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© Bernd Degen
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Institute of

FG Forest Genetics


Selection of drought tolerant Robinia pseudoacacia

Agroforestry systems as a land-use adapted to increasing drought, sub-project provision of adapted plant material of Robinia

Longterm studies in Brandenburg have shown Robinia with respect to growth potential especially suitable for drought exposed sites.

Background and Objective

Aim of the project is the provision of adapted Robinia plant material


An increase of the gentic base with seed sources from Europe and the original area of distribution on North America as well as the further improvement by selections is planned.

Funding Body

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
    (national, öffentlich)


4.2010 - 4.2014

More Information

Project funding number: 01LR0803D
Project status: finished


  1. 0

    Guse T, Schneck V, Wühlisch G von, Liesebach M (2015) Untersuchungen der Ertragsleistung und -stabilität bei Robinien-Jungpflanzen verschiedener Herkunft auf einem Standort im Land Brandenburg. Thünen Rep 26:85-97

  2. 1

    Guse T, Wühlisch G von (2012) Selektion trockentoleranter Robinien (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) für die Biomasseerzeugung - Untersuchungen an Sämlingen internationaler Herkunft. Beitr Nordwestdt Forstl Versuchsanst 8:400-401

  3. 2

    Guse T, Schneck V, Liesebach M, Wühlisch G von (2011) Improving growth performance and drought tolerance of Robinia pseudoacacia L. - analysis of seedlings of European Progenies. Indian J Ecol 38(Spec. Iss.):95-98

  4. 3

    Grünewald H, Böhm C, Quinkenstein A, Grundmann P, Eberts J, Wühlisch G von (2009) Robinia pseudoacacia L.: a lesser known tree species for biomass production. BioEnergy Res 2(3):123-133, DOI:10.1007/s12155-009-9038-x

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