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Ökologischer Betrieb
© BLE, Bonn/Thomas Stephan
Ökologischer Betrieb
Institut für

BW Betriebswirtschaft

agri benchmark - What we do

agri benchmark – understanding agriculture worldwide

agri benchmark is a global, non-profit network of agricultural economists, advisors, producers and specialists in key sectors of agricultural and horticultural value chains.

We use internationally standardised methods to analyse farms, production systems and their profitability. Our farm-level knowledge is combined with an analysis of international commodity markets and value chains. In this way we are able to provide scientifically consistent and soundly based answers on strategic issues to decision-makers in policy, agriculture and agribusiness.

agri benchmark is a non-political and non-profit activity. Rules and values of the network are developed by mutual agreement. Methods and main results are exposed to an ongoing quality assurance process and are open for public discussion.

The main goals of this project are to

  • identify and understand driving forces for future trends and developments in global agriculture,
  • analyse the impact of changing economic, technological and political framework conditions on farming operations, farm structures and agricultural production, and
  • provide relevant information for all clients who want to strengthen their position in a global agricultural economy.

To deliver these goals we

  • establish a sustainable cooperation between farm economists and farmers in the participating countries,
  • develop powerful tools for a worldwide analysis of agricultural branches,
    compare typical farms (production systems, production costs and competitiveness),
  • invest in new partnerships with agricultural experts from developing and emerging economies, and
  • strive for a fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation with agribusiness as well as government and non-government institutions.

More information about agri benchmark can be found here.

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