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Institute of

HF Wood Research

Development of multifunctional materials for a more efficient utilization of resources

An efficient utilization of wood combined with our practical and user-oriented research is the basis for a competitive and sustainable manufacture of wood-based products.

The growing demand for renewable resources and a constantly shifting supply with wood species require an optimized utilization of resources. The requirements of a modern society call for diversification of the material properties. A modern utilization of wooden resources in wood-based products therefore has to perform significantly better than just using wood in form of universally applicable standard products.

The Thünen Institute of Wood Research is an internationally leading partner in wood research. We continuously develop procedural fundamentals for an efficient development of wood products, like wood-hybrid and fiber-based materials or microfibrillated cellulose (MFC). Our research for innovative materials and material combinations implements political targets by providing bio-based, high-value solutions which significantly increased resource efficiency.

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