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AK Climate-Smart Agriculture


For more safety on board

The first of our seagoing colleagues from the Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries were able to learn a lot about the use and application of work and survival suits on the high seas in an internal workshop...

© Thünen-Institut/ Nicole Hielscher

The first of our seagoing colleagues from the Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries were able to learn a lot about the use and application of work and survival suits on the high seas in an internal workshop - and immediately apply their knowledge during a fitting of the new sea safety equipment!

This special sea safety equipment is used on our working boat Krabbe as well as on commercial vessels - from the traditional shrimp vessel to the large high-tech trawler. 

To ensure the best possible safety at sea, all our work and survival suits are equipped with safety boots incl. steel toecaps and an inner lining for thermal protection up to 6 hours at water temperatures below 2°C. In addition, automatic life jackets are worn over the suit for extra protection due to their high buoyancy.

All our marine safety equipment is SOLAS certified, which means that they comply with the worldwide "Safety of Live at Sea" - guidelines for the protection of human life at sea. 

If you have questions regarding this topic, feel free to contact Nicole Hielscher.

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