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© Bernd Degen
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Institute of

FG Forest Genetics

Dr. Ben Bubner

Institute of Forest Genetics

Eberswalder Chaussee 3a
15377 Waldsieversdorf
+49 33433 157 150
+49 33433 157 199
+49 33433 157 170
+49 33433 157 199

Research fellow in the Field of Activity ‘Provenance and Breeding Research’, Project ‘ResEsche’

1996-2003 Studies in Biology (Diplom) at the Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, major in botany, minors in biochemistry and biophysics  

2004-2005 Scientific employee at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology Jena: Measurement of nuclear DNA content of transgenic Nicotiana attenuata and wild types of related Nicotiana species.

2005-2008 Scientific employee at the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research Müncheberg: Biodiversity of ectomycorrhiza in forest transformation, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  

2008-2011 Scientific employee at Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research Müncheberg: Impact of multi-resistant transgenic Bt maize on straw decomposition and the involved microbial communities, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research  

2012-2015 Scientific employee at the Thünen Institute of Forest Genetics, branch Waldsieversdorf: Breeding of new willow clones (Salix spp.) and selection for resistance against willow rusts (Melampsora spp), funded by the German Agency for Renewable Resources  

2013 Dissertation, Dr. rer. nat. at the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus: Host specificity and biodiversity of ectomycorrhizal fungi in pure and mixed stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)  

Since 2015 Scientific employee at the Thünen Institute of Forest Genetics, branch Waldsieversdorf: Selection of Alnus glutinosa for resistance against Phytophthora alni, funded by the German Agency for Renewable Resources

Since 2016 Scientific employee in the project "ResEsche"


  1. 0

    Rentschler F, Körtels E, Poppenborg S, Kleinschmit JRG, Bubner B, Past F, Fussi B, Seidel H, Dreist M, Fey C, Siemokat P, Ridley M (2024) Deutschlandweite Selektion der Gemeinen Esche (Fraxinus excelsior L.) mit Toleranz gegenüber dem Eschentriebsterben: Ergebnisse zu Infektionsversuchen mit Genotypen aus der Propfsaison 2022. In: Technische Universität Dresden (ed) FowiTa 2023 : Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung vom 11.-13. September 2023 in Dresden ; Wald- und Holzforschung zwischen Klimawandel, Bioökonomie und gesellschaftlichen Umbrüchen [Abstractband]. pp 50-51, DOI:10.25368/2024.36

  2. 1

    Rupps A, Thiesen T, Raschke J, Walther M, Ehmke E, Safranek L, Eckardt J, Schmidt A, Beck W, Bubner B, Eisold A-M, Zahn V, Fendel A, Brügmann T (2024) PInK-NET: Resuming the network idea of in vitro tree labs in Germany. In: Sota V, Werbrouck S (eds) In vitro culture of woody crops: problem solving by new approaches : The 2nd Conference of Cost Action CA21157 CopyTree, 22-24 April, 2024, Bulduri Technical School, Jurmala, Latvia ; Book of proceedings. pp 221-230

  3. 2

    Peters S, Gruschwitz N, Bien S, Fuchs S, Bubner B, Blunk V, Langer GJ, Langer EJ (2024) The fungal predominance in stem collar necroses of Fraxinus excelsior: a study on Hymenoscyphus fraxineus multilocus genotypes. J Plant Dis Protect: Online First, Apr 2024, DOI:10.1007/s41348-024-00912-2

  4. 3

    Karich A, Jarling R, Ullrich R, Demski D, Bubner B, Hofrichter M (2024) Two new Agaricomycetes related to post-fire mosses. Mycol Progr 23:28, DOI:10.1007/s11557-024-01965-1

  5. 4

    Bhunjun CS, Chen YJ, Phukhamsakda C, Boekhout T, Groenewald JZ, McKenzie E, Francisco EC, Frisvad JC, Groenewald M, Hurdeal VG, Luangsa-Ard J, Perrone G, Visagie CM, Bai FY, Blaszkowski J, Braun U, Souza FA de, Queiroz MB de, Dutta AK, Bubner B, et al (2024) What are the 100 most cited fungal genera? Utrecht: Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, 411 p, Stud Mycol 108, DOI:10.3114/sim.2024.108.01

  6. 5

    Bubner B, Past F, Fussi B, Seidel H, Rentschler F, Körtels E, Dreist M, Fey C, Wolf H, Steinigen T, Siemokat P, Ridley M (2023) Deutschlandweite Selektion und Testung von Eschen (Fraxinus excelsior L.) mit Toleranz gegenüber dem Eschentriebsterben: Ergebnisse mit Genotypen aus der Pfropfsaison 2022. Julius Kühn Arch 475:328-329

  7. 6

    Krautwurst M, Past F, Kersten B, Bubner B, Müller NA (2023) Identification of full-sibling families from natural single-tree ash progenies based on SSR markers and genome-wide SNPs. Cold Spring Harbor: bioRxiv, 15 p, DOI:10.1101/2023.07.18.549475

  8. 7

    Eisold A-M, Bandte M, von Bargen S, Büttner C, Bubner B (2023) Risiken für Wald und Forst durch phytopathogene Viren. Julius Kühn Arch 475:494-495, DOI:10.5073/20230803-074309-0

  9. 8

    Krautwurst M, Past F, Bubner B, Müller NA (2023) Vollgeschwisteranalysen von Eschen Plusbäumen zur Aufklärung der genetischen Grundlagen von Unterschieden im Eschentriebsterben. Ber Freiburger Forstl Forsch (106):35-39

  10. 9

    Past F, Schneck V, Bubner B, Schrader M, Röhe P (2022) Chancen für eine gefährdete Baumart. Land Forst 175(19):44-46

  11. 10

    Langer GJ, Fuchs S, Osewold J, Peters S, Schrewe F, Ridley M, Kätzel R, Bubner B, Grüner J (2022) FraxForFuture - research on European ash dieback in Germany. J Plant Dis Protect 129(6):1285-1295, DOI:10.1007/s41348-022-00670-z

  12. 11

    Schneck V, Bubner B, Past F, Eisold A-M (2022) ResEsche - Ein Beitrag zur Rettung der Esche. Großhansdorf: Thünen-Institut für Forstgenetik, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2022/27, DOI:10.3220/PB1658736221000

  13. 12

    Schneck V, Bubner B, Past F, Eisold A-M (2022) ResEsche - Research for survival of common ash in Germany. Grosshansdorf: Thünen Institute of Forest Genetics, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2022/27a, DOI:10.3220/PB1658736609000

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    Scholler M, Braun U, Buchheit R, Schulte T, Bubner B (2022) Studies on European rust fungi, Pucciniales: molecular phylogeny, taxonomy, and nomenclature of miscellaneous genera and species in Pucciniastraceae and Coleosporiaceae. Mycol Progr 21:64, DOI:10.1007/s11557-022-01810-3

  15. 14

    Past F, Schrader M, Bubner B, Schneck V, Röhe P (2021) Forschungsprojekt "ResEsche" - Chance für die Baumart Esche. AFZ Der Wald 76(8):12-16

  16. 15

    Scholler M, Bubner B, Buchheit R (2021) Rostpilze (Pucciniales) und Nacktbasidien (Exobasidiales). SchrR Forsch Nationalpark Schwarzwald 1:89-110

  17. 16

    Past F, Bubner B, Mewis I (2020) Erste Experimente zum Einfluss von Sphinx ligustri L. auf das In-vitro-Wachstum und den Hormonhaushalt in den Blättern von Fraxinus excelsior L.. Thünen Rep 76:182-200

  18. 17

    Gouker FE, DiFazio SP, Bubner B, Zander M, Smart LB (2019) Genetic diversity and population structure of native, naturalized, and cultivated Salix purpurea. Tree Genetics Genomes 15:47, DOI:10.1007/s11295-019-1359-0

  19. 18

    Bubner B, Buchheit R, Friedrich F, Kummer V, Scholler M (2019) Species identification of European forest pathogens of the genus Milesina (Pucciniales) using urediniospore morphology and molecular barcoding including M. woodwardiana sp. nov.. MycoKeys 48:1-40, DOI:10.3897/mycokeys.48.30350

  20. 19

    Bubner B, Köhler A, Zaspel I, Zander M, Förster N, Gloger J, Ulrichs C, Schneck V (2018) Breeding of multipurpose willows on the basis of Salix daphnoides Vill., Salix purpurea L. and Salix viminalis L.. Landbauforsch Appl Agric Forestry Res 68(1-2):53-66, DOI:10.3220/LBF1538634874000

  21. 20

    Becker R, Bubner B, Remus R, Wirth S, Ulrich A (2014) Impact of multi-resistant transgenic Bt maize on straw decomposition and the involved microbial communities. Appl Soil Ecol 73:9-18, DOI:10.1016/j.apsoil.2013.08.002

  22. 21

    Bubner B, Wunder S, Zaspel I, Zander M, Gloger J, Fehrenz S, Ulrichs C (2014) Melampsora rust species on biomass willows in central and north-eastern Germany. Fungal Biol 118(11):910-923, DOI:10.1016/j.funbio.2014.08.002

  23. 22

    Bubner B, Morgner C, Stark W, Münzenberger B (2014) Proof of ectomycorrhizal status of Sistotrema confluens Pers., the type species of the polyphyletic genus Sistotrema. Mycol Progr 13(4):1235-1239, DOI:10.1007/s11557-014-0973-3

  24. 23

    Bubner B, Zander M, Zaspel I, Ulrichs C (2014) Unterscheidung von Rostpilzen an Biomasseweiden. AFZ Der Wald 69(5):40-43

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    Bubner B, Fladung M, Lentzsch P, Münzenberger B, Hüttl RF (2013) Individual tree genotypes do not explain ectomycorrhizal biodiversity in soil cores of a pure stand of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Trees 27(5):1327-1338, DOI:10.1007/s00468-013-0881-1

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    Münzenberger B, Bubner B, Wöllecke J, Sieber TN, Bauer Robert, Fladung M, Hüttl RF (2009) The ectomycorrhizal morphotype Pinirhiza sclerotia is formed by Acephala macrosclerotiorum sp. nov., a close relative of Phialocephala fortinii. Mycorrhiza 19(7):481-492, DOI:10.1007/s00572-009-0239-0

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