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Institute of

OF Organic Farming


Improving animal health through Animal Health Plans - example laying chicken production

Improving animal health through Animal Health Plans - example laying chicken production

The herd health in organic husbandry is not better than usual. Specific animal health plans (AHP) could help to improve farming systems. AHP have been used on 20 organic layer farms and assessed.

Background and Objective

Selected 20 organic layers farms throughout Germany have be used for assessing animal health and tried to improve this with Animal Health plans. The project was funded by the German Organic Farming scheme under the number BÖL 05oe013.


The 20 organic layer farms have been visited twice a year by a sociologist and a veterinarian. In the first year the animal health conditions on the farms have been assessed by the farmer and the veterinaians. After this, farm specific animal health plans have been developed and the impact checked in the comming years.

Our Research Questions

  • What do laying chicken farmers think about the level of animal health on their farm and is this in contradiction to the real situation (veterinary)?
  • How are farm individual animal health plans are accepeted and utilized?
  • Has the animal health changed after implementation of animal health plans?


The study has confirmed the problems of animal welfare on organic layer farms. 

  • There were significant differences in the perception of animal health between the farmers and the veterinarians.
  • Despite the farm individuel animal health plans not all farmers have implemented and utilized them in the daily routine.
  • Animal health situation was significantly improved with the animal health plans.
  • Farm individual animal health plans should be obligatory in organic farming.
  • Animal health status needs to be assessed regularly.


The study has confirmed the problems of animal welfare on organic layer farms. 

  • There were significant differences in the perception of animal health between the farmers and the veterinarians.
  • Despite the farm individuel animal health plans not all farmers have implemented and utilized them in the daily routine.
  • Animal health situation was significantly improved with the animal health plans.
  • Farm individual animal health plans should be obligatory in organic farming.
  • Animal health status needs to be assessed regularly.


Prof. Dr. agr. habil. Gerold Rahmann

+49 160 94945756
+49 4539 8880 200

Involved external Thünen-Partners

Funding Body

  • Federal Ministry of Food und Agriculture (BMEL)
    (national, öffentlich)


12.2005 - 3.2008

More Information

Project funding number: 05OE013
Funding program: Bundesprogramm Ökologischer Landbau und andere Formen nachhaltiger Landwirtschaft (BÖLN)
Project status: finished


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