B, Mosandl R (2008) Reforestation of abondaned pastures: silvicultural means to accelerate forest recovery and biodiversity. Ecol Stud 198:431-441, DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-73526-7_41

  33. 32

    Oesker M, Dalitz H, Günter S, Homeier J, Matezki S (2008) Spatial heterogeneity patterns - a comparison between Gorges and Ridges in the upper part of an Evergreen Lower Montane Forest. Ecol Stud 198:267-274, DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-73526-7_25

  34. 33

    Mosandl R, Günter S (2008) Sustainable management of tropical mountain forests in Equador. In: GradsteinSR, Homeier J, Gansert D (eds) The tropical mountain forest : patterns and processes in a biodiversity hotspot. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag, pp 177-193

  35. 34

    Günter S (2008) Tabebuia chrysantha (Jacq.) Nichols., Dict. Gard. 4:1 (1887). In: Roloff A, Weisgerber H, Lang U, Stimm B (eds) Enzyklopädie der Holzgewächse : Handbuch und Atlas der Dendrologie. New York, NY: Wiley, p 14, DOI:10.1002/9783527678518.ehg2009015

  36. 35

    Günter S, Stimm B, Cabrera M, Diaz ML, Lojan P, Ordonez E, Richter M, Weber M (2008) Tree phenology in montane forests of southern Ecuador can be explained by precipitation, radiation and photoperiodic control. J Trop Ecol 24(3):247-258, DOI:10.1017/S0266467408005063

  37. 36

    Calva O, Beltrán G, Günter S, Cabrera Cisneros O (2007) Impacto de la luz sobre la regeneración natural de Podocarpáceas en los bosques de San Francisco y Numbala. Bosques Latitud Cero(3):21-23

  38. 37

    Günter S, Weber M, Erreis R, Aguirre N (2007) Influence of distance to forest edges on natural regeneration of abandoned pastures: a case study in the tropical mountain rain forest of Southern Ecuador. Eur J Forest Res 126(1):67-75, DOI:10.1007/s10342-006-0156-0

  39. 38

    Castillo M, Cueva D, Aguirre N, Günter S (2007) Propagación en invernadero y monitoreo de la regeneracion natural de dos especies de la familia Podocarpaceae. Bosques Latitud Cero(3):26-29

  40. 39

    Castillo M, Cueva D, Aguirre N, Günter S (2007) Propagacion vegetativa de dos especies de la familia Podocarpaceae. Bosques Latitud Cero 2(3):3-5

  41. 40

    Cabrera Cisneros O, Günter S, Mosandl R (2006) Dinamica de un bosque montana Iluvioso natural y selectivamente intervenido en el sur del Ecuador [online]. Lyonia 10(1):103-113, zu finden in <http://www.lyonia.org/viewArticle.php?articleID=466> [zitiert am 03.02.2015]

  42. 41

    Cabrera Cisneros O, Günter S, Mosandl R (2006) Dynamics in natural and selectively logged tropical mountain rain forests of South Ecuador [online]. Lyonia 10(1):103-113, zu finden in <http://www.lyonia.org/downloadPDF.php?pdfID=2.466.1> [zitiert am 17.02.2015]

  43. 42

    Aguirre N, Günter S, Weber M, Stimm B (2006) Enrichment of Pinus patula plantations with native species in southern Equador [online]. Lyonia 10(1):17-29, zu finden in <http://www.lyonia.org/viewArticle.php?articleID=400> [zitiert am 29.01.2015]

  44. 43

    Günter S, Stimm B, Weber M (2004) Silvicultural contributions towards sustainable management and conservation of forest genetic resources in Southern Equador. Lyonia 6(1):75-91

  45. 44

    Günter S, Mosandl R (2003) Nachhaltige Naturwaldbewirtschaftung in Bergregenwäldern Südequadors : eine Option zur Erhaltung von Biodiversität? Forstl Forschungsber München 192:10-24

  46. 45

    Günter S (2001) Impact of Ecological Factors on the Regeneration of Mahagony (Swietenia macrophylla King) in Bolivian Forests. In: Mostacedo B, Fredericksen TS (eds) Regeneración y silvicultura de bosques tropicales en Bolivia. Santa Cruz: BOLFOR, pp 100-118

  47. 46

    Günter S (2001) Ökologie und Verjüngung von Mahagoni (Swietenia macrophylla King) in Naturwäldern Boliviens. Göttingen: Cuvillier, 222 p, Göttingen, Univ, Fakultät für Forstwissenschaften und Waldökologie, Diss

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