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A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
© Thünen-Institut
A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
Institute of

WF Forestry

Thünen-Research Award 2017

The Thünen-Research award, offered by the association of the friends of the Thünen Institute (GdF), went to a team of authors from the three Thünen-Institutes of Forest Ecosystems (WO), Wood Research (HF) and International Forestry and Forest Economics (WF) for their article on "Costs and carbon sequestration potential of alternative forest management measures in Germany".

© Michael Welling, Thünen-Institut

Thünen-President Prof. Dr. Folkhard Isermeyer (left) as well as GdF-President Lorenz von Schintling-Horny (right) congratulate (from left) Dr. Matthias Bösch (WF), Dr. Peter Elsasser (WF), Dr. Sebastian Rüter (HF), Dr. Holger Weimar (WF), Prof. Dr. Matthias Dieter (WF) as well as Dr. Joachim Rock (WO, not displayed).

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