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Institute of

OF Baltic Sea Fisheries

German Fishers’ Federation Annual Summit: State of play of the implementation of the EU discard ban

This year’s scientific talks at the “Deutscher Fischereitag” focussed on practical aspects of the implementation of the landing obligation in EU waters.

© D Stepputtis


5 talks and a concluding podium discussion shed light on the state of play of this probably most fundamental policy change in the European Common Fisheries Policy. Scientists of the Baltic Sea Fisheries Institute provided the introduction (Zimmermann), an overview on technical solutions (mainly by improved gear selectivity, Stepputtis) and the chances and risks of applying the exemptions and flexibilities provided in the basic regulation. In summary, it seems possible to implement the landing obligation in a way that will not contradict the original objectives of the reform, specifically in the German fishery, and in spite of the various problems which still need to be solved. The “Deutscher Fischereitag” took place in Rostock this year.

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