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Die Messung von Tagesgängen der Kohlenstoffdioxid-Flüsse mit manuellen Hauben startet vor Sonnenaufgang (Großes Moor bei Gifhorn, 04:45 Uhr).
© Thünen-Institut/AK
Die Messung von Tagesgängen der Kohlenstoffdioxid-Flüsse mit manuellen Hauben startet vor Sonnenaufgang (Großes Moor bei Gifhorn, 04:45 Uhr).
Institut für

AK Agrarklimaschutz

Referierte Publikationen von Florian Schneider

  1. 0

    Pacini L, Arbelet P, Chen S, Bacq-Labreuil A, Calvaruso C, Schneider F, Arrouays D, Saby NPA, Cecillon L, Barré P (2023) A new approach to estimate soil organic carbon content targets in European croplands topsoils. Sci Total Environ 900:165811, DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165811

  2. 1

    Burger DJ, Schneider F, Bauke SL, Kautz T, Don A, Amelung W (2023) Fifty years after deep-ploughing: Effects on yield, roots, nutrient stocks and soil structure. Eur J Soil Sci 74(6):e13426, DOI:10.1111/ejss.13426


  3. 2

    Gocke MI, Guigue J, Bauke SL, Barkusky D, Baumecker M, Berns AE, Hobley EU, Honermeier B, Kögel-Knabner I, Koszinski S, Sandhage-Hofmann A, Schmidhalter U, Schneider F, Schweitzer K, Seidel SJ, Siebert S, Skadell LE, Sommer M, Tucher S von, Don A, Amelung W (2023) Interactive effects of agricultural management on soil organic carbon accrual: A synthesis of long-term field experiments in Germany. Geoderma 438:116616, DOI:10.1016/j.geoderma.2023.116616


  4. 3

    Cornu S, Keesstra SD, Bispo A, Fantappie M, Egmond F van, Smreczak B, Wawer R, Pavlu L, Sobocká J, Bakacsi Z, Farkas-Iványi K, Molnar S, Moeller AB, Madenoglu S, Feiziene D, Oorts K, Schneider F, Conceiçao Gonçalves M da, Mano R, Garland G, et al (2023) National soil data in EU countries, where do we stand? Eur J Soil Sci 74(4):e13398, DOI:10.1111/ejss.13398


  5. 4

    Skadell LE, Schneider F, Gocke MI, Guigue J, Amelung W, Bauke SL, Hobley EU, Barkusky D, Honermeier B, Kögel-Knabner I, Schmidhalter U, Schweitzer K, Seidel SJ, Siebert S, Sommer M, Vaziritabar Y, Don A (2023) Twenty percent of agricultural management effects on organic carbon stocks occur in subsoils - Results of ten long-term experiments. Agric Ecosyst Environ 356:108619, DOI:10.1016/j.agee.2023.108619


  6. 5

    Schneider F, Amelung W, Don A (2021) Origin of carbon in agricultural soil profiles deduced from depth gradients of C:N ratios, carbon fractions, δ13C and δ15N values. Plant Soil 460:123-148, DOI:10.1007/s11104-020-04769-w


  7. 6

    Schneider F, Poeplau C, Don A (2021) Predicting ecosystem responses by data-driven reciprocal modelling. Global Change Biol 27(21):5670-5679, DOI:10.1111/gcb.15817


  8. 7

    Poeplau C, Don A, Schneider F (2021) Roots are key to increasing the mean residence time of organic carbon entering temperate agricultural soils. Global Change Biol 27(19):4921-4934, DOI:10.1111/gcb.15787


  9. 8

    Gocke MI, Don A, Heidkamp A, Schneider F, Amelung W (2021) The phosphorus status of German cropland - An inventory of top- and subsoils. J Plant Nutr Soil Sci 184(1):51-64, DOI:10.1002/jpln.202000127


  10. 9

    Poeplau C, Jacobs A, Don A, Vos C, Schneider F, Wittnebel M, Tiemeyer B, Heidkamp A, Prietz R, Flessa H (2020) Stocks of organic carbon in German agricultural soils - Key results of the first comprehensive inventory. J Plant Nutr Soil Sci 183(6):665-681, DOI:10.1002/jpln.202000113


  11. 10

    Schneider F, Don A (2019) Root-restricting layers in German agricultural soils. Part I: extent and cause. Plant Soil 442(1-2):433-451, DOI:10.1007/s11104-019-04185-9


  12. 11

    Schneider F, Don A (2019) Root-restricting layers in German agricultural soils. Part II: adaptation and melioration strategies. Plant Soil 442(1-2):419-432, DOI:10.1007/s11104-019-04186-8


  13. 12

    Schneider F, Don A, Hennings I, Schmittmann O, Seidel SJ (2017) The effect of deep tillage on crop yield - What do we really know? Soil Tillage Res 174:193-204, DOI:10.1016/j.still.2017.07.005

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