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Walther Herwig III, 430th cruise (transferred to RV Dana)

Duration:  September 3-18, 2019

Area:  North Sea

Purpose: lnternational Helring Larvae Survey (IHLS)

The cruise is part of the German contribution to the "lnternational Herring Larvae Surveys" (IHLS). The aim is to estimate the distribution and abundance of newly hatched herring larvae on the main spawning grounds of North Sea autumn spawning herring. These surveys are co-ordinated by ICES since 1972.

ln recent years, the Netherlands and Germany have participated in the IHLS. The survey results are used as a spawning stock biomass index in the assessment of North Sea herring.

This cruise will monitor the main spawning grounds around the Orkneys and Shetlands as well as banks along the Scottish coast line.

Cruise Report (PDF)

Scientific cruise leader:

Institute of Sea Fisheries
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