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Ombudsperson for good scientific practice

By implementing the Code of Conduct “Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice” of the German Research Foundation (DFG), research institutions have committed themselves to deploying ombudspersons within their institutions. They advise and mediate as neutral contacts for questions about good scientific practice and in cases of suspected scientific misconduct.

The local ombudspersons and her deputy at the Thünen Institute are Anne Margarian and Andrea Olbrich. Employees of the Thünen Institute can contact both of them with questions and conflicts concerning scientific integrity. All enquiries and discussions are subject to the strictest confidentiality.

A further point of contact is the supra-regional Ombuds Committee for Research Integrity, which is funded by the DFG.

The Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute has developed “Guidelines for Ensuring Good Scientific Practice for the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute” (only available in German), which are closely based on the DFG Code and adapted to the Institute's own conditions and special features. Interested persons can find information on the scientific principles that guide the work of the Thünen Institute.


Anne Margarian
Institute of Market Analysis
Dr. Andrea Olbrich
+ 49 40 73962 447
Institute of Wood Research
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