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WI Innovation und Wertschöpfung in ländlichen Räumen

Alle früheren Publikationen von Dr. Damiaan Persyn

  1. 0

    Persyn D, Isono I (2021) Connectivity and the Geographical Simulation Model. In: Kimura F, Pangestu M, Thangavelu SM, Findlay C (eds) Handbook on East Asian Economic Integration. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing

  2. 1

    Lecca P, Persyn D, Conte A, Salotti S (2018) Cohesion Policy 2007-2015: The RHOMOLO Ex-Post assessment. Seville: European Commission, 4 p, JRC Working Paper JRC114185

  3. 2

    Lecca P, Barbero JJ, Christensen MA, Conte A, Di Comite F, Diaz-Lanchas J, Diukanova O, Mandras G, Persyn D, Sakkas S (2018) RHOMOLO V3 : A Spatial Modelling Framework. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 55 p, JRC Techn Rep, DOI:10.2760/671622

  4. 3

    Di Comite F, Lecca P, Monfort Philippe, Persyn D, Piculescu V (2018) The impact of Cohesion Policy 2007-2015 in EU regions: Simulations with the RHOMOLO Interregional Dynamic General Equilibrium Model. JRC Working Papers on Territorial Modelling and Analysis No. 03/2018. Seville: European Commission, 38 p, JRC Techn Rep 114044


  5. 4

    Persyn D (2017) Migration within the EU: the role of education, wage differences and cultural barriers. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 13 p, JRC Techn Rep 104494, DOI:10.2791/373605

  6. 5

    Persyn D (2017) On dialects, networks, and labour mobility. 19 p Vives Disc Pap 58

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    Persyn D, Torfs W (2016) A gravity equation for commuting with an application to estimating regional border effects in Belgium. J Econ Geogr 16(1):155-175, DOI:10.1093/jeg/lbv003


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    Colen L, Persyn D, Guariso A (2016) Bilateral Investment Treaties and FDI: Does the Sector Matter? World Dev 83:193-206, DOI:10.1016/j.worlddev.2016.01.020

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    Mercenier J, Alvarez-Martinez MT, Brandsma A, Di Comite F, Diukanova O, Kancs d’A, Lecca P, López-Cobo M, Monfort Philippe, Persyn D, Rillaers A, Thissen M, Torfs W (2016) RHOMOLO-v2 Model Description: A spatial computable general equilibrium model for EU regions and sectors. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 79 p, JRC Techn Rep 100011, DOI:10.2791/18446

  10. 9

    Jennes G, Persyn D (2015) The effect of political representation on the geographic distribution of income: Evidence using Belgian data. Eur J Polit Econ 37:178-194, DOI:10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2014.11.006

  11. 10

    Brandsma A, Di Comite F, Diukanova O, Kancs d’A, Rodriguez JL, Persyn D, Potters L (2014) Assessing policy options for the EU Cohesion Policy 2014-2020. J Reg Res 29(2):17-46

  12. 11

    Brandsma A, Kancs d’A, Persyn D (2014) Modelling Migration and Regional Labour Markets: an Application of the New Economic Geography Model RHOMOLO. J Econ Integration 29(2):372-407, DOI:10.11130/jei.2014.29.2.372

  13. 12

    Persyn D, Torfs W, Kancs d’A (2014) Modelling regional labour market dynamics: Participation, employment and migration decisions in a spatial CGE model for the EU. J Reg Res 29(2):77-90

  14. 13

    Persyn D (2013) Union wage demands with footloose firms and agglomeration forces. Reg Sci Urban Econ 43(1):142-150, DOI:10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2012.06.005

  15. 14

    Hutchinson J, Persyn D (2012) Globalisation, concentration and footloose firms: in search of the main cause of the declining labour share. Rev World Econ 148(1):17-43, DOI:10.1007/s10290-011-0112-z

  16. 15

    Persyn D, Vanormeling S, Swinnen J (2011) Belgian beers: Where history meets globalization. In: Swinnen JFM, Vandemoortele T (eds) Beeronomics: the economics of beer and brewing. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press

  17. 16

    Persyn D, Algoed K (2011) Interregional redistribution, growth and convergence. 36 p Vives Disc Pap 4

  18. 17

    Persyn D, Westerlund J (2008) Error-Correction-Based Cointegration Tests for Panel Data. Stata J 8(2):232-241, DOI:10.1177/1536867X0800800205

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