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© Johanna Fick
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Institute of

LV Rural Studies

Archive (News)

In the framework of the research project Agriculturally Relevant Extreme Weather Situations and Possibilities for Risk Management, the Thünen Institute for Rural Areas organized a conference on May 13, 2014.

Photo: Conference on May 13, 2014

In a hearing of the Committee on Food and Agriculture of the German Bundestag in Berlin on April 7th, 2014 the president of the Thünen Institute, Folkhard Isermeyer, explained the analysis of the Institute concerning the design of the „Greening“ within the framework of the reform of the Common…

Bundestag - hearing

Farmers as energy farmers: As to the Renewable Energy Sources Act especially sparsely populated rural counties receive considerably more payments per inhabitant for renewable energy than cities. This is one core result of a recent study of the Thünen-Institute.

Farm, next to it a windmill, in the foreground a pasture

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