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National Animal Welfare Monitoring

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© Thünen-Institut/ Nina Heil, Cantu Perez, Katja Krugmann, Edna Hillmann, Michael Welling
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National Animal Welfare Monitoring (NaTiMon)

The interdisciplinary project "National Animal Welfare Monitoring" has developed the basis for reporting on the status quo and the development of animal welfare in livestock farming.

Background and Objective

The state of animal welfare in livestock farming is a controversial topic in Germany. Nevertheless, at the federal level, there is still no profound reporting structure established to monitor the current status and long-term progression of animal welfare. In order to change this, the NaTiMon has developed the foundations for such a standardized national animal welfare monitoring. If such an animal welfare monitoring is established, it will not only provide a reliable basis for political decision-makers but will also benefit the practice. Based on the outcomes, livestock farmers can make a qualified assessment of the situation of their farm in comparison to the general livestock population. In addition, consumers can obtain objective information about the state of welfare in German animal farms.

The aim of the overall NaTiMon project was to develop the basis for regular, indicator-based monitoring and reporting structure about the status of animal welfare in livestock farming in Germany. The documentation of the results can show the development of the animal welfare situation over time. The project is based on a decision of the German Bundestag within the framework of the national livestock strategy and receives approximately 4.6  million Euros funding by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). The project  is supported by a large consortium consisting of: the Thünen Institutes of Farm Economics, Fisheries Ecology and Organic Farming and the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (Department of Fish Diseases and Farming); the Federal Statistical Office of Germany; the Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft; the Friedrich Loeffler Institute for Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare; Kiel University (Institute for Animal Breeding and Animal Husbandry), the Chair of Animal Husbandry and Poultry Sciences of the Hochschule Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences, and the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Division of Animal Husbandry and Ethology). The project has been supported by the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE). The project has identified meaningful and reliable animal welfare indicators for pigs, cattle, poultry, sheep, goats, and aquaculture (rainbow trout and carp) covering the life stages of husbandry, transport, and slaughter.

The Thünen-Institute for Farm Economics (TI-BW) co-ordinated the project. In addition, socio-economic indicators have being identified and developed which are the driving forces for positive or negative developments or reactions to animal welfare in livestock farming. Also indicators which can be collected at by-product processing plants have been a work package of TI-BW. The collection and evaluation of the indicators was described in methodological manuals and survey guidelines, and an example of the results was presented in the model report. Furthermore, the wishes and preferences of the various stakeholders were examined (stakeholder analysis). To map the costs of monitoring, the survey costs of suitable indicators were determined for the different animal species. The information generated by all subprojects was used to create a prototype/model for a monitoring report. The policy results were used to formulate policy recommendations, which delineate the steps necessary to  implement a future animal welfare monitoring.

At the Thünen Institute of Organic Farming, suitable indicators for recording animal welfare in agricultural practice have been identified for dairy and fattening cattle, reared calves and young livestock, taking into account existing work and data already available at the national level, e.g., from the Traceability and Information System for Animals (HIT) or the Milk Performance Test. For other relevant animal welfare areas, such as lameness or injuries, for which no comprehensive data is currently available, possibilities for standardised recording have been developed (method manuals). The indicators, which have been classified as suitable, have been collected and tested in 30 cattle-rearing farms (cattle fattening farms and dairy and calf farms). The data obtained in practice from this exploratory survey has been processed and evaluated, especially with respect to the informative value of the indicators and their suitability for a representative national survey. Subsequently, selected indicators were exemplarily described in a model report for animal welfare reporting for the cattle farming sector.

The Thünen-Institute of Fisheries Ecology worked in a partnering network with the Department of Fish Diseases and Farming of the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover. The partners collected and evaluated parameters and welfare indicators for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Rainbow trout and common carp are the most important species in the traditional, pond-based aquaculture in Germany. Despite this long tradition, little is known about the state of animal welfare of the two species, which differ fundamentally both in their biological requirements and in the husbandry systems used for rearing. Within the framework of the project, practical and meaningful parameters and indicators which can be used for repeated monitoring of the state of welfare in the rearing of these two species  were selected. Thus the foundation for a continuous survey of animal welfare in German aquaculture and enable farmers and farm managers to routinely assess the status of animal welfare on their farms has been provided. This will also enable individual farms to survey the development of their husbandry conditions and to detect trends in husbandry at an early stage. Additionally, they can check the success of changes and implemented measures immediately.


The central tasks in the overall project were:

  1. Creation of an indicator synopsis from the literature and scientific pre-selection of animal welfare indicators
  2. Carrying out a stakeholder analysis (interviews with stakeholders and a survey of society)
  3. Indicator selection with the involvement of stakeholders
  4. Examination of existing data and preparation of the collection of previously missing data
  5. Testing the indicator survey on practical farms and determining the survey costs
  6. Description of the survey and evaluation methodology and publication of model reports
  7. Formulation of recommendations to policymakers for the implementation of animal welfare monitoring

Approach at Thünen-Institute of Farm Economics

On the basis of literature analyses and data research, we pre-selected suitable socio-economic indicators and indicators which can be collected at  by-product processing plants.  A stakeholder analysis was be carried out in cooperation with the Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft (KTBL). Qualitative interviews and an online survey were conducted to identify the wishes and preferences of the stakeholders. A time recording sheet was developed to determine the survey costs of the indicators for which no data basis is yet available. It was used by the teams when they carried out the indicator test on the farms. The presentation of selected indicators (results) was exemplified in a model report and policy recommendations were formulated and discussed with decision-makers.

Approach at the Thünen-Institute of Organic Farming

On the basis of existing work, we carryied out a selection of suitable indicators for national monitoring for dairy cattle, fattening cattle, rearing calves and young cattle on the basis of scientific criteria (validity, reliability, and practicability). We supported our project partners TI-BW and KTBL in carrying out stakeholder analyses for the livestock species cattle and our project partners from Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI) in selecting indicators for the transport and slaughter of cattle. We prepared method manuals for dairy cattle, fattening cattle, rearing calves and young cattle on the basis of the previous work steps and tested the selected indicators on 10 farms each with dairy cows, fattening cattle, rearing calves and young cattle. The data collected have been processed and evaluated with respect to their suitability for a national animal welfare monitoring. We prepared an animal welfare model-report for cattle and formulated recommendations for the implementation of continuous monitoring for cattle. All results have been coordinated with experts and stakeholders from science, authorities, and associations, etc. in order to achieve a high level of acceptance in practice.

Approach at the Thünen-Institute of Fisheries Ecology

Based on literature and studies carried out in other European countries, a list of potential animal-related and resource-related indicators and parameters with regards to the key elements of management and operation was  composed. Pre-test were carried out on selected farms in order to test the general feasibility of the survey methods and, if necessary, to adapt the process accordingly. The experience gained from this pre-test resulted in a methodical catalog of parameters and indicators. These were discussed with representatives of aquaculture research and administration, the fish health services, representatives of associations and farmers. The aim was to mutually identify and select the most relevant and practical indicators. Subsequently, a number of aquaculture farms for trout and carp production was visited and the indicators sampled. Doing so, the focus was on practicability, as well as identifying those indicators, that provide the most reliable results. One major goal was to support aquaculture farms and companies in the implementation of a regular self-monitoring of the state of animal welfare. This way a nationwide evaluation about the current state and trend of animal welfare in rainbow trout and common carp in Germany can be realized. Farm managers were asked about potential challenges regarding animal welfare in order to clarify where current problems occur and which measures are specifically necessary to solve these.

At all Thünen Institutes, there is a continuous review and evaluation of relevant scientific sources as well as specialist literature and the preparation of reports and manuscripts for professional and scientific journals. Participation in scientific congresses and events for the transfer of knowledge into practice takes place with the aim of presenting the results.


The literature database of animal welfare indicators provides an overview of the more than 2000 indicators for measuring animal welfare described in the scientific literature ( literaturdatenbank-tierwohlindikatoren).

The collection of indicators as part of farm audits is described in the survey guidelines.

The presentation and calculation of all indicators and the written survey are explained in the method manuals. The survey guidelines and methodology manuals also contain all relevant information on the methodology and the underlying literature sources.

The model reports contain the presentation of selected indicators in a future animal welfare monitoring programme.

The recommendations explain the steps that are necessary for the implementation of a national animal welfare monitoring programme.

All steps of the project, such as the procedure for selecting the indicators and background information, can be found in the project report.

All documents can be downloaded from



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Involved external Thünen-Partners

Funding Body

  • Federal Ministry of Food und Agriculture (BMEL)
    (national, öffentlich)


12.2018 - 7.2023

More Information

Project status: finished

Publications to the project

  1. 0

    Bergschmidt A, Brinkmann J, March S, Reiser S (2024) Ergebnisse des Projekts "Nationales Tierwohl- Monitoring" (NaTiMon) für die Erfassung des Tierwohls in Landwirtschaft und Aquakultur. Braunschweig; Trenthorst; Bremerhaven: Thünen-Institut für Betriebswirtschaft; Thünen-Institut für Ökologischen Landbau; Thünen-Institut für Fischereiökologie, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2024/11, DOI:10.3220/PB1712045714000

  2. 1

    Magierski V, Frieten D, Heil N, Koch M, Brinkmann J, March S (2024) Haltung Rind : Methodenhandbuch Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 177 p

  3. 2

    Bergschmidt A, Geef L, Gröner C, Johns J, Over C, Prottengeier B, Treu H, Wieczorreck L, Krieter J, Krugmann K, Heil N, Koch M, Lühken S, Kauselmann K, Brinkmann J, Frieten D, Magierski V, March S, Lugert V, Reiser S, et al (2024) Monitoring animal welfare in agriculture and fish farming at a national level. In: Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (ed) UFAW International Animal Welfare Conference 2024 : scientific programme, 10 - 11 July 2024, Porto, Portugal. p 19

  4. 3

    Bergschmidt A, Brinkmann J, March S, Reiser S (2024) Monitoring Animal Welfare in Agriculture and Fish Farming. Results of the Project "National Animal Welfare Monitoring" (NaTiMon). Braunschweig; Trenthorst; Bremerhaven: Thünen Institute of Farm Economics; Thünen Institute of Organic Farming; Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2024/11a, DOI:10.3220/PB1712046679000

  5. 4

    Bergschmidt A, Andersson R, Bielicke M, Brinkmann J, Gröner C, Heil N, Hillmann E, Johns J, Kauselmann K, Kernberger-Fischer I, Klase K, Koch M, Lugert V, Magierski V, March S, Over C, Prottengeier B, Reiser S, Treu H, Wieczorreck L, et al (2024) Recommendations for the introduction of a national animal welfare monitoring system in Germany : 6 steps for implementation. Consortium of the National Animal Welfare Monitoring (NaTiMon) project, 58 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1714115837000

  6. 5

    Magierski V, Frieten D, Brinkmann J, March S (2024) Tierwohl in Deutschland systematisch erfassen: Projekt "Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring" - am Beispiel Rind. In: Bruder V, Röder-Dreher U, Breuer L, Herzig C, Gattinger A (eds) Landwirtschaft und Ernährung - Transformation macht nur gemeinsam Sinn : 17. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, 5.-8. März 2024, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen ; Tagungsband. 1. Auflage. Frankfurt am Main: FiBL Deutschland eV, pp 339-340, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.11204339

  7. 6

    Bergschmidt A, Toppel K, Andersson R (2024) Warten auf den Einsatz. DGS Mag 76(2):26-29

  8. 7

    Lugert V, Teitge F, Klase K, Steinhagen D, Reiser S (2023) A reliable set of welfare indicators for farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with proven intra- and inter-observer reliability. In: Abstracts: World Aquaculture, May 29 to June 1, 2023, Darwin, Australia.

  9. 8

    Johns J, Andersson R, Bielicke M, Brinkmann J, Frieten D, Gröner C, Heil N, Hillmann E, Kauselmann K, Kernberger-Fischer I, Klase K, Lugert V, Magierski V, March S, Over C, Prottengeier B, Reiser S, Treu H, Wieczorreck L, Bergschmidt A, et al (2023) Abschlussbericht Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon) [online]. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 191 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 02.08.2023]

  10. 9

    Frieten D, March S, Brinkmann J (2023) Abschlussbericht Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon) : Anhang N, Indikatorempfehlungen für Färsen sowie für Mutterkühe und deren Kälber [online]. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 11 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 02.08.2023]

  11. 10

    Brinkmann J, Frieten D, Magierski V, March S (2023) Ein nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring für die Rinderhaltung in Deutschland. In: Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft der Milcherzeugerberater e V (ed) Tagungsband 23. Jahrestagung der WGM 26.-28. September 2023 an der Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau Sachsen-Anhalt in Iden. pp 21-32

  12. 11

    Bergschmidt A, Andersson R, Bielicke M, Brinkmann J, Gröner C, Heil N, Hillmann E, Johns J, Kauselmann K, Kernberger-Fischer I, Klase K, Koch M, Lugert V, Magierski V, March S, Over C, Prottengeier B, Reiser S, Treu H, Wieczorreck L, et al (2023) Empfehlungen für die Einführung eines nationalen Tierwohl-Monitorings: 6 Punkte zur Umsetzung. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 60 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1686754159000

  13. 12

    Redantz A, Lühken S, Heil N, Toppel K, Nyanzi C, Kernberger-Fischer I, Kauselmann K, Andersson R, Schrader L, Koch M, Bergschmidt A (2023) Geflügel : Modellbericht Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 80 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1678804991000

  14. 13

    Frieten D, Magierski V, Brinkmann J, March S (2023) Haltung Kalb : Erhebungsleitfaden Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 40 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1681994947000

  15. 14

    Frieten D, Magierski V, Brinkmann J, March S (2023) Haltung Mastrind : Erhebungsleitfaden Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 41 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1681995208000

  16. 15

    Frieten D, Magierski V, Brinkmann J, March S (2023) Haltung Milchkuh : Erhebungsleitfaden Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 46 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1681995466000

  17. 16

    Lugert V, Teitge F, Klase K, Steinhagen D, Reiser S (2023) Haltung, Transport und Schlachtung Karpfen: Erhebungsleitfaden. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 105 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1681996056000

  18. 17

    Klase K, Teitge F, Steinhagen D, Lugert V, Reiser S (2023) Haltung, Transport und Schlachtung Karpfen: Methodenhandbuch Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 14 p

  19. 18

    Lugert V, Teitge F, Klase K, Reiser S, Steinhagen D (2023) Haltung, Transport und Schlachtung Regenbogenforelle: Erhebungsleitfaden. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 115 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1681996609000

  20. 19

    Klase K, Teitge F, Steinhagen D, Lugert V, Reiser S (2023) Haltung, Transport und Schlachtung Regenbogenforelle: Methodenhandbuch Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 16 p

  21. 20

    Teitge F, Lugert V, Klase K, Steinhagen D, Reiser S, Bergschmidt A (2023) Karpfen, Regenbogenforelle: Modellbericht Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 64 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1678805602000

  22. 21

    Lugert V, Teitge F, Klase K, Steinhagen D, Reiser S (2023) Of reliability, complexity, and perspective: the case of fin condition as a welfare indicator in farmed fish - results from a double-blind study across different stakeholder groups. In: Abstracts: World Aquaculture, May 29 to June 1, 2023, Darwin, Australia.

  23. 22

    Magierski V, Lühken S, Heil N, Over C, Frieten D, Nyanzi C, Kernberger-Fischer I, Kauselmann K, Magner R, Prottengeier B, Brinkmann J, March S, Schrader L, Koch M, Schultheiß U, Bergschmidt A (2023) Rind : Modellbericht Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 80 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1678804460000

  24. 23

    Bielicke M, Simantke C, Heil N, Hillmann E, Koch M, Bergschmidt A (2023) Schaf, Ziege : Modellbericht Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 76 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1678805898000

  25. 24

    Krugmann K, Lühken S, Heil N, Over C, Nyanzi C, Kernberger-Fischer I, Kauselmann K, Magner R, Prottengeier B, Krieter J, Schrader L, Koch M, Schultheiß U, Bergschmidt A (2023) Schwein : Modellbericht Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 72 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1678806885000

  26. 25

    Over C, Prottengeier B, Magner R, Zang S, Schultheiß U, Bergschmidt A (2023) Tierkörperbeseitigung Rind Schwein : Erhebungsleitfaden Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 29 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1681994424000

  27. 26

    Wieczorreck L, Over C, Gröner C, Magner R, Schultheiß U, Bergschmidt A (2023) Tierwohl-Begleitindikatoren : Modellbericht Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 32 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1678807685000

  28. 27

    Reiser S, Lugert V, Klase K, Teitge F, Steinhagen D (2023) Vorbereitung zur Durchführung eines nationalen Tierwohl-Monitoring - Ergebnisse im Bereich Aquakultur. Fischerei Fischmarkt MV 20(4):52-57

  29. 28

    Reiser S, Lugert V, Retter K, Teitge F, Steinhagen D (2023) Vorbereitung zur Durchführung eines nationalen Tierwohl-Monitoring - Zwischenstand im Bereich Aquakultur. Fischerei Fischmarkt MV 20(1):46-49

  30. 29

    Lugert V, Teitge F, Retter K, Steinhagen D, Reiser S (2022) Kernthemen des Tierwohls in der Haltung von Forellen und Karpfen. In: Forschung und Dienstleistung für gesunde Fische: 18. Gemeinschaftstagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizer Sektion der European Association of Fish Pathologist (EAFP). Hannover: Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, p 72

  31. 30

    Teitge F, Lugert V, Retter K, Reiser S, Steinhagen D (2022) Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon): Praktikabilität-Validität-Reliabilität - Herausforderungen bei der Indikatorenauswahl. In: Forschung und Dienstleistung für gesunde Fische: 18. Gemeinschaftstagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizer Sektion der European Association of Fish Pathologist (EAFP). Hannover: Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, p 21

  32. 31

    Brinkmann J, Cimer K, Frieten D, Ivemeyer S, March S (2022) Tierwohl in der Rinderhaltung mit System: Von der betrieblichen Eigenkontrolle bis zum nationalen Monitoring. In: Rinderzucht Austria Seminar 2022 "Tierwohl - transparent, nachvollziehbar, messbar". Wien: Rinderzucht Austria, pp 23-31

  33. 32

    Retter K, Teitge F, Lugert V, Reiser S, Steinhagen D (2022) Tierwohl in Deutschland systematisch erfassen: Projekt „Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring“. In: Forschung und Dienstleistung für gesunde Fische: 18. Gemeinschaftstagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizer Sektion der European Association of Fish Pathologist (EAFP). Hannover: Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, p 71

  34. 33

    Lugert V, Teitge F, Retter K, Steinhagen D, Reiser S (2022) Validierung von Tierwohl-Indikatoren in der Aquakultur. In: Forschung und Dienstleistung für gesunde Fische: 18. Gemeinschaftstagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizer Sektion der European Association of Fish Pathologist (EAFP). Hannover: Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, p 22

  35. 34

    Magner R, Frieten D, Krugmann K, Redantz A, Schultheiß U (2021) Expert talks on indicators for a national animal welfare monitoring. In: Boyle L, O'Driscoll K (eds) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group level : Cork , Ireland, August 16-19, 2021. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publ, p 169

  36. 35

    March S, Brinkmann J, Drews J, Braunleder J, Duda J, Kussin M, Mansfeld R, Stock K, Hachenberg S (2021) Q Check: Systematic Animal Welfare Monitoring - from farm-level to national-level monitoring. Trenthorst: Thünen Institute of Organic Farming, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2021/35a, DOI:10.3220/PB1639577795000

  37. 36

    Magner R, Schultheiß U, Bielicke M, Frieten D, Heil N, Johns J, Kernberger-Fischer I, Krugmann K, Lugert V, Nyanzi C, Over C, Redantz A, Retter K, Simantke C, Teitge F, Treu H (2021) Tierwohl in der Nutztierhaltung national erfassen. Amtstierärztl Dienst Lebensmittelkontrolle 28(4):228-231

  38. 37

    Gröner C, Johns J, Treu H, Bergschmidt A (2021) Tierwohl-Begleitindikatoren [online]. In: Projektkonsortium Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon) 2021: Literaturdatenbank Tierwohlindikatoren. Darmstadt: Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 08.07.2021]

  39. 38

    Lugert V, Retter K, Teitge F, Steinhagen D, Reiser S (2021) Tierwohlindikatoren Aquakultur - Haltung, Transport und Schlachtung. In: Projektkonsortium Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon) 2021: Literaturdatenbank Tierwohlindikatoren. Darmstadt: Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft

  40. 39

    Frieten D, Brinkmann J, March S (2021) Tierwohlindikatoren Rind - Haltung [online]. In: Projektkonsortium Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon) 2021: Literaturdatenbank Tierwohlindikatoren. Darmstadt: Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 29.06.2021]

  41. 40

    Frieten D, March S, Brinkmann J (2021) Which cattle welfare indicators are needed for a nation-wide animal welfare monitoring? In: Boyle L, O'Driscoll K (eds) Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group level : Cork , Ireland, August 16-19, 2021. Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publ, p 207

  42. 41

    Magner R, Bielicke M, Frieten D, Gröner C, Heil N, Johns J, Kernberger-Fischer I, Krugmann K, Lugert V, Rauterberg S, Redantz A, Retter K, Simantke C, Teitge F, Treu H, Schultheiß U (2021) Wie steht es um das Tierwohl in der Landwirtschaft? „Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring“ schafft Grundlagen zur Datenerfassung. Dt Tierärztebl 69(7):804-809

  43. 42

    Frieten D, Brinkmann J, March S (2020) Aufbau eines nationalen Tierwohl-Monitorings in Deutschland: Teilbereich Rind. In: Deutsche Veterinärmedizinische Gesellschaft (ed) 14. Berlin-Brandenburgischer Rindertag : DVG Vet-Congress Berlin 2020 ; 15. - 17.10.20. 1. Aufl. Gießen: Verlag der DVG, pp 47-49

  44. 43

    Lugert V, Steinhagen D, Reiser S (2020) Lack of knowledge does not justify a lack of action: the case for animal welfare in farmed fish. Landbauforsch J Sustainable Organic Agric Syst 70(1):31-34, DOI:10.3220/LBF1592499937000

  45. 44

    Magner R, Frieten D, Krugmann K, Rednatz A, Brinkmann J, March S, Andersson R, Schultheiß U (2020) Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring - was sind geeignete Indikatoren? KTBL Schr 520:258-260

  46. 45

    Bergschmidt A (2020) Tierwohl aus Sicht einer Agrarwissenschaftlerin. In: Baumann M, Potts F (eds) War mein Schnitzel glücklich? : Unsere Haltung zum Tierwohl. 1. Aufl. Norderstedt: TWENTYSIX, pp 118-127

  47. 46

    Frieten D, Brinkmann J, March S (2020) Welche Verhaltensindikatoren für Rinder eignen sich für ein nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring? KTBL Schr 520:261-263

  48. 47

    Bergschmidt A, Kernberger-Fischer I, Magner R, Schultheiß U, Gröner C, March S (2019) Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring : Thünen-Institut startet interdisziplinäres Wissenschaftsprojekt. Dt Bauern Korrespondenz(10):28-29

  49. 48

    Treu H, Bergschmidt A, Frieten D, Gröner C, Schrader L, Schultheiß U (2019) Status quo systematisch erfassen. B&B Agrar 72(3):10-11

  50. 49

    Reiser S, Lugert V, Bergschmidt A, Adamek M, Jung-Schroers V, Steinhagen D (2019) Tiergerechtheit in der deutschen Aquakultur: Gütesiegel oder Grund zur Besorgnis? Fischer Teichwirt 70(8):283-284

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