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© Johanna Fick
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Institute of

LV Rural Studies

Projects "Social structure and social inclusion"

Ongoing Projects

Families in rural areas

Families are subject to constant change, which is also of sociopolitical relevance. This project examines the living conditions of families in rural areas.

Families in rural areas

Geography of discontent

We are investigating whether the stability and acceptance of democracy is more at risk in structurally weak and peripheral rural areas than in prosperous and (metropolitan) urban areas. Is there a "geography of discontent"?

Geography of discontent

Giving Rural Actors Novel Data and Re-Usable Tools to Lead Public Action in Rural Areas (GRANULAR)

Rural areas in Europe face various demographic, economic, ecological and social challenges. An in-depth understanding of the characteristics and diversity of rural regions is required to address them. The GRANULAR project contributes to this by providing new data and tools for monitoring rural areas. Our focus is on the subjective wellbeing of the population.

Giving Rural Actors Novel Data and Re-Usable Tools to Lead Public Action in Rural Areas (GRANULAR)

Poverty and Social Integration in Rural Areas

There is poverty even in a rich country such as Germany. This poverty has many faces and being poor in rural areas is different than being poor in a big city. Poverty in rural areas is more likely to be hidden and may be more severe in its consequences for the poor. This project aims at investigating different "faces of poverty" in rural areas.

Poverty and Social Integration in Rural Areas

Social and political consequences of spatial inequalities

Spatial inequalities can be a risk to social cohesion and a source of political cleavages. We examine the social and political consequences of spatial inequalities in East-Central European states.

Social and political consequences of spatial inequalities

Stability and Acceptance of the Democratic System in Rural Areas

Is voting behavior different in rural areas and in urban areas? Is there a lower voter turnout in rural areas? Are people there more discontent with democracy? Are populist parties more successful in rural areas? These are lead question of a new research project at Thünen Institute.

Stability and Acceptance of the Democratic System in Rural Areas

Finished Projects

"Feelings of Being Left Behind" in Rural Areas?

In the public and political discussion, rural areas are depicted very differently. Partly they are regarded as economically prosperous places with a high living quality, partly as regions which "are left behind". The aim of this research project is to investigate how the population of rural regions perceives the situation on site and how the population relates to politics, what the people hope for or expect.

"Feelings of Being Left Behind" in Rural Areas?

Changing Living Conditions in Rural Areas

Starting in 1952, „Changing Living Conditions in Rural Areas“ investigates the everyday life and changes thereof in fourteen German villages and their surroundings. Originally 10 west German villages, the study was enlarged to fourteen villages from east and west Germany after reunification in 1992. The 2012 study is a joint research project of seven cooperating institutes, headed by the Thünen Institute of Rural Studies.

Changing Living Conditions in Rural Areas

Refugees in Rural Areas

Migration and integration research in Germany has so far been largely focused on big cities. However, as a result of refugee development since 2014, small towns and villages in rural areas are increasingly being confronted with refugee assistance and integration tasks.

Refugees in Rural Areas

Rural Youth

The future of rural areas in Germany is, to a high degree, dependent on the youths who live there. There is a chance that young people will stay if they feel their region is worth living in and has the potential to develop. If not, chances are high that especially the young and mobile generation will leave.

Rural Youth

Social disadvantage in rural peripheries in eastern Germany and Czechia

Processes of social disadvantage are often considered as urban problems, but such phenomena are also prevalent in rural areas. In the project we analyse patterns of social disadvantage and options for action.

Social disadvantage in rural peripheries in eastern Germany and Czechia

Social Networks and Health Inequalities

Social inequalities between people are deeply connected to health. Those with lower socio-economic status are more likely to become sick and they die earlier than those with higher socio-economic status. This project aims at examining the factors responsible for turning social inequalities into health inequalities.

Social Networks and Health Inequalities

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