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A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
© Thünen-Institut
A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
Institute of

WF Forestry

Evaluation of the implementation of the Forest Strategy 2020

In 2011 the Federal Government adopted its Forest Strategy until the year 2020. The Thuenen-Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics has evaluated the implementation of the strategy in co-operation with the Länder.

The main component of the evaluation was an inquiry among the State Forest Administrations as to the degree by which the aims of the strategy were implemented by now. Flanking studies comprised respective analyses of results of the German National Forest Inventory, of results of a relevant population survey by BMEL and an own inquiry of relevant associations.

The implementation could be evaluated for about three thirds of the approximately 100 aims of the strategy. The majority of the aims revealed themselves as fully or at least partly reached. Shortfalls of the implementation are more frequent under socio-economic than under ecological aspects. A download of the summary of the evaluation results is now available under

Evaluierung der Umsetzung der Waldstrategie 2020 - Zusammenfassung

The Forest Strategy by itself can be downloaded from the websites of BMEL in German as well as in English:

Waldstrategie 2020

Forest Strategy 2020

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