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© Kay Panten
Institute of

SF Sea Fisheries

Publications, non-peer-reviewed

  1. 0

    Pastoors M, Bleijenberg J, Brazier A, Campbell A, Costas G, Duncan R, Carvalho GF de, Grandal Rodriguez I, Hintzen N, Ibaibarriaga L, Kenyon S, Mendes H, Ourens R, Paradinas I, Quiroz J-C, Taylor I, Ulleweit J (2024) Benchmark workshop on horse mackerel and boarfish (WKBHMB). Copenhagen: ICES, viii, 296 p, ICES Sci Rep 6(8), DOI:10.17895/

  2. 1

    Overzee HMJ van, Ulleweit J, Panten K, Bangma T (2024) Catch sampling of the pelagic freezer trawler fishery operating in European waters in 2021-2022 : Joint report of the Dutch and German national on-board sampling programme. IJmuiden: Centre for Fisheries Research (CVO), 50 p, CVO Rep 24.001, DOI:10.18174/645872

  3. 2

    Adamowicz M, Reis DCC, Egekvist J, Paumier A, Fernandes AC, Gadgaard Boye A, Hasslow A, Hilvarsson A, Kontautas A, Stransky C, Rosa C, Espino García D, Udzups D, Rasmann E, Strehlow HV, Ulleweit J, Freese M, Bernreuther M, Stötera S, Krumme U, et al (2023) Regional Coordination Group North Atlantic, North Sea & Eastern Arctic and Regional Coordination Group Baltic: Part I Report, 79 p; Part II Decisions and Recommendations, 13 p; Part III Intersessional Subgroup (ISSG) 2022-2023 Reports, 320 p [online]. , zu finden in <> [zitiert am 31.01.2024]

  4. 3

    Stransky C, Hekim Z, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Ulleweit J, Döring R, Goti-Aralucea L, Accadia P, Adamidou A, Chassanite A, Davidjuka I, Grati F, Hommik K, Ioannou M, Jakovleva I, Koutrakis E, Kovsars M, Liontakis A, Mannini A, McCormick H, et al (2023) Scientific Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Evaluation of work plans for data collection and data transmission issues (STECF-23-16). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, iii, 37 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep 136208, DOI:10.2760/43137

  5. 4

    Jackson E, Hekim Z, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Ulleweit J, Döring R, Goti-Aralucea L, Stransky C, Accadia PR, Adamidou A, Armesto A, Avdic Mravlje E, Brigaudeau C, Davidjuka I, Ioannou M, Isajlovic I, Jakovleva I, Kazlauskas E, Koutrakis E, Kovsars M, et al (2023) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Evaluation of the 2022 Annual Reports for data collection and data transmission issues from 2022 (STECF-23-08). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, iii, 76 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep 134651, DOI:10.2760/449420

  6. 5

    Stransky C, Hekim Z, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Ulleweit J, Döring R, Goti-Aralucea L, Adamidou A, Armesto A, Bolognini L, Canha A, Chassanite A, Davidjuka I, Gambino M, Grati F, Jackson E, Jakovleva I, Koutrakis E, Kovsars M, McCormick H (2023) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - evaluation of work plans for data collection and data transmission issues (STECF-22-18). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, ii, 42 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep 132133, DOI:10.2760/0851

  7. 6

    Polte P, Alix M, Beggs S, Charitonidou K, Costas G, Diaz P, Fischbach V, Ganias K, Giraldo C, Höffle H, Holah H, Huwer B, Jimenez P, Joly L, Kjesbu O, Kloppmann MHF, Loots C, Makarcuks A, Tiedemann M, Ulleweit J, et al (2023) Working Group on Atlantic Fish Larvae and Eggs Surveys (WGALES; outputs from 2022 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, 43 p, ICES Sci Rep 5(30), DOI:10.17895/

  8. 7

    Follesa MC, Hilvarsson A, Songer S, Aanestad Godiksen J, Beier U, Bekaert K, Berg F, Canha A, Carbonara P, Ni Chonchuir G, Coad Davies J, Denechaud C, Dubroca L, Farias I, Finnbogadottir G, Gault M, Gillespie-Mules R, Heimbrand Y, Krumme U, Ulleweit J, et al (2023) Working Group on Biological Parameters (WGBIOP; outputs from 2022 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, 365 p, ICES Sci Rep 5(76), DOI:10.17895/

  9. 8

    Costas G, O'Hea B, Alvarez P, Blom E, Burns F, dos Santos Schmidt T, Farrell E, Garabana D, Holah H, Huwer B, Eliasen SK, Korta M, Angelico MM, Nash R, Nunes C, Núñez-Riboni I, Politis SN, Riveiro I, Thorsen A, Ulleweit J, et al (2023) Working Group on Mackerel and Horse Mackerel Egg Surveys (WGMEGS). Copenhagen: ICES, 118 p, ICES Sci Rep 5(81), DOI:10.17895/

  10. 9

    Costas G, O'Hea B, Alvarez P, Burns F, Eliasen S, Garabana D, Kloppmann MHF, Korta M, Krüger-Johnsen M, Mann L, Nash R, Riveiro I, Ulleweit J, Wieland K (2023) Working Group on Mackerel and Horse Mackerel Egg Surveys (WGMEGS; outputs form 2022 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, 67 p, ICES Sci Rep 5(20), DOI:10.17895/

  11. 10

    Stenevik EK, Berg F, Beukhof E, Bjarnason S, Bleijenberg J, Brunel T, Burns F, Campbell A, Costas G, Dubroca L, Duncan R, Egan A, Farrell E, Goncalves P, Henriksen O, Høines A, Homrum E, Jacobsen JA, Eliasen SK, Ulleweit J, et al (2023) Working Group on Widely Distributed Stocks (WGWIDE). Copenhagen: ICES, viii, 980 p, ICES Sci Rep 5(82), DOI:10.17895/

  12. 11

    Ulleweit J, Overzee HMJ van, Bangma T (2022) Catch sampling of the pelagic freezer trawler fishery operating in European waters in 2019-2020: joint report of the Dutch and German national on-board sampling programmes. IJmuiden: Stichting Wageningen Research, Centre for Fisheries Research (CVO), 49 p, CVO Rep 22.008, DOI:10.18174/564918

  13. 12

    Nord J, Hekim Z, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Ulleweit J, Döring R, Goti-Aralucea L, Stransky C, Accadia PR, Adamidou A, Armesto A, Avdic Mravlje E, Brigaudeau C, Canha A, Davidjuka I, Grati F, Ioannou M, Jakovleva I, Kazlauskas E, Koutrakis E, et al (2022) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Evaluation of the 2021 Annual Reports for data collection and data transmission issues from 2021 (STECF-22-07). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 75 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/610095

  14. 13

    Beukhof E, Bleijenberg J, Brazier A, Brunel T, Burns F, Campbell A, Campbell N, Codier A, Costas G, Dubroca L, Duncan R, Egan A, Eliasen S, Farrell E, Goncalves P, Henriksen O, Høines A, Holleland S, Homrum E, Ulleweit J (2022) Working Group on Widely Distributed Stocks (WGWIDE). Copenhagen: ICES, ix, 921 p, ICES Sci Rep 4(73), DOI:10.17895/

  15. 14

    Kloppmann MHF, Alvarez P, Angelico MM, Beldarrain B, Blom E, Borges V, Burns F, Costas G, dos Santos Schmidt T, Drewery J, Eliasen SK, Fonn M, Garcia D, Henriques E, Holah H, Huwer B, Kroupis S, Krüger K, Suer B, Ulleweit J, et al (2022) Workshop on mackerel, horse mackerel and hake eggs identification and staging (WKMACHIS). Copenhagen: ICES, 60 p, ICES Sci Rep 4(30), DOI:10.17895/

  16. 15

    Hekim Z, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Ulleweit J, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Knittweis L, Ligas A, et al (2021) Evaluation of the 2020 Annual Reports for data collection and Data Transmission issues (STECF-21-09). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 100 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/288263

  17. 16

    Costas G, Kloppmann MHF, Alvarez P, Angelico MM, Burns F, dos Santos Schmidt T, Garabana D, Korta M, Nunes C, O'Hea B, Riveiro I, Sampedro P, Solla A, Thorsen A, Ulleweit J, Damme CJG van (2021) ICES Working Group on Mackerel and Horse Mackerel Egg Surveys (WGMEGS: outputs from 2020 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, 88 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(11), DOI:10.17895/

  18. 17

    Follesa MC, Hilvarsson A, Songer S, Aanestad Godiksen J, Allegaert W, Basilone G, Beier U, Bekaert K, Berg F, Blass M, Canha A, Carbonara P, Coad Davies J, Dubroca L, Finnbogadottir G, Gault M, Gillespie-Mules R, Haase S, Krumme U, Ulleweit J, et al (2021) Working Group on Biological Parameters (WGBIOP). Copenhagen: ICES, 370 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(112), DOI:10.17895/

  19. 18

    Costas G, O'Hea B, Alvarez P, Angelico MM, Burns F, dos Santos Schmidt T, Huwer B, Garabana D, Kloppmann MHF, Korta M, Nash RDM, Nunes C, Núñez-Riboni I, Riveiro I, Sampedro P, Solla A, Thorsen A, Ulleweit J, Damme CJG van (2021) Working Group on Mackerel and Horse Mackerel Egg Surveys (WGMEGS). Copenhagen: ICES, 40 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(82), DOI:10.17895/

  20. 19

    Campbell A, Berg F, Beukhof E, Bjarnason S, Björnsson H, Brunel T, Burns F, Campbell N, Catarino R, Chetyrkin A, Costas G, Dubroca L, Duncan R, Egan A, Eliasen S, Goncalves P, Henriksen O, Hjorleifsson E, Hojnes A, Ulleweit J, et al (2021) Working Group on Widely Distributed Stocks (WGWIDE). Copenhagen: ICES, 874 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(95), DOI:10.17895/

  21. 20

    Overzee HMJ van, Ulleweit J, Helmond ATM van, Bangma T (2020) Catch sampling of the pelagic freezer trawler fishery operating in European waters in 2017-2018 - joint report of the Dutch and German national sampling programmes. IJmuiden: Stichting Wageningen Research, Centre for Fisheries Research (CVO), 53 p, CVO Rep 20.004, DOI:10.18174/512809

  22. 21

    Stransky C, Hekim Z, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Ulleweit J, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Adamidou A, Armesto A, Avdic Mravlje E, Davidjuka I, Grati F, Ioannou M, Jakovleva I, Kazlauskas E, Koutrakis E, Liontakis A, McCormick H, Nermer T, Nicheva S, et al (2020) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Evaluation of DCF Work Plans 2021 and WP/AR templates & guidance (STECF-20-16). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 43 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/623199

  23. 22

    Nord J, Stransky C, Doerner H, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Goti L, Ulleweit J, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Adamidou A, Armesto A, Bell M, Davidjuka I, Degel H, Hekim Z, Ioannou M, Isajlovic I, Jakovleva I, Kazlauskas E, Koutrakis E, et al (2020) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Evaluation of the 2019 Annual Reports for data collection and Data Transmission issues (STECF-20-08). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 95 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/661005

  24. 23

    Carbonara P, Coad Davies J, Damme CJG van, Aanestad Godiksen J, Allegaert W, Beier U, Bekaert K, Canha A, Farias I, Follesa MC, Gault M, Gillespie-Mules R, Haase S, Hilvarsson A, Hüssy K, Korta M, Krüger-Johnsen M, Krumme U, Stransky C, Ulleweit J, et al (2020) Working Group on Biological Parameters (WGBIOP). Copenhagen: ICES, 150 p, ICES Sci Rep 2(117), DOI:10.17895/

  25. 24

    Campbell A, Brunel T, Campbell N, Carrera P, Catarino R, Chetyrkin A, Costas G, Dubroca L, Duncan R, Eliasen S, Goncalves P, Hojnes A, Holleland S, Homrum Eí, Jacobsen JA, Jansen T, Krysov AI, Kühn B, Lambert G, Ulleweit J, et al (2020) Working Group on Widely Distributed Stocks (WGWIDE). Copenhagen: ICES, 1019 p, ICES Sci Rep 2(82), DOI:10.17895/

  26. 25

    Stransky C, Sala A, Abella JA, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Catchpole T, Damalas D, Daskalov G, Döring R, Gascuel D, Grati F, Ibaibarriaga L, Jung A, Kraak SBM, Berkenhagen J, Freese M, Lasner T, Marohn L, Ulleweit J, et al (2019) Evaluation of DCF work plans 2020-2021 and data transmission issues (STECF-19-18). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 52 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/049734

  27. 26

    Nord J, Doerner H, Adamidou A, Avdic Mravlje E, Armesto A, Bell M, Berkenhagen J, Davidjuka I, Degel H, Hekim Z, Kazlauskas E, Koutrakis E, Liontakis A, Nermer T, Ni Chonchuir G, Panayotova M, Ulleweit J, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, et al (2019) Evaluation of the 2018 Annual reports for data collection and data transmission issues (STECF-19-09). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 61 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/434566

  28. 27

    Hintzen NT, Nielsen A, Campbell A, Slotte A, Sparrevohn CR, Miller D, Nelson G, Dingsoer GE, Oskarsson GJ, Björnsson H, Gatt I, Jacobsen JA, Holst JC, Ulleweit J, Nottestad L, Ailloud L, Readdy L, Aldrin M, Pastoors MA, Campbell N, et al (2019) Interbenchmark workshop on the assessment of northeast Atlantic mackerel (IBPNEAMAC). Copenhagen: ICES, 71 p, ICES Sci Rep 1(5), DOI:10.17895/

  29. 28

    de Boois IJ, Angelico MM, Clark D, Eriksen E, Harley B, Hufnagle LT, Johansen GO, Kupschus S, Masse J, Moreau K, Moreno A, Reid D, Sell AF, Trenkel VM, Ulleweit J, Wieland K (2019) Moving towards integrated ecosystem monitoring. Copenhagen: ICES, 44 p, ICES Coop Res Rep 347, DOI:10.17895/

  30. 29

    Villamor B, Carbonara P, Abaunza P, Aldanondo N, Bolle LJ, Delfs G, Garcia Santamaria MT, Gröhsler T, Hernandez C, Jurado-Ruzafa A, Navarro MR, Soares E, Ramos F, Riveiro I, Rohlf N, Tornero J, Ulleweit J, Uriarte A, Worsoe Clausen L, Vitale F (2019) Small- and medium-sized pelagic species. ICES Coop Res Rep 346:59-102

  31. 30

    Carbonara P, Damme CJG van, Coad Davies J, Bekaert K, Canha A, Finnbogadottir G, Costa AM, Follesa MC, Gault M, Hilvarsson A, Hüssy K, Korta M, Krüger-Johnsen M, Krumme U, Landa J, Lejk AM, Mahé K, Maxwell DL, Stransky C, Ulleweit J, et al (2019) Working group on biological parameters (WGBIOP). Copenhagen: ICES, 93 p, ICES Sci Rep 1(85), DOI:10.17895/

  32. 31

    Costas G, Kloppmann MHF, Alvarez P, Angelico MM, Burns F, dos Santos Schmidt T, Eliassen S, Garabana D, Korta M, Nash RDM, Nune C, O'Hea B, Riveiro I, Thorsen A, Ulleweit J (2019) Working group on mackerel and horse mackerel egg surveys (WGMEGS). Copenhagen: ICES, 233 p, ICES Sci Rep 1(66), DOI:10.17895/

  33. 32

    Oskarsson GJ, Aldrin M, Bal G, Berges B, Beukhof E, Björnsson H, Brunel T, Burns F, Campbell A, Campbell N, Carrera P, Costas G, Dubroca L, Egan A, Eliassen S, Goncalves P, Hojnes A, Homrum Eí, Jacobsen JA, Ulleweit J, et al (2019) Working Group on Widely Distributed Stocks (WGWIDE). Copenhagen: ICES, 948 p, ICES Sci Rep 1(36), DOI:10.17895/

  34. 33

    Nord J, Casey J, Armesto A, Bell M, Berkenhagen J, Davidjuka I, Degel H, Facchini MT, Farrugia H, Godinho S, Hekim Z, Jackson E, Kazlauskas E, Koutrakis E, Liontakis A, Nermer T, Ni Chonochur G, Ulleweit J, Döring R, Stransky C, et al (2018) Evaluation of DCF 2017 Annual Reports (STECF-18-10). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 82 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/03593

  35. 34

    Stransky C, Doerner H, Armesto A, Bell M, Berkenhagen J, Davidjuka I, Gambino M, Jakovleva I, Koutrakis E, Leblond E, Liontakis A, Marohn L, McCormick H, Nermer T, Nicheva S, Nord J, Panayotova M, Raid T, Ulleweit J, Döring R, et al (2018) Evaluation of work plans & data transmission failures (STECF-18-18). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 32 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/031311

  36. 35

    Burns F, Damme CJG van, O'Hea B, Costas G, Ulleweit J, Korta M, Thorsen A (2017) 2016 Mackerel and Horse Mackerel egg survey : preliminary results. 38 p

  37. 36

    Overzee HMJ van, Ulleweit J, Helmond E van (2017) Catch sampling of the pelagic freezer trawler fishery operating in European waters in 2015-2016 - Joint report of the Dutch and German national sampling programmes. Wageningen: Wageningen Pers, 55 p

  38. 37

    Ribeiro C, Casey J, Armesto A, Mravlje EA, Bell M, Berkenhagen J, Ulleweit J, Döring R, Stransky C, et al (2017) Evaluation of DCF 2016 annual reports & data transmission to end users in 2016 & preparation for the new assessment of annual reports and data transmission (STECF-17-10). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 73 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/036445

  39. 38

    Stransky C, Gibin M, Doerner H, Berkenhagen J, Marohn L, Ulleweit J, et al (2017) Evaluation of DCF National Work Plan amendments for 2018/19 (STECF-17-19). Luxembourg: Commission of the European Communities, 39 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/217016

  40. 39

    Döring R, Kempf A, Belschner T, Berkenhagen J, Bernreuther M, Hentsch S, Kraus G, Rätz H-J, Rohlf N, Simons SL, Stransky C, Ulleweit J (2017) Research for PECH Committee - Common Fisheries Policy and BREXIT Resources and Fisheries: a Case Study. In: European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesian Policies (ed) Research for PECH Committee - Common Fisheries Policy and BREXIT : workshop. Brussels: European Union, pp 105-158

  41. 40

    Ulleweit J, Overzee HMJ van, Helmond E van , Panten K (2016) Discard sampling of the Dutch and German pelagic freezer fishery operating in European waters in 2013-2014 - Joint report of the Dutch and German national sampling programmes. Stichting DLO Centre for Fisheries Research (CVO), 62 p, CVO Rep 15.014

  42. 41

    Castro Ribeiro C, Guillen J, Berkenhagen J, Stransky C, Ulleweit J, Döring R, et al (2016) Evaluation of DCF 2015 annual reports & data transmission to end users in 2015 quality assurance procedures (STECF-16-12). Luxembourg: European Commission, 69 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2788/352294

  43. 42

    Sabatella E, Stransky C, Doerner H, Abella JA, Armesto A, Avdic Mravlje E, Bell M, Berg S, Berkenhagen J, Carpentieri P, Dalskov J, Davidjuka I, de Boois IJ, Hansson M, Jackson E, Jakovleva I, Kazlauskas E, Koutrakis E, Ulleweit J, Döring R, et al (2016) Evaluation of DCF national work plans for 2017-2019 (STECF-16-25). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 40 p, DOI:10.2788/101392

  44. 43

    Stransky C, Natale F, Graham N, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Berkenhagen J, Goti L, Ulleweit J, et al (2016) Evaluation of proposals to revise DCF National Programmes for 2016 (STECF-16-01). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 71 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2788/41585

  45. 44

    Steenbergen J, Ulleweit J, Machiels M, Nijman R, Panten K, Helmond E van (2015) Discards sampling of the Dutch and German brown shrimp fisheries in 2009-2012. Wageningen: IMARES, 40 p

  46. 45

    Castro Ribeiro C, Motova A, Berkenhagen J, Ebeling MW, Stransky C, Ulleweit J, Adamidou A, Armesto A, Döring R, Kraak SBM, et al (2015) Evaluation of 2014 MS DCF Annual Reports & Data Transmission (STECF-15-13). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 291 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2788/069049

  47. 46

    Castro Ribeiro C, Motova A, Berkenhagen J, Ebeling MW, Stransky C, Ulleweit J, et al (2014) Evaluation of 2013 MS DCF Annual Reports & Data Transmission (STECF-14-13). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 257 p, doi:10.2788/12174

  48. 47

    Probst WN, Ulleweit J (2014) Wenn aus Spielen Wissenschaft wird, hört dann der Spaß auf? - Die Spieltheorie in der Fischereiwissenschaft. Fischerblatt 62(6):16-18

  49. 48

    Burns F, Damme CJG van, Ulleweit J, Fonn M, Thorsen A, Franco C (2013) 2013 International mackerel and horse mackerel egg survey : preliminary results ; Working Document / Survey Report, ICES WGWIDE 2013. Copenhagen: ICES, 36 p

  50. 49

    Overzee HMJ van, Helmond ATM van, Ulleweit J, Panten K (2013) Discard sampling of the Dutch and German pelagic freezer fishery operating in European waters in 2011 and 2012. Stichting DLO Centre for Fisheries Research (CVO), 68 p, CVO Rep 13.013

  51. 50

    Ebeling MW, Castro Ribeiro C, Stransky C, Berkenhagen J, Ulleweit J, et al (2013) Evaluation of 2012 MS Technical Reports under DCF (1) (STECF-13-14). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 186 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep, doi:10.2788/95695

  52. 51

    Ebeling MW, Castro Ribeiro C, Adamidou A, Ulleweit J, Casey J, Döring R, Stransky C, et al (2013) Evaluation of 2012 MS Technical Reports under DCF (2) (STECF-13-25). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 21 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep, doi:10.2788/38245

  53. 52

    Connolly P, Virtanen J, Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen J, Bailey N, Bertignac M, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daskalov G, Delaney A, Döring R, Garcia Rodriguez M, Gascuel D, Graham N, Gustavsson T, Jennings S, Stransky C, Ebeling MW, Ulleweit J, et al (2012) Analysis of the DCF : annual reports for 2010. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 251 p, EUR Sci Techn Res Ser

  54. 53

    Ebeling MW, Mitrakis N, Dörner H, Casey J, Abella JA, Andersen J, Bailey N, Bertignac M, Cardinale M, Curtis H, Daskalov G, Delaney A, Döring R, Garcia Rodriguez M, Gascuel D, Graham N, Stransky C, Ebeling MW, Berkenhagen J, Ulleweit J, et al (2012) Evaluation of MS Annual Reports for 2011 of the DCF (STECF-OWP-12-05).. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 239 p, EUR Sci Techn Res Ser

  55. 54

    Ulleweit J, Stransky C, Panten K (2010) Discards and discarding practices in German fisheries in the North Sea and Northeast Atlantic during 2002-2008. J Appl Ichthyol 26:54-66, DOI:10.1111/j.1439-0426.2010.01449.x

  56. 55

    Stransky C, Adamidou A, Apostolou A, Armesto A, Bengtsberg R, Berkenhagen J, Cardinale M, Carpentieri P, Davidjuka I, Degel H, Dias M, Di Natale A, Dintheer C, Ebeling MW, Goti L, Gravino F, Gustavsson T, Longoni E, Myllylä T, Ulleweit J, et al (2010) Evaluation of 2009 annual reports related to the Data Collection Framework : Report of the Subgroup on Research Needs (SGRN 10-02) ; 5-10 July 2010, Hamburg. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 277 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep

  57. 56

    Stransky C, Berkenhagen J, Berth U, Ebeling MW, Müller T, Panten K, Plum V, Probst N, Schultz N, Ulleweit J, Velasco A, Zimmermann C (2010) German National Multiannual Fisheries Data Sampling Programme 2011-2013 : based on EU Council Regulation 199/2008, Commission Regulation 665/2008 and Commission Decision 2010/93/EU. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 86 p

  58. 57

    Ulleweit J, Burns F, Damme CJG van, Fonn M, Kloppmann MHF, Milligan SA, Thorsen A (2010) Survey report: 2010 International mackerel and horse mackerel egg survey : preliminary results. 36 p Working Doc ICES WGWIDE 2010/1

  59. 58

    Stransky C, Berkenhagen J, Berth U, Ebeling MW, Müller T, Panten K, Plum V, Probst N, Schultz N, Ulleweit J, Velasco A, Zimmermann C (2010) Technical report / German National Fisheries Data Collection 2009. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 72 p

  60. 59

    Connolly P, Armesto A, Cardinale M, Carpentieri , Charilaou C, Degel H, Di Natale A, Dimech M, Ebeling MW, Hatcher A, Jardim E, Kornilovs G, Kunzlik P, McCormick H, Motova A, Petrakis G, Pönni J, Quincoces I, Raid T, Ulleweit J, et al (2009) Report of the sub-group on research needs (SGECA/SGRN 09-01) : 9-13 February 2009, Bilbao. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 167 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep

  61. 60

    Stransky C, Berkenhagen J, Berth U, Ebeling MW, Nürge T, Panten K, Schultz N, Ulleweit J, Velasco A, Zimmermann C (2009) Technical report / German National Fisheries Data Collection 2008. Hamburg: vTI, 76 p

  62. 61

    Kloppmann MHF, Ulleweit J, Damme CJG van (2008) Distribution of Snake Pipefish during the 2007 MEGS : working document presented at the Working Group for the Mackerel Egg Survey.

  63. 62

    Stransky C, Panten K, Ulleweit J (2008) Finance report on the German National Data Sampling Programme 2007 in reference to Reg. 1543/2000. 143 p

  64. 63

    Stransky C, Berkenhagen J, Berth U, Ebeling MW, Jiménez-Krause JD, Panten K, Schultz N, Ulleweit J, Velasco A, Wern W, Zimmermann C (2008) Nationales Fischereidatenerhebungsprogramm : Aktivitäten und Ausblick. Inf Fischereiforsch 55:5-14, DOI:10.3220/Infn55_5-14_2008

  65. 64

    Graham N, Döring R, Curtis H, Moreau K, Helmond E van , Schon PJ, Ulleweit J, Catchpole T, Tetard A, MacMullen P, Jackson E, McDonald D, Fitzgerald R, Course G, Hussein P, Beare D (2008) Report of the SGMOS-08-01 Working group on the reduction of discarding practices : 16-20 June, Ispra, Italy. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 102 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep

  66. 65

    Vigneau J, Adamidou A, Armesto A, Arneri E, Bell M, Berkenhagen J, Cardinale M, Charilaou C, Collet I, Degel H, Di Natale A, Ebeling MW, Grzebielec R, Gustavson T, Hatcher A, Heessen H, Kornilovs G, Maertens B, Morgado MC, Ulleweit J, et al (2008) Report of the working group on research needs (SGRN-08-02) : evaluation of 2007 national data collection programs undertaken under Commission regulation (EC) No. 1639/2001 ; 30 June - 5 July 2008, Ispra, Italy. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 151 p, JRC Sci Techn Rep

  67. 66

    Ulleweit J, Panten K, Stransky C (2008) Rückwürfe in den Fischereien unter deutscher Flagge : Ergebnisse aus 6 Jahren Datenerhebungsprogramm am Institut für Seefischerei. Inf Fischereiforsch 55:45-54, DOI:10.3220/Infn55_45-54_2008

  68. 67

    Kloppmann MHF, Ulleweit J, Burns F, Gibb I, O'Hea B (2008) Sampling variability in mackerel egg abundance. 8 p ICES WGMEGS Working Doc WD 1

  69. 68

    Stransky C, Berkenhagen J, Berth U, Ebeling MW, Jiménez-Krause JD, Panten K, Schultz N, Ulleweit J, Velasco A, Zimmermann C (2008) Technical report / German National Fisheries Data Collection 2007. 72 p

  70. 69

    Cornus H-P, Panten K, Stransky C, Ulleweit J (2007) Finance Report / German National Fisheries Data Sampling Programme 2006. 119 p

  71. 70

    Stransky C, Berkenhagen J, Berth U, Cornus H-P, Jiménez-Krause JD, Panten K, Peter G, Schultz N, Ulleweit J, Velasco A, Zimmermann C (2007) German National Fisheries Data Sampling Programme 2008 update : based on EU Council Regulation 1543/2000 and Commission Regulations 1639/2001 and 1581/2004. 61 p

  72. 71

    Ulleweit J, Panten K (2007) Observing the German pelagic fishery 2002 to 2006 : catch and discards of mackerel and horse mackerel. Copenhagen: ICES, 9 p, Working Doc ICES Working Group Assessment Mackerel Horse Mackerel Sardine Anchovies 2007

  73. 72

    Stransky C, Berkenhagen J, Berth U, Cornus H-P, Jiménez-Krause JD, Panten K, Peter G, Schultz N, Ulleweit J, Velasco A, Zimmermann C (2007) Technical report / German National Fisheries Data Collection 2006. 66 p

  74. 73

    Cornus H-P, Panten K, Stransky C, Ulleweit J (2006) Finance Report / German National Fisheries Data Collection Programme 2005. 121 p

  75. 74

    Cornus H-P, Stransky C, Berth U, Jiménez-Krause JD, Panten K, Peter G, Schultz N, Ulleweit J, Velasco A, Zimmermann C (2006) German National Fisheries Data Sampling Programme 2007 update : based on EU Council Regulation 1543/2000 and Commission Regulations 1639/2001 and 1581/2004. 61 p

  76. 75

    Berth U, Cornus H-P, Jiménez-Krause JD, Panten K, Peter G, Schultz N, Stransky C, Ulleweit J, Velasco A, Zimmermann C (2006) Technical report / German National Fisheries Data Collection 2005. 111 p

  77. 76

    Schöne R, Ulleweit J (2005) Die Fischerei im Nordostatlantik im Jahre 2004. Inf Fischereiforsch 52:66-73, DOI:10.3220/Infn52_66-73_2005

  78. 77

    Cornus H-P, Panten K, Stransky C, Ulleweit J (2004) Aktivitäten des nationalen Fischereidatenerhebungsprogramms im Jahr 2004. Inf Fischwirtsch Fischereiforsch 51(2-4):109-113

  79. 78

    Schöne R, Ulleweit J (2003) Die nordostarktische Fischerei im Jahre 2003. Inf Fischwirtsch Fischereiforsch 50(4):135-143

  80. 79

    Knust R, Ulleweit J (1999) Die Fische und Krebse des Wattenmeeres. In: Wattenmeer zwischen Elb- und Emsmündung. Stuttgart: Ulmer, pp 72-73

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