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AT Agricultural Technology


Official handover of the decision by Federal Minister Cem Özdemir at the Green Week in Berlin

As part of the International Green Week in Berlin on January 24, 2023, the Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, Cem Özdemir, handed over the approval notice for the joint project "Transparency in Pig Production (TiPP)". This project deals with "digital traceability and transparency along the pig value chain in the Oldenburger Münsterland region". Overall, the TiPP research project will bring the opportunities of digitization to broad agricultural practice through targeted technology and knowledge transfer. This will contribute to the expansion of digitally supported, sustainable agriculture. A digital value chain in the agricultural and food sector will result in consumer policy, climate-efficient and regional economic location advantages for rural areas. Further information can be found shortly in the "Latest projects" section.


The project consortium also includes the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture in Oldenburg (lead management), the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, OFFIS e.V. from Oldenburg, the University of Veterinary Medicine in Hanover and the Georg-August University of Göttingen.

The TiPP joint project will be funded for a period of 36 months with a total of around 4.5 million euros, of which around 754,000 euros are available to the Thünen Institute for Agricultural Technology.

© Thünen-Institut/Nadine Kraft

v.l.: BM Cem Özdemir (BMEL), Prof. Dr. Imke Traulsen (Uni Göttingen), Prof. Dr. Christina Umstätter (Thünen-Institut für Agrartechnologie), Gerhard Schwetje (LWK Niedersachsen), Dr. Marc-Alexander Lieboldt (LWK Niedersachsen) und Prof. Dr. Nicole Kemper (Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover)

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