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Institute of

HF Wood Research


Critical evaluation of existing standards for determining the biological durability of wood and recommendations for their revision

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Thünen-Institute of Wood Research represented through the projects KLIMAtiv and HoFaTo

Examination of height- and tissue-dependence of important substance groups

In the period 19 - 21 April 2023, a conference on the subject of forensic examination methods was held at the Zurich Institute of Forensic Medicine (University of Zurich) with the participation of the Thünen Institute of Wood Research.

"Agile Innovation Methods" in focus! On June 14th and 15th, the future scientists from all the innovation groups funded under the REGULUS research call came together for the first time in Freising to work on methods, skills, and the "Design Thinking" approach in collaboration with UnternehmerTUM.

Optimization of the extract yield and reduction of the extraction time achieved

LIGNA 2023

LIGNA 2023, the world's most important trade fair for wood processing, took place in Hanover from May 15 to 19, 2023. The Thünen Institute was represented at the LIGNA 2023 and presented research results and ongoing projects around the topic of wood and wood utilization.

Head of the 'Biological Durability' work area newly appointed

The illegal timber trade is one of the world's largest areas of environmental crime because it promises a billion-dollar business with consequences for the climate, the environment and biodiversity. In the programme "Zeitfragen", Deutschlandfunk Kultur reported on this topic and the wood species…

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On 24 March 2023, the Institute was given the opportunity to visit the construction site of the "Roots" in Hamburg.

A successful seminar on wood species identification was held by staff of the Thünen Institute for Wood Research at the Technical University of Pereira (Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira/Centro Regional de Producción más Limpia) from March 6 – 10, 2023.

The staff of the Institute mourn the loss of Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Walter Liese, who died on 24 February 2023 at the age of 97 after a short illness. After a long and fulfilled life, wood and bamboo research has lost an outstanding, globally recognized scientist and exceptional networker.

Since mid-February, Arbnore Cakaj has been part of our team in the "Bio-based raw materials" department, where she will conduct research for the project "Determination of the status quo and options for action for a circular economy in the forest & wood cluster".

Since March, Jan Benthien has been working in our Health and Consumer Protection team as a research assistant for the project "Climate-neutral fumigation processes and alternative treatment methods for logs in export" (short title: "KLIMAtiv").

Through stronger networking the project aims to strengthen forest and wood research in Germany

The research area "Biobased Resources and Materials" is looking forward to scientific support in the project "HoFaTo - Wood Fiber Materials as Peat Substitutes".

1500 slides!

The reference material for the automation of wood species recognition is increasing.

The research area "Biobased Resources and Materials" has received support for the CycloCarb II project, which deals with the development of biobased adhesives.

Stephanie Wrage has been working as a research assistant at the Thünen Institute since January 2023 and is involved in the KI_Wood-ID project with the determination of wood types using artificial intelligence.

Wood, humus or high-tech for long-term carbon storage.

45 minutes of the future. This is the Thünen Institute's podcast on the transformation of land and sea use.

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