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List of Publication

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    Bellmann M, Loesch-Zhang A, Möck DMJ, Appelt J, Geissler A, Viöl W (2024) Hydrophobic glass and paper coatings based on plasma polymerized vegetable oils using a novel atmospheric pressure plasma concept. Plasma Processes Polymers 21(6):e2300224, DOI:10.1002/ppap.202300224

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    Loesch-Zhang A, Bellmann M, Möck DMJ, Appelt J, Geissler A (2023) Biobased hydrophobic glass and paper coatings obtained via plasma polymerization using a novel jet-induced sliding discharge method. In: Conference proceedings : Vol. I, oral presentations ; 21st International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry (ISWFPC 2023), Venice, Italy, 4th - 7th July 2023. p 287

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    Möck DMJ, Riegert C, Radtke S, Appelt J (2023) Process optimization and extraction of acids, syringols, guaiacols, phenols and ketones from beech wood slow pyrolysis liquids with supercritical carbon dioxide at different densities. J Supercrit Fluids 199:105937, DOI:10.1016/j.supflu.2023.105937

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    Möck DMJ, Appelt J (2022) Extraction of slow pyrolysis liquids with supercritical carbon dioxide at different densities. In: Ek M, Lachenal D (eds) EWLP 2022 16th European workshop on lignocellulosics and pulp, June 28 - July 1, Gothenburg : Abstracts poster presentations. pp 58-62

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    Möck DMJ, Appelt J (2022) Liquid organic hydrogen carrier for upgrading of pyrolysis oil - Insights from a lab-scale batch reactor study with dibenzyltoluol. In: Funke A, et al (eds) IEA Bioenergy Task 34 Newsletter Direct Thermochemical Liquefaction PyNe (51), 2022. IEA Bioenergy, pp 20-23

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    Möck DMJ (2021) Untersuchungen zur katalytischen Transferhydrierung von Modellsubstanzen und biogenem Pyrolyseöl mithilfe des Wasserstoffträger (LOHC) -Systems Dibenzyltoluol/Perhydro-Dibenzyltoluol. Hamburg: Univ Hamburg, Fak für Mathematik, Informatik und Nat Wiss, Fachber Biologie, 115 p, Hamburg, Univ, Fachber Biologie, Masterarbeit, 2021

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    Möck DMJ (2018) Vergleichende Bestimmung der statischen und dynamischen Biegeeigenschaften ausgewählter Stallbauhölzer. Hamburg: Univ Hamburg, Fak f Math Inf und Naturwiss, 65 p, Hamburg, Univ, Fak f Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften, Fachber Biologie, Bachelorarb, 2018

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