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Emissions – more than just an unpleasant odour

When incorrectly operated stables or improperly expelled manure literally “stink to high heaven”, residents are often alarmed. But odour nuisance is just one part of the problem.

Emissions – more than just an unpleasant odour

Keeping cows and calves together

It has become a rare sight in modern dairy production systems: cows and their calves together. Usually, they are separated immediately after birth. However, there is another option called cow-calf contact.

Keeping cows and calves together

Livestock farming and meat production in Germany

How many tons of meat are produced in Germany? How much of it is exported? We answer these and other questions about animal husbandry and meat production in Germany with a synopsis of current data.

Livestock farming and meat production in Germany

Aquaculture – Farming the Waters

Aquaculture is the fastest growing segment of global food production. Today, aquaculture produces 66 million tonnes of fish and seafood per year (excluding seaweed). Soon it will take over the role of catch fisheries as most important supplier.

Aquaculture – Farming the Waters

Do we have a welfare friendly animal husbandry?

How can we measure whether animals feel well? What options exist to evaluate animal welfare in livestock farming? Which political measures are effective in achieving improvements?

Do we have a welfare friendly animal husbandry?

Related Dossiers in other topics

Society's view of farm animal husbandry

What does today’s population criticise in modern livestock production? What expectations do they have? Detailed knowledge is necessary if we want to develop socially acceptable solutions.

Society's view of farm animal husbandry

National Livestock Strategy

German livestock farmers are caught in a dilemma that will sooner or later threaten their existence: On the one hand, they are exposed to international competition and have to produce at world market conditions; on the other hand, they are denounced as "factory farmers" and have to meet ever higher animal welfare and environmental standards.

National Livestock Strategy

The German fishing fleet

What is the structure of German fisheries? How much fish is imported and exported, which species generate which revenues? And how can brexit change the situation in EU seas? You will find answers in the following dossier.

The German fishing fleet

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