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Dr. Tania Runge

Coordination Unit Climate, Soil, Biodiversity

Bundesallee 49
38116 Braunschweig
+49 531 257 02103 / +49 531 596 1030

Research interests

  • Climate change in agriculture, mitigation and adaptation options
  • Adaptation measures for a climate resilient and sustainable agricultural production
  • Land use and protection of natural resources



Since 2017

Researcher at the Thünen Institute for the projects VKP (German 2022 Immediate Climate Action Programme, since Nov. 2022), CONSOLE (Horizon 2020), SoilMan (BiodivERsA),

2015 -2017

Project management for the collaborative project "Living Agricultural Landscapes - Farmers Shape Diversity" (BfN) at the German Farmers' Union

2007- 2015

Policy Advisor at Copa-Cogeca, European umbrella organisation of farmers and agricultural cooperatives based in Brussels, Belgium; Responsibilities: EU environmental policy, common agricultural policy, research and innovation in the agricultural sector


Research staff member at the Thünen Institute (at that time FAL); participation in the evaluation of the development plans for rural areas for 6 federal states, WAgriCo (water protection in cooperation with agriculture; LIFE).


Completion of the doctoral project


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