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Institute of

OF Baltic Sea Fisheries

Press release of Rostock University on a cooperative cod modelling project

Rostock University promotes cooperation between Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries and the Institute of Informatics.

Maria Pierce und Dr. Uwe Krumme im Thünen-Institut für Ostseefischerei
© ITMZ, Universität-Rostock

Maria Pierce und Dr. Uwe Krumme im Thünen-Institut für Ostseefischerei

The common project started in summer 2016 and aims at modelling the effect of oxygen depletion and food availability on the cod population in the eastern Baltic sea. The study uses established knowledge on the physiological reaction of fish on low oxygen availability to model the individual response and later the response of the population. The Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries funds the work mainly by financing a 3-year PhD position; the student, Maria Pierce, is supervised by Prof. A. Uhrmacher of the Institute of Informatics. With this trans-disciplinary approach, we hope to better understand the mechanisms of population changes caused by anoxia and major inflows of saline and oxygen-rich water.

Press release Rostock University

Project: Agent-based modelling of Baltic cod

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