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Ökologischer Betrieb
© BLE, Bonn/Thomas Stephan
Ökologischer Betrieb
Institute of

BW Farm Economics

Contributions to journals / magazines

Contributions in reviewed journals / magazines of Stefan Schwarze

  1. 0

    Pufahl A, Schwarze S, Roggendorf W, Sander A, Bathke M, Bergschmidt A (2022) Wirksamkeit und Effizienz der ELER-Förderung für Ressourcenschutz, Klimaschutz und Tierwohl. Ber Landwirtsch 100(1), DOI:10.12767/buel.v100i1.395

  2. 1

    Adolwa IS, Schwarze S, Buerkert A (2019) Impacts of integrated soil fertility management on yield and household income: The case of Tamale (Ghana) and Kakamega (Kenya). Ecol Econ 161:186-192, DOI:10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.03.023

  3. 2

    Spey I-K, Kupsch D, Bobo KS, Waltert M, Schwarze S (2019) The effects of road access on income generation. Evidence from an integrated conservation and development project in cameroon. Sustainability 11(12):3368, DOI:10.3390/su11123368

  4. 3

    Adolwa IS, Schwarze S, Waswa B, Buerkert A (2019) Understanding system innovation adoption: A comparative analysis of integrated soil fertility management uptake in Tamale (Ghana) and Kakamega (Kenya). Renewable Agric Food Syst 34(4):313-325, DOI:10.1017/S1742170517000485

Contributions in non-reviewed journals / magazines of Stefan Schwarze

  1. 0

    Pufahl A, Schwarze S, Roggendorf W (2022) Hilft der ELER beim Klimaschutz in der Landwirtschaft? LandInForm(1):46-47

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