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Institute of

OF Baltic Sea Fisheries

Fisheries research at Rostock’s “Long night of science”

Lots of interest in fresh fish display, recreational fishing and potential effects of the Major Baltic Inflow of saline water on commercially exploited fish.

"Long Night of Science" 2015 at Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries.
© Thünen-Institut/K Barz

"Long Night of Science" 2015 at Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries.

The Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries participated in Rostock’s “Long Night of Science” for the 4th time. Approximately 80 visitors used the 5 hrs evening slot to learn about Baltic fish biodiversity, and other current topics of our research. Dr Uwe Krumme presented the potential impact of the recent (Dec 2014) Major Baltic Inflow event on commercially exploited fish stocks. Dr Harry Strehlow demonstrated our approach to data collection from recreational fishers, and the impact their activity has on the stocks and coastal economy.

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