The Thünen Institute Scientific Data Repository (TISDAR) enables you to search, download or store and describe spatial data from the Thünen Institute via a simple web interface. The portal, which is based on open source technologies, is not public and is only offered internally.
TISDAR functions
Data loaded into TISDAR can be viewed together on a web map and is provided with meta information on data content, contact person, data quality, purpose and usage regulations. In addition to spatial data, documents and code files (e.g. scripts) can also be stored and linked. The focus of the system is the ease of handling and data with spatial information (spatial data).
On upload, the data records are recognized by their type and permissions for viewing and reuse can be set. Shapefiles, but also GeoTiffs, Excel data, PDFs, Python / R scripts and other formats can be loaded as data types.
The data is then described using a metadata wizard. The assistant offers various license models and citation forms as lists and simplifies and guides you through the registration process. The metadata is kept in an extended ISO 19139 schema and can be supplemented with necessary information via XSL transformations for the INSPIRE node created by the Thünen Institute and published there.
Data can be searched by free text, keywords, extent, data type and ISO category. The search query formulated in this way can be shared via a link. Found records can also be compiled and displayed in a new map view.
The metadata view presents grouped information about the data set. The data sets can be filtered and downloaded in various formats with the associated metadata.
Each spatial dataset can be viewed on maps and its attributes can be queried. Several datasets can be combined into maps and saved together for later use. The display of each layer can be individually adjusted.
Technical basis

TISDAR is based on the open-source project GeoNode which is funded by the international foundation OSGeo. GeoNode was adapted for the Thünen Institute and is constantly being developed. As a member of the steering committee of the GeoNode project, Florian Hoedt takes on management responsibility. Improvements and bug fixes are transferred from the code base of the Thünen Institute to the open-source community, and new features and releases are jointly developed.
These orchestrated components provide the Open Geospatial Consortium, or OGC services for short. This allows researchers to use data from the portal for analyses or to send search queries. Any OGC-capable client or programming language can be used for this, for example ArcGIS, QGIS, Python or R.
Data records available in TISDAR, which have been finally quality checked and evaluated, are transferred to the open data portal Thünen-Atlas and are accessible to the public.