Dr.-Ing. Andreas Gensior

Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture
Bundesallee 6838116 Braunschweig
- Telephone
- +49 531 596 2637
- Fax
- +49 531 596 2699
- andreas.gensior@thuenen.de
Research interests
- Reporting on greenhousegas emissions from land use and land-use change in Germany according to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change, the Kyoto – Protocol and the European Union Directive 2004/280 EG
- Carbon and nitrogen dynamics in soils and biomass and their spatial and temporal variability subject to land use and land-use change and site conditions
- Storage and regional allocation of elements in soils, particulary carbon
- Development of methods to gain activity data and emission factors nationwide and to regionalize spot informations fort he German greenhouse gas inventory Land use and land-use change
- Identification and quantification on uncertainties of the German GHG – inventory land use and land-use change
- Services: providing data
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