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Contributions to journals /magazines

Contributions in reviewed journals / magazines of Daniela Weible

  1. 0

    Goh EV, Sobratee-Fajurally N, Allegretti A, Sardeshpande M, Mustafa M, Azam-Ali SH, Omari R, Schott J, Chimonyo VGP, Weible D, Mutalemwa G, Mabhaudhi T, Massawe F (2024) Transforming food environments: a global lens on challenges and opportunities for achieving healthy and sustainable diets for all. Front Sustain Food Syst 8:1366878, DOI:10.3389/fsufs.2024.1366878

  2. 1

    Boimah M, Weible D (2023) "We prefer local but consume imported": Results from a qualitative study of dairy consumers in Senegal. J Int Food Agribusiness Market 35(2):244-260, DOI:10.1080/08974438.2021.1986453

  3. 2

    Thies AJ, Staudigel M, Weible D (2023) A segmentation of fresh meat shoppers based on revealed preferences. Agribusiness 39(4):1075-1099, DOI:10.1002/agr.21828

  4. 3

    Boimah M, Weible D (2023) Origin and dairy consumption in West Africa: A cross-cultural analysis of consumer behaviour. Cogent Food & Agriculture 9(1):2226466, DOI:10.1080/23311932.2023.2226466

  5. 4

    Boimah M, Weible D (2021) Assessing protectionism and its impact from consumers' perspective: The case of Senegal's poultry import ban. World Food Pol 7(1):26-40, DOI:10.1002/wfp2.12025

  6. 5

    Boimah M, Weible D, Weber SA (2021) Milking challenges while drinking foreign milk: the case of Ghana’s dairy sector. Int J Food Syst Dynam:14-25, DOI:10.18461/pfsd.2021.2003

  7. 6

    Asante-Addo C, Weible D (2020) Imported versus domestic chicken consumption in Ghana: Do attitudes and perceptions matter? J Int Food Agribusiness Market 32(5):503-526, DOI:10.1080/08974438.2020.1751767

  8. 7

    Asante-Addo C, Weible D (2020) Profiling consumers based on information use and trust in a developing economy. Int J Consum Stud 44(3):285-295, DOI:10.1111/ijcs.12565

  9. 8

    Asante-Addo C, Weible D (2019) Is there hope for domestically produced poultry meat? A choice experiment of consumers in Ghana. Agribusiness 36(2):281-298, DOI:10.1002/agr.21626

  10. 9

    Christoph-Schulz IB, Weible D, Salamon P (2018) Youths’ preferences for milk products at school: How product attributes and perceived body image affect choices. Int J Food Syst Dynam 9(2):112-126, DOI:10.18461/ijfsd.v9i2.921

  11. 10

    Rieger J, Weible D, Anders S (2017) "Why some consumers don't care": heterogeneity in household responses to a food scandal. Appetite 113:200-214, DOI:10.1016/j.appet.2017.02.038

  12. 11

    Weible D, Christoph-Schulz IB, Salamon P, Zander K (2016) Citizens' perception of modern pig production in Germany: a mixed-method research approach. Brit Food J 118(8):2014-2032, DOI:10.1108/BFJ-12-2015-0458

  13. 12

    Rieger J, Weible D (2015) Changes in consumers' meat demand during the Dioxin scandal in Germany: the role of the media and consumer attitudes. Jb Österr Gesellsch Agrarökon J Austrian Soc Agric Econ 25:87-96

  14. 13

    Christoph-Schulz IB, Salamon P, Weible D (2015) What is the benefit of organically-reared dairy cattle? : societal perception towards conventional and organic dairy farming [online]. Int J Food Syst Dynam 6(3):139-146, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 18.09.2015]

  15. 14

    Efken J, Christoph-Schulz IB, Weible D, Käsbohrer A, Tenhagen B-A, Appel B, Bäurle H, Tamasy C, Spemann K (2014) Der Markt für Fleisch und Fleischprodukte [online]. German J Agric Econ 63(Suppl.):58-72, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 30.06.2014]

  16. 15

    Weible D (2013) Gender-driven food choice: explaining school milk consumption of boys and girls. J Consumer Pol 36(4):403-423, DOI:10.1007/s10603-013-9225-1

  17. 16

    Weible D, Salamon P, Christoph-Schulz IB, Peter G (2013) How do political, individual and contextual factors affect school milk demand? : Empirical evidence from primary schools in Germany. Food Policy 43:148-158, DOI:10.1016/j.foodpol.2013.08.015

  18. 17

    Salamon P, Pfau C, Grillenberger M, Christoph IB, Straßburg A, Weber SA, Peter G, González Mellado AA, Bonfig J, Weible D (2010) School milk demand: design and first results of the German federal research project "Focus on school milk". Landbauforsch 60(1):1-10

    Contributions in non-reviewed journals / magazines of Daniela Weible

    1. 0

      Christoph-Schulz IB, Weible D, Salamon P (2015) Zwischen Heidi-Idyll und Agrarfabrik - zur Wahrnehmung der Milchviehhaltung. Jb Österr Gesellsch Agrarökon J Austrian Soc Agric Econ 24:245-254

    2. 1

      Zander K, Bürgelt D, Christoph-Schulz IB, Salamon P, Weible D (2013) Nachhaltigkeitskennzeichnung bei Wildfisch aus VerbraucherInnenperspektive. Jb Österr Gesellsch Agrarökon J Austrian Soc Agric Econ 22(1):91-100

    3. 2

      Zander K, Bürgelt D, Christoph-Schulz IB, Salamon P, Weible D (2013) Nachhaltigkeitslogos in der Verbraucher-Wahrnehmung : Siegel haben für die Kaufentscheidung eine untergeordnete Bedeutung. Fischmag(9):62-65

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