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Investigation of the clone by site interactions

Investigation of the clone by site interactions of poplar and willow on agricultural sites throughout Germany

Poplars and willows are especially suitable for the production of energy wood in form of wood chips in short rotation periods. However, their site-specific productivity and with that the profitability evaluations of specific cultivars are not sufficiently precisely possible.

Background and Objective

In all representative German regions (suitable for SRC) under a common field-design and data evaluation scheme the yields of different poplar and willow cultivars are to be tested.


Field test design and culturing will follow best-practices rules. Two willow clones (Inger and Tordis) and three poplar clones (Max 1, Hybrida 275, AF2) will be planted in the trial sites thoughout Germany.

Funding Body

  • Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR)
    (national, öffentlich)


5.2012 - 4.2015

More Information

Project funding number: 22012112
Funding program: FNR
Project status: finished

Publications to the project

  1. 0

    Liesebach M (2018) Biomass production on the ProLoc-site Trenthorst (Bio26). Thünen Rep 62:123-126

  2. 1

    Liesebach M, Schneck V, Pecenka R, Spikermann H, Paulsen HM (2018) Comparison of the biomass production from 3 three-year rotation cycles of 2 ProLoc sites. In: Seventh international poplar symposium : new bioeconomies: exploring the role of salicaceae ; 28th October - 4th November 2018, Buenos Aires, Argentina - Book of Abstracts. Buenos Aires: IUFRO, p 88

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