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© Johanna Fick
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Institute of

LV Rural Studies


The Institute of Rural Studies is strongly represented at this year's 35th International Geographical Congress in Dublin (Ireland).

IGC Congress logo

The Thünen Institute is expanding its cooperative relationships in spatial research: The Thünen Institutes of Rural Areas and of Rural Economics are now part of the Leibniz R Research Network.

Logo of the Leibniz Research Network “Spatial Knowledge for Society and Environment – Leibniz R”

In a recent statement, the German Advisory Council of Rural Development (SRLE) at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture recommends a quick implementation of the recently adopted Federal Government's Democracy Strategy and gives further advice with respect to rural areas.

Members of the Advisory Council deliver the statement to the BMEL representative

In a recent statement, the German Advisory Council of Rural Development (SRLE) at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) explains how the opportunities for people and communities associated with the expansion of renewable energies can be better exploited.

Large wind turbines stand in the middle of many yellow-brown fields and a few trees

A new German textbook on rural geography has been published. Five scientists of the Thünen Institute have contributed to it.

The picture displays the cover of the textbook.

On March 20, 2024, our former colleague Christoph van Dülmen successfully completed his doctoral studies at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Hamburg.

Christoph van Dülmen after his doctoral graduation

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