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The Workshop on scrutinisation procedures for pelagic ecosystem surveys (WKSCRUT) of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) will provide updates on agreed and recommended methods for the Working Group of International Pelagic Surveys (WGIPS) which will then be published in…

agri benchmark meets Fish

The first ever agri benchmark workshop on Fish will take place at the Thünen Institutes of Fisheries Ecology and Sea Fisheries in Hamburg-Altona.

155. Seminar of European Association of Agricultural Economics (EAAE)

Date and location

19-21 September 2016
The seminar will take place in Kiev, Ukraine.

On September 21 we plan a joint day with the organizers of the Large Farm Management Conference. This day will conclude the EAAE seminar.…

WKPASM aims to develop a protocol on the combined use of Bayesian Belief Networks and Bow-tie analysis to support risk based decision making spatial management. The workshop discussions and analysis will build upon a case study set within the Great Lakes in North America.

This workshop builds upon…

AFWG assesses the stocks of Northeast Arctic cod, haddock, saithe, and Greenland halibut as well as Barents Sea capelin, Norwegian coastal cod, golden redfish, and beaked redfish in the Barents Sea and Norwegian Sea (ICES Sub-Areas I and II).

On January 8th and 9th in 2015, the Programme towards a Rich Wadden Sea (PRW), the Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries (TI) and the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat (CWSS) are organizing a workshop focusing on the Conservation Management of Fish Populations in the Wadden Sea.

WKGIC will meet to learn basic fundamentals chronology-development techniques, based on growth structures in marine fish.


Workshop in the framework of the EU-project "Towards a Joint Monitoring Programme for the North Sea"

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