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A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
© Thünen-Institut
A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
Institute of

WF Forestry

New Position for the Thünen Centre of Competence on the Origin of Timber

At the Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics a new position was created, aiming to analyse the consequences the European Union Timber Regulation (EUTR) has on illegal logging worldwide and timber markets.

© Margret Köthke; Thünen-Institut

Furthermore, suggestions will be elaborated for a coherent integration of the policy areas illegal logging, climate policy (REDD+), deforestation-free supply chains and bio economy.

The position is embedded in the Thünen Centre of Competence on the Origin of Timber and filled by Dr. Margret Köthke.

further Information: The European Timber Regulation and its effects

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