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Institute of

OF Baltic Sea Fisheries

Thünen-project „Fischbestände online“ (fish stocks online) enters third funding period

Processors, retailers and fishery continue to fund the project „Fischbestände online“ during 2016-2019. This was announced today by the German retailer’s federation (BVLH) at the world’s largest food fair for the retail trade and the food service and catering market, the ANUGA in Cologne. The Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries presents “Fischbestände online” there again, as in 2009 and 2013.


Visit of Federal Minister for Nutrition and Agriculture Christian Schmidt at the "Fischbestände online“-booth on ANUGA fair (from left: F. Dornseifer, president of the German retailer’s federation (BVLH), Dr. K. Barz, Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries, Minister C. Schmidt, F.-M. Rausch and C. Mieles, CEOs of BVLH)

The website „Fischbestände online“ (in German) provides up-to-date and scientifically correct information on all aspects of the sustainable use of marine fish stocks relevant for the German market.

The development of the freely accessible website started at the ANUGA in 2009, under the auspices of the Federal Minister for Nutrition, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Ms Ilse Aigner. The present minister, Christian Schmidt, is happy that the information provided by the Thünen Institute, one of the ministry’s federal research agencies, has become an indispensable source for the purchasers of processors and retailers. In the third project period, funding is mainly provided for a scientist at the Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries in Rostock. She collates, verifies and updates the Information.

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