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Institute of

OF Organic Farming

Working group Product quality

The production of high quality products is a central tenet of organic farming. Both the process quality as well as the product quality are the heart of our studies. Here, the main focus is on the development of quick methods of near infrared spectroscopy for the quality evaluation of legumes, cereals and oil seeds, but also of meat and milk. In order to secure and prove process quality, suitable processes are needed as are being developed by the working group.

Working group Product quality


Cows on organic farms - looked at through interdisciplinary glasses

Studies have shown:Cows in organic dairy farms are not healthier and face mastiis as well as metabolic disorders. This joint research project aimed for an interdisciplinary approach to that phenomenon.

Cows on organic farms - looked at through interdisciplinary glasses

Evaluation of organic feedstuffs

Organic farmers should feed the animals with 100 % organic produced feedstuffs in the near future. Not only ruminants, but also monogastric animals – poultry and swine – must be feed with protein from domestic feedstuffs to meet requirements.

Evaluation of organic feedstuffs

Further development of cultivation, processing and utilisation of protein crops

Protein crops, especially legumes, play a crucial role in overcoming current challenges such as the climate crisis, feeding the world's growing population, species loss and the resulting need to transform agricultural and food systems towards greater sustainability and resilience.

Further development of cultivation, processing and utilisation of protein crops

Maize and beans in mixed cropping

In the future, the amount of on-farm or locally produced feedstuff should increase to ensure a sustainable protein supply for farm animals. In our project we analyze the potential of the mixed cropping of maize with runner or scarlet runner beans.

Maize and beans in mixed cropping

Natural bedding material - a risk factor for organic dairy cows?

n organic farms, a natural bedding material has to be provided in the lying areas of cows. However, bacteria and other mastitis pathogens may grow very well under these conditions. Thus, the risk for the cows to get infected by these pathogens increases as well. The project investigated how organic dairy farmers handle their bedding material, and whether an increased risk for the organic dairy cows really exists.

Natural bedding material -  a risk factor for organic dairy cows?

Peas, lupins and partners in field trials

Legumes are essential in the system of organic farming because of the nitrogen fixation and their function for the nutrient supply. They improve soil fertility, and provide a protein-rich feed stuff. In field trials with the focus of mixed cropping of grain legumes, especially the cultivation of blue lupins and peas we focused on yield optimisation and weed management. , We also evaluated the feed quality and their contribution to protein supply in organic animal husbandry.

Peas, lupins and partners in field trials

Small grain legumes in organic feeds for pigs and poultry

The use of early harvested alfalfa and red clover (small grain legumes) as valuable feedstuff for pigs and poultry is studied. Both legumes are processed either to whole crop silage or to dried leaf mass.

Small grain legumes in organic feeds for pigs and poultry

Treated common vetch seeds for monogastrics

The protein-rich seeds of common vetches contain valuable nutrients, but also anti-nutritive factors, to which especially chicken and pigs are sensitive to. In this project, we examine if the treatments germination and ensiling, respectively, can reduce these negative effects.

Treated common vetch seeds for monogastrics

Udder health and milk quality

Dairy goats can have mastitis like cows, mostly sub-clinical. In comparison with cows, there were no clear definition and indicators to measure udder health and "good" milk qualities.

Udder health and milk quality

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