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Job Offers

Job offers of the Thünen Institute

Job offer

a research associate / PhD candidate (f/m/d)

Beteiligte Institute
Institut für Seefischerei


The Thünen-Institute of Sea Fisheries of the Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Instituts, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei, in Bremerhaven, is looking for

a research associate / PhD candidate (f/m/d).

in part-time employment with 65 % of the weekly regular working hours for the duration of 36 months.

The position is directed to applicants who, in addition to their employment, wish to pursue their own academic career, in particular their doctorate. In this context, the Thünen-Institute of Sea Fisheries cooperates with various universities. The employment is limited in time in accordance with §2 (1) sentence 1 of the Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz.

The Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries contributes to stock assessments and scientific advice for fishing quotas of fish stocks in the subpolar North Atlantic. The focus of this position is to further develop scientific advice for redfish stocks in East Greenland. The position contains a statistical-quantitative focus with the aim to improve already existing biomass estimates using different modelling techniques as well as an ecological focus with the aim to better understand vertical and horizontal changes in distribution.

In order to ensure a sustainable exploitation of a slow-growing and long-lived fish species, such as redfish (Sebastes sp.), knowledge about the species’ biology and accurate scientific recommendations for fishing quotas, which are the basis for political decisions, are crucial. The Thünen institute of Sea Fisheries has carried out research expeditions in Greenlandic waters since more than 40 years in order to collect necessary data for a sustainable exploitation of locally commercial species, such as Atlantic cod and redfish. These data contribute to stock assessments and fishing quota advice carried by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES).

It is the objective of this PhD position to evaluate and improve previous stock biomass estimates on the basis of already collected data and integrate these results together with partners from Greenland and Iceland into new models. Another goal of this position to analyse historic data on vertical and horizontal distribution and distributional changes over time and how such changes might have already affected and will affect biomass estimates in the future. This is especially relevant because many fish species change their distribution as response to climate change.

We are looking for a candidate who is willing to contribute to answering these questions and tasks with his/her own ideas and who is able to develop solutions independently. The obtained results can be used for writing a PhD thesis.


  • Evaluating and improving already existing biomass estimates and assessment models of redfish in East Greenland
  • Carrying out stock biomass simulations independently
  • Analysing historical changes in distribution with special emphasis on vertical size-dependent population structures and how this affects biomass estimates
  • Adapting biomass estimates to potential changes in distribution
  • Implementation of these results in assessment routines at the Thünen Institute and into ICES working groups
  • Analysing how climate change might affect distribution of redfish in the subpolar North Atlantic
  • Participation in ICES working groups carrying out stock assessments and providing scientific advice
  • Participation in scientific research expeditions in Greenland waters and collection of biological data
  • Publication of results in international peer-reviewed journals

Professional requirements:

  • Master in Fishery biology, marine biology, environmental modelling, resource management or similar degree
  • Knowledge about population dynamics
  • Knowledge in quantitative-statistical modelling with experience in programming software, such as R

Personal requirements:

  • Enthusiasm for carrying out scientific work, scientific writing and international collaboration at the intersection of science and politics
  • Goal-oriented, independent working style
  • Flexible learning and applying of new techniques
  • Abilities to communicate complex topics to different stakeholders
  • Willingness to participate in research expeditions and international working groups
  • Willingness to write a PhD thesis based on the acquired results

 We offer a highly interesting job in applied science at the intersection of research and political advice. The outcomes of this project will be relevant for the public.

The employment contract is governed by the provisions of the collective agreement for the civil service (TVöD). Payment of the fee is made according to the tariff group 13 TVöD.

We support the compatibility of family life and work by offering flexible working hours and home office solutions. Working part-time is generally possible. The Thünen Institute is certified by audit berufundfamilie.

The Thünen Institute promotes the professional equality of women and men and therefore explicitly encourages women to apply.

Handicapped people are given preferential consideration in cases of equivalent qualifications. They must only demonstrate a minimum of physical fitness in the context of the task required.

Technical questions may be addressed to Dr. Karl-Michael Werner (Tel. +49 471 94460-369;

Written applications, containing a CV, letter of motivation and copies of certificates, should be sent by 22.03.2023 containing the reference "2023-045-SF", to:

Thünen-Institut für Seefischerei


Herwigstr. 31, 27572 Bremerhaven

Informations about Artikel 13 DSGVO:


Für fachliche Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an

Dr. Karl-Michael Werner

+49 471 94460-369

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