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A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
© Thünen-Institut
A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
Institute of

WF Forestry

Private forest owners in Germany – who they are and what they want

At the 68th Annual Meeting of the German Forestry Council (DFWR) on June 24th – 26th in Berlin, Prof. Dr. Dieter, director of the Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics, informed about the results of a nationwide representative Thünen survey on private forest owners in Germany.

© Manuel Pape

Under the motto "FOREST meets politics: perspectives for the private forest – address, advice, support, management", the German Forestry Council (DFWR) had invited to its annual conference in Berlin.

Around 70 participants attended the presentation of Prof. Dr. Dieter. He pointed out that private forest owners are part of the society. The majority of the approximately 1.82 million private forest owners use wood, but the owners do not live from wood sales, especially in the small private forest. Their forest is very important to the owners and for them predominantly also a place of active management. State foresters act as central contact persons. The private forest owners are also open to conservation goals for the forest.

In summary, multifunctional forestry is an integral part of the forestry activities of private forest owners, who wish to keep their active management role. However, it should also be noted that the trend of the generational change is probably risk and opportunity at the same time. New approaches to address private forest owners are and will become increasingly necessary, particularly when state counselling services are reduced.

DFWR-Invitation (in German)

DFWR-Berlin-Declartation (in German)

Thünen-Survey (in German)

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