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© Kay Panten
Institute of

SF Sea Fisheries

Publications, non peer-reviewed

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    Rubinetti S, Sidorenko V, Arnone E, Androsov A, Beng KC, Klemm K, Sell AF, Akimova A, Pineda-Metz SEA, Pogoda B, Brand S, Wegner M, Shama L, Laakmann S, Horn S, Wiltshire KH (2024) A catalogue of wind events for assessing the connectivity among Marine Protected Areas in the German Bight (North Sea) [EGU24-15234]. In: EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria & Online, 14-19 April 2024. Göttingen: Copernicus GmbH, DOI:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15234

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    Akimova A, Peck M, Börner G, Damme CJG van, Moyano M (2023) Wintertime growth limitation of herring larvae: combining physiological modelling with novel zooplankton observations. STAGES : Early Life History Section Newsl 44(3):8-9

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    Maar M, Hjollo SS, Leeuwen SM van, Myrseth Aarflot J, Akimova A, Almroth-Rosell E, Benkort D, Bossier S, Daewel U, Friedland R, Gao S, Hill-Cruz M, Ji R, Kempf A, Lehuta S, de Gamiz Zearra AL, Macias D, McGovern J, Askov Mousing E, Pastor A, et al (2021) Working Group on Integrative, Physical-biological and Ecosystem Modelling (WGIPEM). Copenhagen: ICES, 62 p, ICES Sci Rep 3(73), DOI:10.17895/

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    Akimova A (2018) Understanding the spatiotemporal recruitment dynamics of commercially important fish species in the North Sea. Hamburg: Univ Hamburg, Fak für Mathematik, Informatik und Nat Wiss, 245 p, Hamburg, Univ, Fakultät für Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften, Diss, 2017

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    Fock HO, Akimova A (2014) Scientific Council Meeting - June 2014 : German Research Report for 2013. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 12 p, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 14/15

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    Fock HO, Akimova A (2013) German research report for 2012. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 12 p, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc N6191

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    Cisewski B, Akimova A, Núñez-Riboni I (2013) Hydrographic conditions off West Greenland in 2012. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 16 p, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 13

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    Fock HO, Akimova A (2012) German Research Report for 2011. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 11 p, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 12

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    Akimova A, Cisewski B (2012) Hydrographic conditions off West Greenland in 2011. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 16 p, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 12/0812

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    Akimova A (2011) Hydrographic conditions off West Greenland in 2010 in context of interannual and long-term variability. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 11/30

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    Fock HO, Akimova A (2011) Scientific Council Meeting - June 2011 : German Research Report for 2010. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 11 p, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 11/06

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    Stein M, Akimova A (2010) Climatic conditions around Greenland - 2009 : Scientific Council Meeting - June 2009. Hamburg: Institut für Seefischerei, NAFO Sci Council Res Doc 10/05

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    Stein M, Fock HO, Akimova A (2010) Scientific Council meeting - June 2010 : German research report for 2009 ; NAFO SCS Doc. 10/08, Serial No. N5763. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization, 11 p

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