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A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
© Thünen-Institut
A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
Institute of

WF Forestry

Fernando Gordillo Vera – new staff member

Beginning in January Fernando Gordillo Vera was welcomed as a new research scientist in the working group Forest and Society.

© Fernando Gordillo; Lydia Rosenkranz

Fernando Gordillo has studied economics in Ecuador, Japan and Marburg; he holds a Master degree in International Development and, since 2014, also in Economics and Institutions. In addition to his scientific experience from a Corporate Governance research project, he brings practical experience as a manager and consultant to SMEs in many South American countries.

Within the scope of the project LaForeT, Fernando Gordillo will conduct research on incentive systems for the protection and provision of forest and environmental services ("Payments for Ecosystem Services"). This involves both the analysis of formal, informal and technical frameworks for the implementation of PES schemes as well as the determination of the benefits these have for the respective population. Both will help develop situation-adapted proposals for the establishment or improvement of PES schemes, which benefit forests as well as humans. Geographical priorities of this work are the Philippines and, in particular, Ecuador.

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