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Further selected publications of Alisa Spiegel

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    Meuwissen M, Feindt PH, Slijper T, Spiegel A, Finger R, de Mey Y, Paas W, Termeer CJAM, Poortvliet PM, Peneva M, Urquhart J, Vigani M, Black JE, Nicholas-Davies P, Maye D, Appel F, Heinrich F, Balmann A, Bijttebier J, Coopmans I, et al (2021) Impact of Covid-19 on farming systems in Europe through the lens of resilience thinking. Agric Syst 191:103152, DOI:10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103152

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    Spiegel A, Slijper T, de Mey Y, Meuwissen M, Poortvliet PM, Rommel J, Hansson H, Vigani M, Soriano B, Wauters E, Appel F, Antonioli F, Gavrilescu C, Gradziuk P, Finger R, Feindt PH (2021) Resilience capacities as perceived by European farmers. Agric Syst 193:103224, DOI:10.1016/j.agsy.2021.103224

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    Spiegel A, Britz W, Finger R (2021) Risk, risk aversion, and agricultural technology adoption - A novel valuation method based on real options and inverse stochastic dominance. Q Open 1(2):qoab016, DOI:10.1093/qopen/qoab016

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    Spiegel A, Soriano B, de Mey Y, Slijper T, Urquhart J, Bardaji I, Vigani M, Severini S, Meuwissen M (2020) Risk management and its role in enhancing perceived resilience capacities of farms and farming systems in Europe. EuroChoices 19(2):45-53, DOI:10.1111/1746-692X.12284

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    Spiegel A, Severini S, Britz W, Coletta A (2020) Step-by-step development of a model simulating returns on farm from investments: the example of hazelnut plantation in Italy: The example of hazelnut plantation in Italy. Bio-Based App Econ 9(1):53-83, DOI:10.13128/bae-7961

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    Spiegel A, Britz W, Djanibekov U, Finger R (2020) Stochastic-dynamic modelling of farm-level investments under uncertainty. Environ Modelling Software 127:104656, DOI:10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104656

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    Meuwissen M, Feindt PH, Midmore P, Wauters E, Finger R, Appel F, Spiegel A, Mathijs E, Termeer CJAM, Balmann A, de Mey Y, Reidsma P (2020) The struggle of farming systems in Europe: Looking for explanations through the lens of resilience. EuroChoices 19(2):4-11, DOI:10.1111/1746-692X.12278

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    Meuwissen M, Feindt PH, Spiegel A, Termeer CJAM, Mathijs E, de Mey Y, Finger R, Balmann A, Wauters E, Urquhart J, Vigani M, Zawalinska K, Herrera H, Nicholas-Davies P, Hansson H, Paas W, Slijper T, Coopmans I, Vroege W, Ciechomska A, et al (2019) A framework to assess the resilience of farming systems. Agric Syst 176:102656, DOI:10.1016/j.agsy.2019.102656

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    Spiegel A, Britz W, Djanibekov U, Finger R (2018) Policy analysis of perennial energy crop cultivation at the farm level: Short rotation coppice (SRC) in Germany. Biomass Bioenergy 110:41-56, DOI:10.1016/j.biombioe.2018.01.003

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