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© Johanna Fick
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Institute of

LV Rural Studies


Congratulations to Hannah Böhner, Tania Runge, Matteo Zavalloni and Norbert Röder!

GEWISOLA Best Paper Award for their paper on "More Quality of Quantity: Simulation of an Agglomeration Bonus for Habitat Enhancement of Non-Productive Areas from Conditionality and Eco-schemes"

A lapwing in close-up
© Thünen-Institut/Norbert Röder

The lapwing is the target species of the award-winning paper

The German Society for Economic and Social Sciences of Agriculture (GEWISOLA) has awarded Hannah Böhner (Thünen Institute of Rural Studies), Tania Runge (Thünen Coordination Unit Climate and Soil), Matteo Zavalloni (University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy) and Norbert Röder (Thünen Institute of Rural Studies) for their paper „Mehr Qualität der Quantität: Simulation eines Agglomerationsbonus zur Habitatverbesserung nicht-produktiver Flächen aus Konditionalität und Ökoregelung“ (translation of the German paper title see above) a special award for one of the best conference papers submitted to the 2023 Annual Meeting.

In their paper, the authors examine to which extent economic incentive tools can be used to increase the breeding success of lapwings with the help of agri-environmental measures. The authors show that the agglomeration bonus can be a suitable instrument to increase the suitability of fallows as a breeding habitat for lapwings, especially in small-structured landscapes.


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