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The Thünen Baseline

The Thünen-Baseline is established by the Thünen Modelling Network every two years. This is not a forecast but rather describes the developments expected in the German agricultural sector during the next ten years

  • under the current (agricultural) policy framework, and
  • with assumptions about the development of exogenous influences

The Thünen-Baseline thus provides a reference scenario for the analysis of the impacts of alternative policies and developments.

Objectives of the Thünen-Baseline

The Thünen-Baseline serves

  • to identify need for policy changes
  • as a reference scenario for the analysis of the impacts of alternative policies and developments
  • to harmonise the models of the Thünen Model Network as a precondition for timely responses to request of the BMEL.


  1. Assumptions on the development of exogenous variables and the policy conditions in the baseline scenario are developed in close co-operation with experts of the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture
  2. Harmonization of the representation of policy instruments in the models
  3. Establishment of first results and iterative co-ordination of models
  4. Discussion of preliminary results with representatives of Federal as well as Länder ministries. This approach allows the integration of expert knowledge and facilitates the definition of a scenario which is widely accepted as a relevant basis for further policy impact assessments.
  5. If required, revision of projection
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