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Institute of

OF Baltic Sea Fisheries

Round Table Marine Angling met at the Baltic Sea Fisheries Institute

The ICES advice on western Baltic cod and potential measures to ensure a rapid recovery of the stock were motive for a meeting of the leads of many German Anglers’ Federations at the Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries.

© D Fischer

Round Table Marine Angling met at the Baltic Sea Fisheries Institute.

Representatives of the Deutscher Angelfischer-Verband (DAFV), the Deutscher Meeresanglerverband (DMV), the Landesanglerverbände Schleswig-Holstein (LAV-SH) and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (LAV-MV), the Landessportfischerverband Schleswig-Holstein (LSFV SH), the Deutscher Fischereiverband (DFV) as well as officers of the German Baltic coastal states’ fisheries ministries attended the meeting. They were first thoroughly informed about the ICES advice and our data collection from the recreational fishery. Then an in-depth discussion followed on the potential contribution of recreational fishers to the recovery of the stock.

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