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MA Market Analysis

Other publications of Omid Zamani

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    Zamani O, Mojaverian M, Nader H (2019) Comparing efficiency between cooperative and non-cooperative farms: a case of sugar beet farmers of West Azerbaijan, Iran. Int J Rural Manag 15(1):78-96, DOI:10.1177/0973005219833252

  2. 1

    Zamani O, Bittmann T, Loy J-P (2019) Demand peaks and cost pass-through: The case of Iran's poultry market. Agribusiness 35(4):657-674, DOI:10.1002/agr.21598

  3. 2

    Zamani O, Grundmann P, Libra JA, Nikouei A (2019) Limiting and timing water supply for agricultural production - The case of the Zayandeh-Rud River Basin, Iran. Agric Water Manag 222:322-335, DOI:10.1016/j.agwat.2019.05.047

  4. 3

    Zamani O, Nader H, Rashidghalam M, Ward FA (2019) Optimized reservoir management for meeting conflicting stakeholder preferences: methodological innovations with evidence from Iran. In: Rashidghalam M (ed) Sustainable agriculture and agribusiness in Iran. Puchong, Selangor DE: Springer Singapore, pp 79-100, DOI:10.1007/978-981-13-6283-5_6

  5. 4

    Zamani O, Bittmann T, Loy J-P (2019) Seasonal asymmetric cost pass-through along poultry supply chain: evidence from Iran. Schr Gesellsch Wirtsch Sozialwiss Landbaues 54:

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    Asaadi MA, Mortazavi SA, Zamani O, Najafi GH, Yusaf T, Hoseini SS (2019) The impacts of water pricing and non-pricing policies on sustainable water resources management: a case of ghorveh plain at Kurdistan Province, Iran. Energies 12(14):2667, DOI:10.3390/en12142667

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    Zamani O, Bittmann T, Loy J-P (2018) Search costs and cost pass-through: Evidence for the Iranian poultry market. Econ Lett 171:119-122, DOI:10.1016/j.econlet.2018.07.022

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    Fouladi M, Taiebnia A, Zamani O (2013) Spillover effect of technical change at agricultural and industry and mining sectors of Iran, a CGE model approach. Middle East J Sci Res 14(8):1059-1069, DOI:10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.14.8.1819

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